Kristen Bell’s 5 to 9 Routine Revealed: Details on Workouts, Family Time, and Curated Food Habits
From quick exercise snacks and uphill bike rides to microwave dinners and family bedtime routines, Kristen Bell shares how she balances fitness, parenting, and simple food habits.

Kristen Bell knows how tough it is to fit exercise into a busy schedule. The actress has found a way to stay in shape by incorporating short workouts throughout her day. “I desperately try to fit in, say, that 15-minute cycle, but if it'll mess up my day, I'll get to it later,” she tells Business Insider.
Bell prefers variety in her workouts and often switches up her routine. “There will be six weeks where I hike every day, and the minute it feels comfortable, I'll switch.”
She also practices exercise snacking, squeezing in small bursts of movement. “I keep a set of 10 or 15-pound weights underneath furniture, so when I’m cooking dinner, I’ll do a set of bicep curls or shoulder presses.” At night, she pairs habits with workouts: “I let the dogs out to pee at 9 p.m. every night, and then I do 24 squats.”
Bell’s household follows a unique approach to mealtime. While her husband, actor Dax Shepard, rarely cooks, Bell takes a practical approach to feeding her family. She said she pops things in the microwave and just tries to make it work.
The couple’s two daughters, aged 10 and 11, have different eating habits. She admits that the girls are picky. She said that her husband is gluten-free and incredibly high-protein, so his meals are different.
Bell, who was vegetarian for 30 years, started eating meat again three years ago. She said she felt like she needed and wanted it and now she tries to eat high-protein like her husband to support the lifting.
Despite the mismatched meals, she talks about eating together: “The community of eating is far more important to me than the presentation.”
Bell encourages her daughters to make mindful food choices. She said that they talk a lot about health, nutrition, and how food affects our bodies and minds.
While she doesn’t ban treats, she teaches balance: “I don’t tell them they can’t have a doughnut, but I tell them to notice how they feel 30 minutes later.”
She is also a fan of Plezi drinks, a lower-sugar beverage brand she’s invested in. She said that water is the number one thing we should be giving our kids, but the reality for any parent is that they are going to ask for something sweet, and you can either fight with them all night or you can give them a Plezi, and it feels like a treat.
Evenings in the Bell-Shepard household are focused on family. She said they all go upstairs around 7:30 p.m. She usually sleeps in the kids’ room because they don’t like to sleep alone and her husband gets the master bedroom all to himself.
Before bed, they spend about 45 minutes talking. She said her kids’ brains are very open at night, they talk all about their day. The family also reads together.
She added that they are currently reading Mandy by Julie Andrews, which they like. Sometimes, Shepard entertains them by doing voices with their stuffed animals.
Though they have multiple bedrooms, Bell insists her daughters share a room. For Kristen Bell, bedtime isn’t just about sleep, it’s about staying connected.
She shared that it's their way of reconnecting, letting her daughters know that everything is secure, the day has passed, and everyone can sleep peacefully.