8 Most Crucial Plot Points From House of the Dragon Season 2
House of the Dragon Season 2 was stitched with fire and blood of the Targaryen civil war: from Haelena’s son killed by Prince Daemon’s accomplices to the epic showdown over the Battle of Rook’s Rest.

House of the Dragon Season 2 was stitched with fire and blood from the Targaryen civil war. From Haelena’s son being killed by Prince Daemon’s accomplices to Vhagar and Meleys’ epic fire-breathing showdown over the Battle of Rook’s Rest– the consequential events in Season 2 go beyond the stipulated timeline.
The season finale, however, has left fans divided, sparking debates about Season 2’s motive and displeasing conclusion. While many extolled the political nature of the show, others lamented the unending buildup for the war, which fans will now have to wait another two years at the least to witness.
Showrunner Ryan Condal's response to the criticism reassured viewers that Season 2 was the penultimate step before they leap into the Dance of the Dragons, sure to unravel in the forthcoming season. Meanwhile, let us look back at the key developments in HOTD Season 2.
8. Prince Aemond avenges Prince Lucerys Velaryon’s death
A son for a son is what Season 2 unravels into the first and arguably most gory episode. The debut season ended on a shocking cliffhanger after Prince Aemond, though unwillingly, shreds Prince Lucerys and his dragon into pieces.
Thus, Prince Daemon, in his pursuit of bloodshed, sends two accomplices, Blood and Cheese, to King’s Landing as they sneak past the Red Keep and into the palace to avenge Prince Luke’s death. Blood and Cheese find King Aegon’s heir, Prince Jaehaerys, and is decapitated after mother and sister-wife, Queen Haelena confirms the baby’s identity.
7. Queen Alicent realizes the doom she brought upon the Targaryens
In Episode 3, The Burning Mill, Queen Rhaenyra considers a last resort before she is off to war. She visits King’s Landing, in disguise of course, and finds a strategic moment to have an eavesdrop-worthy conversation with a praying Queen Alicent at the church.
Rhaenyra tries to be considerate of Alicent’s understanding of King Viserys’ final words, as both don’t want the impending war. It dawns upon the Rightful Queen that her father was quoting the Prince That Was Promised, a secret tale that only heirs are made privy of.
Alicent, with her doubts, flees while Rhaenyra, content with her father’s dying wish, is willing to fight for her rightful place on the Iron Throne.
6. Criston Cole betrays his King
Criston Cole and Aemond scoff at King Aegon’s weak mind from the start. Hence, they embark on their own strategy, hence the sneaky attempt at Battle of Rook’s Rest that caused Rhaenys’ death.
But Cole is faced with the reality of Aemond’s evil after he finds King Aegon fallen, half-burned by Vhagar. He realizes the chaos he’s unleashed by backing the Prince Regent’s plans in his spiteful attempt to gain a respectable noble position in King’s Landing. The Dornishman can’t turn away now.
5. Rhaenys dies in battle
A key figure in Queen Rhaenyra’s fight for power, The Queen Who Never Was, Rhaenys sacrifices her and Meleys’ to the Battle of Rook’s Rest. The bloodshed has agitated Dragonstone and Rhaenyra sends her most experienced rider Rhaenys.
Rhaenys’ attempt to singlehandedly fight off Criston Cole and his army exposes Aemond’s ill intent to kill his own brother. Meleys and Rhaenys fight until their last breath, despite being ambushed by King Aegon’s Sunfyre and Prince Aemond’s Vhagar. The episode introduces another shocking death that tips the balance in Queen Rhaenyra’s favor.
4. Rhaenyra hires new Dragonriders
Rhaenyra is lost in Targaryen lore and contemplates the only solution that exists to win the war. She calls for smallfolk with even a drop of Targaryen blood or Valyrian genes in them to claim dragons and fight for the Blacks.
Lord Corlys’ illegitimate son, Addam of Hull, and Targaryen sons Ulf and Hugh join the force and even scare away the invincible Aemond and Vhagar in Episode 7, The Red Sowing.
3. Daemon’s hallucination about the future
The HOTD Season 2 finale directly ties its links to the Game of Thrones with a hallucination about Queen Daenerys. By now, Daemon’s internal struggles are established with the constant hallucinations during his time at Harrenhal.
In the finale, Alys leads Daemon to a cursed tree to declutter his vision about the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. As he touches it, Daemon witnesses fierce visions of the past and future and a fleeting glimpse of Daenyrs playing with her dragons.
Daemon is faced with the harsh truth when he sees Queen Rhaenyra seated at the Iron Throne with the crown on her head. He realizes that she is the chosen one, fit to bring the kingdom together.
2. Dowager Queen Alicent seeks Rhaenyra
Rhaenyra has turned the tables on her enemies by hiring new Dragonriders for the disclaimed dragons in Dragonstone. The power gained wavers the Greens and Queen Alicent makes her way to Dragonstone to have one final conversation before the war.
Alicent pitches that Queen Rhaenyra claims the Iron Throne while Aemond and Vhagar are off to Harrenhal to prevent the bloodshed. But the latter isn’t convinced and laments Alicent for starting a war off her misinterpretation and blind support for a usurper of a son.
“A son for a son”, Rhaenyra quotes and asks Alicent to willingly give up her son Aegon’s head in the season finale. Alicent hesitantly complies and speaks of a life of peace, even asking Rhaenyra to run away with her.
1. Daemon succumbs to his oath
While all of King’s Landing and all stakeholders had pledged loyalty to the future Queen Rhaenyra during King Viserys’ reign, his death wreaked havoc on the order of things.
King Aegon usurps her throne while Prince Daemon, believed to be on Rhaenyra’s side, is building an army of his own in Harrenhal to take over the Iron Throne himself. Hallucinations terrorize him throughout the season, courtesy of the witch, Alyss.
In the finale, Episode 8, titled The Queen Who Ever Was, Queen Rhaenyra takes off to Harrenhal to face Daemon and the treachery he’s been up to all this while. Rhaenyra, despite her new dragonseeds, seeks the support of her betrothed uncle Prince Daemon.
The King consort drains his twist plans to take the throne for himself with a gracious feat as he bends the knee to Queen Rhaenyra in front of his massive army, which he so painstakingly built. The development brings in greater odds for the Blacks to win the Dance of the Dragons, to be continued in Season 3.

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