The Umbrella Academy: How Did The Team Get Their Powers Back in Season 4? Explored
How did the Hargreeves siblings in The Umbrella Academy regain their power after the events of Season 3. Find out here.

The Umbrella Academy is a comic book series dealing with a group of kids born in one day and out of the ordinary. Adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, they grow up to form the Umbrella Academy-an elite, super-powered crime-fighting unit. Despite fame, the lives of many members are destroyed.
As per CBR, the first two seasons tackle the world of the Academy with an impending apocalypse and dealing with their family problems in their own way. With Season 3 coming to a close on a massive cliffhanger, it really was very dramatic and left one wondering if the Academy will get back together in Season 4 and if their powers will ever be restored.
The third season of The Umbrella Academy takes place in Hotel Oblivion, a hotel that has now become a haven for the Academy as the world is slowly destroying itself. This hotel holds secrets in it, including guardians protecting a device that can reset the world. Sir Reginald Hargreeves needs seven individuals to activate each of the seven triggers for using this device.
Sir Reginald adopted seven of his 43 children and then released Marigold upon the world. His plan was to kill off Hotel Oblivion's Guardians and use the device with all seven switches flipped on. This would get themselves and Marigold in their bodies fired up. Thus, Reginald could reconstruct the world to his own vision, but he just wanted Abigail, his wife, back from the other side.
Sir Reginald manages to rewrite time with some device from Hotel Oblivion and thus appears to threaten the Umbrella Academy. Finally, Season 3 leaves the appearance of the team in Reginald Hargreeves's new world, but the device takes Marigold out of their bodies, which means they have no powers.
In season 4, The Umbrella Academy deals with a disastrous cataclysm wherein their powers are saved upon dressing up Abigail, Sir Reginald's wife, as Sy Grossman. Sy calls Five and the other members of the Academy to look for Jennifer because she has disappeared. However, Abigail was indeed planning a scheme. Five agreed to help Sy because the latter has a jar of Marigold tied to Jennifer's disappearance.
The maker of Marigold is Abigail, who accidentally created a twin element: Durango. Put together, they make a Cleanse reaction; put together, they destroy the world. Durango's inside Jennifer. Abigail sends the Umbrella Academy to find Jennifer in the hope of restoring their powers with Marigold. Once they find Jennifer, the Cleanse is set to begin, righting the wrongs.
The Umbrella Academy were very reluctant to take Marigold, and the majority decline to reclaim their powers. However, Ben drugs them by spiking their shots with Marigold and tricking everyone except Klaus, who has been sober for three years. Klaus throws the sake over his shoulder, and later Allison gives him a dose after he's shot as a means of saving his life.

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