Is Ser Steffon Darklyn Related To House Targaryen In House Of The Dragon? Explored
Check out Ser Steffon's relation to House Targaryen in House Of The Dragon. Read ahead to know more about it.

The article contains spoilers from the second season of House of the Dragon.
House of the Dragon's latest season is making its fans discuss the storyline, which is filled with many twists and turns. Many are wondering about Ser Steffon and his relation to House Targaryen. If you are one of those, you have come to the right place.
How is Ser Steffon related to House Targaryen?
In the latest episode of House of The Dragon, titled Smallfolk, we saw a pivotal moment for Queen Rhaenyra as she finds herself with a lack of dragon riders but with an abundance of dragons who are in the caverns of the Dragonstone.
This occurs after the death of Princess Rhaenys, her most seasoned dragon rider. In one of the previous episodes titled Regent, Rhaenyra and her son Jacaerys Velaryon realized that records of Tragaryens who married outside of their family into other noble houses might exist.
There was a realization that these individuals' offspring might still possess sufficient Old Valyria blood to be eligible to claim a dragon.
In this week’s episode, the audience witnessed the outcome of that plan. Ser Steffon Draklyn was summoned by Rhaenyra, and she revealed that he is a distant relative of House Targaryen.
As Ser Steffon is called before Rhaenyra’s council, she reveals that his grandmother’s grandmother, Arianna, was a Targaryen princess, who married into House Darklyn.
As the great house of Duskendel continued to expand its family line, the Targaryen blood became progressively thinner over time.
That provides the audience with a rather straightforward method to determine Ser Steffon’s kinship with the Targaryens as a Targaryen princess married into the Draklyn House six generations ago.
Ser Steffon eagerly agrees to take on the challenge of taming a dragon, even though the consequences of failure would almost be death.
As many of the viewers may know, he was not successful. Everything appeared to be proceeding smoothly, but then Seasmoke, the dragon, detected his fear and concluded that he was not quite up to his standard. So, Seasmoke burns him to crisps with his flaming breath.
Ser Steffon's relation to House Targaryen in the book
As per the Winter Is Coming website, the George R.R. Martin source material has no mention of Ser Steffon’s or House Darklyn’s ties to House Targaryen.
He is one of several knights dedicated to Rhaenyra who, on the basis of their loyalty and determination, attempt to claim a dragon rather than any familial relation to the Tragfaryens, But Ser Steffon does ultimately meet his demise trying to claim dragon Seasmoke
As per the website, there is no mention of Arianna Targaryen, who married Hose Darklyn, in the book The World Of Ice and Fire; the associated family tree of House Targaryen suggests the same.
The fact that Ser Steffon's grandmother’s grandmother married into Hose Draklyn indicates that this would have occurred during the early days of House Targaryen's reign, possibly even before Aegon’s conquest, in the years when they mostly lived on the island stronghold of Dragonstone.
As per the aforementioned outlet, it is given that the majority of the seven kingdom’s masters only began keeping tabs on Aegon and his sister-wives' arrival in Westeros; the family tree is a little less clear that far back. There is a possibility that Arianna was Aegon I Tragaryen’s close ancestor.

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