Happy Birthday Anthony Mackie: Revisiting Top 10 Sam Wilson Moments As MCU Star Turns 46
Anthony Mackie's portrayal of Sam Wilson has made him one of the best actors in Hollywood. From his debut in Winter Soldier to Civil War, Infinity War and Avengers Endgame, the character shines every time. On Anthony Mackie's 46th birthday, we revisit the Sam Wilson special top 10 MCU moments.

Anthony Mackie, better known as Sam Wilson worldwide, reached new heights in Hollywood through his portrayal of this iconic role. The MCU first introduced Sam Wilson to the silver screen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Speaking less but showing great flying skills during action sequences, this role quickly won hearts of millions of fans.
Based on Marvel Comics, Sam is best known as superhero Falcon in MCU movies. He is a skilled fighter with maneuverable and prominent wings, an expert in using advanced jet packs, and always standing up for Captain America. While being considered a supporting character in the initial MCU days, Sam Wison has now taken over as Captain America, promising a bigger role in future stories.
In order to celebrate Anthony Mackie's 46th birthday, we are revisiting the top 10 Sam Wilson MCU moments. So Avengers Assemble and read on!
10. The Flying Machine vs. Quinjet
Sam's fight with the massive Quinjet also adds to the list of his unforgettable moments. It's not a bird, it's not a plane, it's the Falcon! Sam does what he is most famous for and shows off his unmatched flying skills in this scene. He spins and flies, in an unparalleled way and even escapes a missile cementing his position as one of the Avengers’ best assets.
9. The Falcon vs. Rumlow
While Sam Wilson is known for his bravery, he can also sometimes end up being reckless. In The Winter Soldier, he proceeds to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Rumlow. With no armor, and no wings, he goes to battle Rumlow with only his bare hands. Although Wilson has garnered a lot of fighting skills by training while in the army, he continues to get batted by Rumlow.
In this jaw-dropping action sequence, Sam Wilson ultimately jumps from the building onto a flying helicopter, winning hearts of his entire fanbase with an incredible action performance.
8. ‘I hate you’
In addition, excelling in on-ground fights, Sam never misses a moment to take a jibe at others with his sharp commentary. The entire MCU has witnessed Sam Wilson's sense of humor over the years. One such moment is seen in the movie Civil War during Bucky and Falcons fight against Spider-Man. Spider-Man knocks them both to the ground and traps them in webs.
When Sam ultimately uses his pet Redwing to lure Spider-Man away from them, Bucky asks if he had this plan all along then why he didn't use it earlier. As the two superheroes lie on the ground trapped in nets Sam drops his humor bomb, laughs lightly and sarcastically notes, 'I hate you'.
7. The superhero revelation
When the audience first meets Sam Wilson, they perceive him to be a soldier. When Steve and Natasha hideout at Sam’s place while on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D/HYDRA, Sam shows that he is much more than an average soldier. He eventually reveals his high-end technology that makes him just as capable as any other superhero. This scene undoubtedly becomes important as one of the key moments of Sam Wilson’s origins in the MCU.
6. Sam stands by Steve’s side
Sam and Steve were considered one of the best duos in the MCU long before our OG Captain America decided to hand over his shield to the former. While Steve always have the best foot forward on the battlefield, sometimes even the greatest need a helping hand. In this regard, for Cap, Sam has often been the hand he sought during critical moments.
This was most evident when Sam agreed to fight on Captain America’s side in Civil War.
Even though Cap cannot fly, in one crucial moment during the fight sequence, he jumps from the rooftop relying only on Sam. The latter also enters the party just in time to save Cap. There are many MCU moments where Sam is always there for the Captain.
5. ‘I can see you’
In this moment, we see Sam absolutely annoyed by Ant-Man during a fight in the 2015 movie Ant-Man. While Ant-Man finally gets a place in the Avengers squad, Sam believes he is a spy and decides to capture him. With the help of his brilliant Falcon suit, Sam manages to catch everything, no matter how small or invisible. And talk about his senses, no one can bypass that! However, this moment is the first time Sam faces another superhero who could shrink and disappear.
After Scott reaches the roof of the new Avengers base, he shrinks down and tells Dr Hank Pym that Sam cannot see him anymore. However, the Falcon quickly points out “I can see you.” While the scene ends in a fight, it certainly makes it to one of the top Sam Wilson moments in the franchise.
4. ‘On Your Left’
Considered to be one of the most popular and lighthearted moments in the MCU, Sam is seen casually jogging in the park and following his typical routine in the scene. Right after, Steve crosses Sam and says 'On your left' three times at a speed bound to give one a whiplash! The scene remains etched in MCU history as an unforgettable and hilarious moment. While we know Sam can't outdo Steve, he makes a valiant effort. The first meeting between the two characters thus becomes more than race but a beginning of a friendship and bond wrapped in loyalty and respect.
3. ‘Captain, can you hear me?’
The OG Avengers trio, Thor, Stark and Cap teaming up against Thanos during Avengers Endgame was so iconic that it broke cinema halls. During the scene we see Stark ready with his nanotech to amp up his weapons against Thanos, Thor standing as a Norse God with all his strength and Rogers’ Captain lifting the Mjolnir.
However, the combined power of the three soon starts falling short against Thanos. Just when all hope is lost, just when it seems our heroes will lose, Rogers hears a voice saying 'Captain can you hear me?' Right after he turns, Rogers sees Sam, circling around in the sky, making not just Cap but the audience hopeful about everyone coming back. Shortly after, Doctor Strange brings back all the heroes who were turned into dust after Thanos’ snap. And while the moment easily goes down in cinema as history, it is also to be remembered how it all began with one voice- Sam’s.
2. Wakanda fight
One of the most intense fight scenes in the MCU is the Wakanda fight in Avengers Infinity War. When the OG Avengers called everyone into the fight, Falcon aka Sam stood on the forefront. Like a true Avenger, he landed on the battlefield with his companions.
With an advanced and upgraded suit, Sam pierced through the enemies, making fans gasp as well as cherish one of the most memorable Falcon moments. When Sam fired blasts from his upgraded wings onto Thanos' deadly giant circle monster, with unmoving courage and dedication, he stole the spotlight with his electrifying combat skills.
1. The new Captain America
The ultimate Falcon moment in the MCU is undoubtedly credited to the moment where the new Captain America is born. It was during Avengers Endgame era when we along with Steve Rogers’ Captain America realized it's time to hand over his duties (and his shield) to someone else. The moment reaches its climax during an emotional and deeply touching scene much later in The MCU. In The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Falcon turns to Bucky just before lifting the shield, seeking a silent nod of request from his friend and ultimately accepting his new role. Sam steals the moment and stands out from the crowd.
Avengers Endgame has given us many things- death for some and happiness for some. Tony once told Steve to choose his own happy ending and when the time came, Rogers did just that. Falcon gets the shield and Steve gets his promised last dance. Though Steve Rogers’ Captain America’s legacy is unforgettable, it is time for someone new to lead the team and as Captain America, Falcon is the perfect fit!

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