Days of Our Lives March 27 Episode Recap: Alex Learns About Philip and Stephanie’s Affair; Holly Reveals Tate’s Truth to Doug
The trail of confessions continues in the new episode of Days of Our Lives as Alex learns of Philip and Stephanie’s affair. Scroll down to read the details.

The trail of confession continues in the new episode of Days of Our Lives. Sarah walks into Stephanie’s apartment and tells her that Xander had overheard her conversation with Philip and now believes that Stephanie and the latter are having an affair. Hearing about the mishap, Stephanie begins to panic, but Sarah calms her down by reminding her that least Xander does not know about the forged letters.
Sarah, however, asks the latter to continue with the misunderstanding so that her lie isn’t caught. However, Stephanie worries that if Alex learns of the story, he would feel cheated and their relationship would be over.
Sarah begs Stephanie to continue with the pretend game for Xander’s sake. She continues to say that she is happy to see the latter and Philip getting together.
On the other hand, Philip tries to distract Xander with his talks, but in return, Xander shocks the former by accusing him of sleeping with Stephanie. Philip did not deny the accusations but went on to defend himself. He claimed that whatever Xander overheard was not as it seemed. When Xander asked Philip to come clean about his affair, Alex overhears and goes on to catch hold of him and try to choke him. Alex announces that he is done working for the Titan and storms off.
Meanwhile, Holly reveals to Doug that it was her boyfriend, Tate, who ratted him out in front of Julie. Surprised at the confession, Doug claims that ultimately it was he who stole the necklace.
Holly, however, doesn’t care and stated that the theft was none of Tate’s business. She added that he should not have complained of it to Julie like a two-year-old. She storms off to meet Tate.

Days of Our Lives March 26 Episode Recap: Maggie Learns of Doug’s Theft; Details Inside