Dragon Ball: Best Non Canon Super Saiyan Forms, Ranked
Ever wondered what spectacular non-canon Super Saiyan forms look like? From Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta to Super Saiyan Bardock, find the full list inside!

Dragon Ball has been known for its characters’ transformation ability, ever since the first Super Saiyan transformation took place way back in 1991. Being one of the coolest power-ups, it has gradually taken over fans across media of all genres.
From the design, color, and art style, there are very few transformations in manga and anime that come to par. However, what is actually even cooler, is the kind of variations it offers.
From Goku to Vegeta, they all have their unique specialties when it comes to transformation, not to mention the effect their constant power-ups have on their own Super Saiyan forms, once they master their power.
However, what many are unaware of is that alongside the canon transformations that fans love, there are actually some non-canon transformations that took place in the anime over the years that make up some of the coolest variations ever seen. From Bardock to Vegeta’s Super Saiyan 3 form, here is a list of them:
Best 5 Non-canon Super Saiyan Forms in Dragon Ball, Ranked
5. Goku’s Super Saiyan 4 form
The Super Saiyan 4 form was more or less lost in obscurity until it reared its head again as the fan base spread across the world over time. Although most people might not be a fan of this look, its charm lies in its uniquely distinguishable attributes compared to the other Super Saiyan forms.
With its red fur, black-as-night hair, and tail, combined with the red eyeliner, made its appearance in the Dragon Ball GT series, it proved to be a bit or miss among the Goku appreciators.
However, it has garnered enough support over time to be known as one of the most famous non-canon Saiyan forms. Especially so, as reigned supreme in the power scale until the appearance of the Super Saiyan God transformation of recent times.

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4. Trunks’ Super Saiyan God form
Trunks has made himself a fan-favorite character of the Dragon Ball universe, ever since his first appearance in the series. As a result, even with the celebration of his unlocking both Super Saiyan 1, as well as 2 forms, not to mention his amazing transformation into the special Super Saiyan Rage form, his fans were slightly disheartened at his apparent lack of the Super Saiyan God transformation.
Thankfully, keeping this in mind, the Super Dragon Ball Heroes served the fans their much coveted Super Saiyan God Trunks, with the glorious red hair, incandescent aura, as well as the perfectly calm manner the transformation boasts of.
3. Goku’s false Super Saiyan form
Goku’s journey from finding out about his true identity and constant power-ups to achieving the God Ki has been splendid. However, an old transformation once lost to oblivion has finally made a steady comeback once its true magnificence was realized by fans. Although it only made its appearance once in the Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug movie, its splendor in all its primal glory has made a lasting impact.
What differentiates it most from the other Super Saiyan forms, is Goku’s natural black hair remaining intact, with the white eyes as well as the golden aura that comes with it. For fans of this look, what makes it truly work is how natural it appears, which gives it more of a sense of realism that connects them to it.
2. Vegeta’s Super Saiyan 3 form
Vegeta and Goku have always gone toe to toe in forms of power. Respecting one of the most legendary rivalries in manga and anime, they have always managed to achieve what the other has, or its equivalent power throughout, although Goku has managed to keep himself ahead by a slight margin. However, when it came to the Super Saiyan 3 form, fans were left disappointed as Vegeta seemed to completely skip it.
Keeping that disappointment in mind, the Dragon Ball video game, Raging Blast 2, alongside the Super Dragon Ball Heroes series fulfilled their wish by bringing forth said transformation. Keeping up with the menacing power it brings, combined with the long hair, it easily became one of the most fan-favorite Vegeta transformations.

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1. Bardock’s Super Saiyan form
One of the most crucial characters of the Dragon Ball series, with unfortunately low screen time, Bardock has always been adored by the fans. Although he was a low-class member of the society, as most Saiyans back then, with average strength his pivotal role has paved the way for pretty much everything that unfolds in the series. As a result, fans have always wondered how his Super Saiyan form would have looked if he was granted the necessary power-up.
Well thankfully, this very question was answered in a long-forgotten TV special, named Episode of Bardock. In it, he was seen unlocking his Super Saiyan form to fight a villain named Chilled, who happened to be an ancestor of Frieza. Although it takes place in a what-if timeline, the epitome of rage, as well as valor Bardock portrayed satisfied and stayed with the fans.
Will the future bring even more intriguing aspects of the Saiyan power to light? Although that is a question that will only be answered as the series evolves, the fans sure hope so. Keep up with us to learn more about it, in the meantime.

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