A God Girl's Guide to Murder: Major Changes That Were Made In The Series From The Books
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder series changes Andie Bell's character, location and time. Find out here.

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is a six-part series that breaks from the mold of the usual high school sagas. Instead, this show explores murder, mystery, and how traumatic those concepts can be for a community. Starring Pippa Fitz-Amobi, played by Emma Myers, the series tackles the unveiling of a murder mystery that stunned Little Kilton.
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is a series adapted from the novel of the same name by Holly Jackson, which revolves around the murder of Andie Bell by her boyfriend Salil Singh. It has had very high viewings and is ranked in Netflix's Global Top 10 with an 82% score against Rotten Tomatoes' Tomatometer. This adaptation, too, indulges in large-scale usage of the creative freedom handed over to it via necessary changes in the source text, which grossly affects the story.
Location and time
According to MovieWeb A Good Girl's Guide to Murder series had to change their setting since Holly Jackson is one of those authors who wrote two versions of her novel; one set in the US and another in the UK. For US readers, Fairview, Connecticut, fitted as a setting for the series, but it opened up on location in this charming English town. However, the BBC bought the rights for the series, which might mean it was in the UK.
The series also changes the original timeline of the story, shifting seven years from the series. While in the novel it is set in the year 2017, starting three years after Andie's death in 2014, in the series, events start in 2024, five years before her death in 2019. The shift has been minute regarding time-sensitive aspects, such as Pip's main social media channel in the series becoming Facebook instead of Instagram in the novel.
The series differs from the book in a couple of ways. These changes most probably have been done upon the author's approval, with Jackson as one of the executive producers so the show can stand on its own and give another perspective to the novel. Some of these changes have affected the storyline, but with its success, viewers seem content with what they are fed. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is on Netflix.
The series tones down Pip's investigation skills
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder series sees Pip conduct research into the mysterious death of Andie. Even though this is her EPQ, the show has dialed it back a notch as far as Pip's detective work goes. Book-Pip investigated much more frenetically and on a much larger scale; Pip interviewed a lot of people and collected a lot of information. Her persistence pays off as the work that she does uncovers some questions which have haunted her community since Andie's death.
Throughout the series, Pip is helped by others and usually tends to luck into answers. Naomi gives a hint that Sal has an alibi when it comes to Andie's murder. Jesse tells Pip that Becca was assaulted. Pip does ultimately figure out who murdered Andie and manages to prove Sal's innocence; however, the series diminishes Pip's skills as a detective, which could impact that character. However, considering the time and length limitation of adapting a novel to a series or film, it may be justified not to go into details about Pip's investigation.
Andie Bell's character differs in the series
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder had an utterly different take on the character of Andie Bell, focusing on her murder and her boyfriend Salil having a link to that crime. The series portrayed Andie as the sweetheart of Little Kilton, loyal to her friends and very capable of getting along with her sister Becca. The series also made sure to add some flaws to the character of Andie, like her relationship with Elliot and her drug dealing. These flaws are somewhat redeemed through performances of Andie breaking up with dating Elliot and her drug dealing as means to deal with her abusive dad.
This is far from the character of Andie that the novel presents. In the novel, Andie is conceited and a mean friend to everyone. She comes off jealous and lying, a bully - does whatever it takes to remain popular. For instance, Nat is never described as being a friend to Andie in the series. The two have a hostile relationship where Andie leaked nude pictures of Nat during high school; hence, she earned the nickname "Nude-Gate Nat."
The death of book-Andie feels very communal in nature, though her actions are not at all treated as an excuse for her murder. It's in that loving and warm nature in which Andie's character was portrayed throughout the series, making her death even more powerful. Still, five years after her death, Little Kilton was in mourning. The sensitive presentation of Andie within the series made it even more unbelievable for the audience when it was exposed she had been romantically involved with Elliot and had indulged in drug dealing. This "golden girl" presentation is indicative of how one ever really knows anyone.

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder Ending Explained: Who Is Responsible For Killing Andie Bell?