How Did Akira Toriyama Differentiate Between Teen And Future Trunks? Find Out
Dragon Ball illustrator Toyotarou reveals in an interview how Akira Toriyama separated the personas of the 2 Trunks.
![Difference Between Teen and Future Trunks [PC - Crunchyroll - Toei Animation] Dragon Ball Creator Explains How He Differentiated Between Teen and Future Trunks](
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Dragon Ball Super
The latest issue of the shōnen V Jump magazine features an interview with Toyataro, the artist behind Dragon Ball Super. He is the chosen successor of the late Akira Toriyama, and in the interview, he gave more insights into the latter’s vision behind the character Trunks. Future Trunks is a Saiyan-Earthling hybrid and the son of Vegeta and Bulma, both from an alternate future.
In the interview, Toriyama mentions that he gave Trunks and Goten a mini-arc ahead of the manga’s Super Hero storyline at Toriyama's request. The mangaka had some trouble differentiating the two but Toriyama insisted on making Trunks a hero once he grows up. Future Trunks comes from a timeline where the Future Androids 17 and 18 killed the Dragon Team. Here’s everything different about the 2 Trunks, who are the same character, just from different timelines.
Trunks vs Future Trunks
Toyotarou initially had pitched the idea of mirroring Trunks and Goten’s high school lives with Gohan’s. This perfectly lines up with the storyline, with teenage Trunks’ design becoming closer to the existing Future Trunks. Akira Toriyama was nothing short of a genius for he understood the difference between the Two Trunks would be fundamental for the stroy's progress.
Future Trunks grew up without a Future Vegeta, which explains his serious demeanor compared to Teen Trunks, who is quite cocky and stingy like his father. When Future Trunks meets Vegeta in the past, he is seen trying to impress him and the latter barely acknowledges him. Future Trunks has met his counterpart, for he saved himself (Trunks) and his mother from being blown up.
About Toyotarou
Toyotarou is best known for Dragon Ball Super, which is currently on hiatus. Toyatrou first came across Akira Toriyana’s work in grade school. He never intended to become an artist and simply took it on as a hobby. He has never drawn any original work but has designed characters like Mule, Arak, Iwan, and Rumsshi, to name a few.
Although it’s unfortunate we will never know how many other arcs in the Dragon Ball series were influenced by Akira Toriyama, his legacy will remain for years to come. Stay tuned for more details about news related to Dragon Ball!

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