Box Office India: Kung Fu Panda 4 sees robust advance ticket sales; Have a look at the growth of the franchise
As Kung Fu Panda 4 gears up for release in less than a day, let's have a look at how the franchise with the most loved Panda in India has grown exponentially over the years.

Kung Fu Panda 4 is registering strong advances at the Indian box office for an animated film
Kung Fu Panda 4's advances prove how much India loves the 'Panda' franchise
Kung Fu Panda 4 releases in India on 15th March, 2024. It is playing in select countries already
Kung Fu Panda is among the most loved animated movie franchises. Kung Fu Panda, as a brand, has continued to rise with every film in India. The excitement for Kung Fu Panda 4 is palpable and the same can be seen in the robust advance bookings. Purely based on advance bookings, it seems like the 'Panda' film will emerge as the second most preferred movie choice for Indian moviegoers, which would be a great result.
Kung Fu Panda Films Have Historically Been Very Well Recieved In India
Kung Fu Panda became a sensation in India, right from its very first film, as it emerged a smash-hit. Kung Fu Panda 2 solidified the brand of 'Kung Fu Panda' by grossing around Rs 22 crores back in 2011, which was a huge figure for an animated film back in the days. Kung Fu Panda 3 one-upped it's predicessor by grossing over Rs 30 crores in 2016 and emerging as the highest grossing animated film in India, then.
Kung Fu Panda 4 Will Aim To Emerge As The Highest Grossing Film Of The Panda Franchise In India
As Kung Fu Panda 4 hits the theatres tomorrow, it is hoped that the audience garners just as much love to it as they have to other films from the franchise. The momentum is there and it is all about how it is received by the audience that it is meant for. The movie is doing exceedingly well in the countries it has released in and now, all eyes are on how India contributes to the film's collections. The expectations are for the 4th installment to emerge as the highest grossing film from the franchise. Anything over Rs 35 crores gross would be an exceptional result considering the current box office dynamics and new tax reforms.
Watch the Kung Fu Panda 4 Trailer
About Kung Fu Panda 4
Master Shifu asks Po, the Dragon Warrior, to find his successor. Po obviously is not willing to give up the title, even if it means that he will become the spiritual leader of the Valley Of Peace. Master Shifu assures him that he will eventually find his successor. Later on, Po sees a fox secretly enter the Hall Of Warriors. He catches the fox, who introduces herself as Zhen, stealing ancient weapons from the Hall Of Warriors and offers her a jail sentence.
Locals from the Valley Of Peace say that Tai Lung has returned and will destroy the village. Zhen says that it isn't Tai Lung but a chamaleon who can shape-shift into the animal that she wants. Zhen offers to help Po find the chamaleon in exchange of reconsidering her jail term, to which he obliges. The story that follows shows the challenges that Po faces to fight the chamaleon. Does Po find the next Dragon Warrior? Watch Kung Fu Panda 4 to find out.
Kung Fu Panda 4 In Theatres From 15th March, 2024
Kung Fu Panda 4 releases in theatres on 15th March, 2024 in India. The tickets for the film can be booked from the box office or through online ticketing applications.
How excited are you to meet Po and his family?

Kung Fu Panda 4 Review: Po saves The Valley Of Peace but the film, only to an extent