The Rings of Power Season 2: Who is The Stranger in Lord of the Rings Story?
There were many speculations on the Stranger's identity in The Rings of Power. Some suggested it might be Gandalf, but Tolkien lore also pointed to the Blue Wizards, Alatar, or Pallando.

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New revelations have sent us back to square one, just when we thought we had uncovered who was the Stranger in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. At the end of season one, we found compelling evidence that supported the mysterious wizard to be an iconic Lord of the Rings character. It was zeroed in after a whole season of speculation about the character.
Many were considered the main identity of the fallen Istari, from Saruman to Sauron. But the season 2 press tour started and kept all in confusion when we thought it was cracked. The showrunners, J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, revealed that they had no details yet, while actor Daniel Weyman also sounded unsure of his character. However, it would be more complicated as The Rings of Power season 2 will start this week. The main candidates for the born figure have been decoded. Let's uncover who the Stranger is.
It appeared that the Stranger could be Gandalf. It was confirmed in the season 1 finale that the character was an Istar (a wizard in Middle-earth) and an important line offered further details. The Stranger starts his new journey at the end of the season after gaining some memories; he tells Nori, "When in doubt... always follow your nose." The line appeared familiar with Gandalf's popular line from The Fellowship of the Ring to Merry. So far the show has not confirmed the Stranger as Gandalf but the Istar connection and return to The Fellowship suggested it could be true.
Although it might be certain that the Stranger was Gandalf, there are a few more candidates who fit the role. Tolkien Lore stated that Gandlaf, Saruman, and Radagast went to Middle-earth in the Third Age to control the growth of Sauron. So, the chances of seeing the character in The Rings of Power might be slightly early. Another option would be one of the Blue Wizards. Alatar and Pallando, also known as Morinehtar and Rómestámo in the later Tolkien writings, came to Middle-earth in the Second Age to restrict the reach of Sauron.Their main motive was to reduce Dark Lord's reach in the eastern and southern parts of Middle-earth. This was interesting in the light of season 2 where the Stranger headed east to Rhun. What could be more significant than this journey?

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