House Of The Dragon: Why Do The Targaryens Marry Each Other? Explained

Incest is a significant and controversial theme in Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, particularly within House Targaryen, adding complexity and dark intrigue to the storylines.

Published on Jun 26, 2024  |  12:46 PM IST |  15.3K
House Of The Dragon: Why Do The Targaryens Marry Each Other
House Of The Dragon (PC: YouTube/House of the Dragon/Official Trailer/Max)
Key Highlight
  • Targaryens often marry within the family, leading to madness and other issues
  • Key relationships include Daenerys and Jon Snow, who are aunt and nephew

In the world of Game of Thrones and its prequel, House of the Dragon, there have been intricate characters and thick storylines that have fascinated many people. This is one aspect that’s been controversial among these series, especially in House Targaryen, since incest is an issue. Incest has really stood out as a major theme in Game of Thrones universe.

In both this series and the House of the Dragon, incest is something that keeps appearing itself now and then. The first occurrence was in the original series’ mothering and has persisted into the prequel. For example, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen falls in love with her uncle, Prince Daemon Targaryen; eventually, they wed each other when they reach episode number seven, Driftmark.

Rhaenyra’s two eldest sons, Jacaerys and Lucerys, are engaged to their cousins Baela and Rhaena, respectively, while Ser Harwin Strong is their biological father. However, if they were legitimate sons from her first husband, they would be marrying their own cousins. Also, Alicent Hightower’s children get involved in incestuous relationships as well. Her first son, Aegon II, marries his sister Helaena.

Targaryens reason for inbreeding

According to Targaryens, their bloodline ought to remain pure because this ensures stronger relationships with dragons who play a crucial role to them at all times within their society. Nonetheless, this kind of tradition also has certain demerits. It usually leads to insanity or madness more often than not; hence, it has become a popular saying that every time a Targaryen is born, the Gods flip a coin about whether he or she would be sane.


King Aerys II Targaryen is another victim whose life demonstrates dangers connected with inbreeding. He marries his sister Rhaella, producing several children, including Daenerys Targaryen. Unfortunately, Dannerys is going insane like her father. This may be seen in how she kills innocents during her assault on King’s Landing in the final season of Game of Thrones.

Other incestuous relationships

Daenerys also unknowingly involves herself with incest because she falls in love with Jon Snow, thinking that he is just a bastard from the Starks. However, it turns out Jon is really her nephew, i.e., Lyanna Stark’s legitimate son, whose father was Rheagar Targaryen. Even after learning this, Daenerys doesn’t want things to change between them, but Jon disapproves.

Cersei and Jaime Lannister are the most renowned pair who engage in an incestuous relationship in Westeros. They have a famous and central role to play within the story. Although they are Jaime’s offspring, their three children are believed to be King Robert Baratheon’s successors. 


The series also begins by showing how Jamie tries to kill Bran Stark when he finds them having sex together. Despite their efforts to end this affair together, they both die at the same time in season eight as Red Keep crumbles down on them.

In Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, incest is another major issue tackled head-on, which has led to heated debates among its fans worldwide. Mostly though prevalent within House Targaryen at large, but also significant among other families such as the Lannisters as well. 

It helps create complexity and adds to the darkness’ charm surrounding these tales, which keeps viewers interested and amazed most of the time throughout the episodes, thus increasing their fan base for both shows available on the Max streaming platform.

ALSO READ: House Of The Dragon Season 1 Recap: Find Out What Happened Till Now In The Targaryen Family Before Season 2 Premieres


Why do Targaryens practice incest?
Targaryens are inbred to keep their bloodline pure and strengthen their bond with dragons.

Who are the most famous incestuous couple in Game of Thrones?
The most famous incestuous couple is Cersei and Jaime Lannister.

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About The Author

Shovan has a Masters in Mass Communication and Journalism degree from Calcutta University. He loves to live in the



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