Puja Talwar

Puja Talwar

Korean Writer

BA in History, St Stephen's College

Puja Talwar, an alumna of St. Stephen's College with a BA in History, brings a rich background in media from her tenure at Good Times, NDTV. Her expertise lies in the vibrant world of Korean Pop Culture, where her passion and knowledge converge. With an academic foundation complemented by professional experience, Puja has become a go-to authority in the field of Korean entertainment.

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Articles Written By Puja Talwar

EXCLUSIVE: ‘All of Us Are Dead’ star Cho Yi Hyun on her chemistry with Lomon, possibili...
EXCLUSIVE: ‘All of Us Are Dead’ star Cho Yi Hyun on her chemistry with Lomon, possibili...
EXCLUSIVE: Netflix Korea’s VP Don Kang talks Indian remakes of Korean series, unscripte...
EXCLUSIVE: Netflix Korea’s VP Don Kang talks Indian remakes of Korean series, unscripte...