House of the Dragon Season 2: Who Is Daeron Targaryen In the Sequel? Explained
will delve even deeper into the history of the Targaryen family, but will one member of the dragon-riding dynasty join the likes of Emma D'Arcy's Rhaenyra, Matt Smith's Daemon.

House of the Dragon is a series that revolves around the Targaryen family, with one member, Daeron, missing the inaugural season. Daeron, the youngest son of Viserys and Alicent Hightower, is not mentioned in the show. However, he is acknowledged in two ways: in the opening credits, where Alicent's blood flows from her children, and in the text, when Daemon references the four dragons belonging to the Greens.
Daeron's dragon is not counted as an adult earlier, but he is not present. He was cut from the first season to avoid another young character requiring recasting. However, his addition in Season 2 is assured, and he will play a crucial role in the upcoming conflict.
Who is Daeron Targaryen?
Daeron Targaryen, also known as Daeron the Daring, is a crucial character in the upcoming Dance of the Dragons, but has never appeared or been referenced by his family. The trailers for House of the Dragon Season 2 suggest Daeron doesn't exist in the television universe. His presence would significantly shift the balance of power between the Greens and Blacks, leaving people wondering if his role in the Targaryen civil war was ever important.
Since Daeron has yet to be referenced in House of the Dragon, all information about him has to be taken from George R. R. Martin's Fire & Blood. Prince Daeron Targaryen was born in 114 AC as the youngest child of Viserys I Targaryen and Alicent Hightower.
He's not that much younger than Rhaenyra's eldest son Jacaerys Velaryon. Since Rhaenyra and Alicent didn't get along as adults, Viserys' bizarre method of conflict-resolution was for the boys to share a wet nurse, hoping they'd bond over being milk brothers. As one would expect, this did not strengthen their friendship in the slightest.
Daeron, a rival to the Velaryon boys, was sent to serve as a cupbearer and squire to Lord Ormund Hightower in Oldtown at age 12. He didn't act on his resentment for his nephews, as he was sent to be a cupbearer and squire. After Viserys I's death, Aegon II Targaryen ascended the throne, and Daeron spent most of his time in battle, riding his dragon Tessarion.
Daeron earned his nickname Daeron the Daring for his persistent courage during every battle. After Aemond's death and Aegon II's incapacity, Daeron was considered the Blacks' greatest threat. Despite his perceived confidence and pluck, Daeron displayed compassion and empathy toward bystanders. He found himself disagreeing with his family over murdering people who surrendered. Daeron's status as the gentler brother both strengthened and weakened his position as a leader in battle.
After the deaths of Aemond and Daemon Targaryen in the Battle Above the God's Eye, Daeron became the heir to the Iron Throne. Rhaenyra took King's Landing, Aegon II went missing, and his son Maelor was killed. Daeron was the only Targaryen left to fight, and when one person is named King, another claimer follows.
Many Greens declared that Daeron should be crowned king as they believed Aegon II was dead, but the dragonseed, Hugh Hammer, said it should be himself instead. In response, Daeron threw wine at Hugh, who was not a threat but rode Vermithor. Daeron agreed for Hugh to be killed by the Caltrops, reducing his enemies.
Daeron participated in the Second Battle of Tumbleton after Hugh and Ulf White burned down the market of Tumbleton. Daeron was extremely apathetic to the town's losses, and ordered the Greens to cease executing Blacks who had surrendered. However, his plea failed to sway anybody.
The Caltrops planned to assassinate Hugh and Ulf, but were met by Seasmoke's rider Addam Velaryon with 4,000 soldiers. The Blacks won the battle due to Daeron's death, which remains a mystery in Westerosi history. Some believe he was killed by a Myrish sellsword, Black Thrombo, or a man-at-arms. Most historians agree that Daeron died after his burning tent collapsed on him.
Why wasn't Daeron in House of the Dragon season 1?
Season 1 of the House of the Dragon can be viewed as a prelude to Dance of the Dragons, with Daeron's absence acceptable due to his shared animosity with his Velaryon nephews and his lack of political influence over the break between Alicent and Rhaenyra, with Helaena playing a role as a barter for peace.
George R R Martin himself explained on his blog that Alicent canonically has four children with Viserys I, including Daeron, in House of the Dragon. Showrunner Ryan Condal has teased that Daeron remains to be seen. Since there was so much going on in the first season alone, Daeron is left in Oldtown to fulfill his Fire & Blood storyline.
There are already too many characters who haven't gotten the time of day to receive a proper storyline. Adding Daeron in the mix will just create a giant pile of underdeveloped characters.
What will Daeron add to the second season?
Daeron is set to be a key addition to season 2 of House of the Dragon. Despite the numerous claimants to the throne, Daeron's gentle nature and his fight for his family's survival could balance the scales. As the honorable prince missing in season 1, House of the Dragon must make him more of a person than the historical figure seen in Fire & Blood. Daeron's quick rise in popularity will help him make a name for himself as he returns to the dragon's throne in season 2.

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