Top 5 Tom Holland Roles Beyond Spider-Man As Actor Turns 28; From Cherry To The Devil All The Time

Tom Holland, beloved for his Spider-Man role, showcases versatility with standout performances in films like The Current War, Pilgrimage and Uncharted. He has proven his talent beyond the MCU.

Published on Jun 01, 2024  |  06:06 PM IST |  55.9K
Tom Holland (Credit: Instagram)
Tom Holland (Credit: Instagram)
Key Highlight
  • Holland's portrayal of a heroin-addicted war veteran in Cherry was praised
  • In Uncharted, Holland not only starred but also served as executive producer

Since his debut in Captain America: Civil War, Tom Holland has captured the hearts of fans with his charming appearance and friendly demeanor. His youthful looks and tendency to accidentally reveal spoilers have only added to his popularity.

Tom Holland is currently one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood. Over the past few years, he has been very active. In addition to continuing his role as Spider-Man, swinging around New York, he has participated in several big-budget films. Critics often praise his performances; although not all of these films are blockbusters, Holland's abilities shine through, solidifying his status as one of the most remarkable actors of his generation. 

Pilgrimage: A young monk's journey

In the 2017 Irish film Pilgrimage directed by Brendan Muldowney, Holland plays the role of Brother Diarmuid. The story takes place in the thirteenth century, where a group of monks are tasked with transporting religious relics across Ireland. However, their journey becomes perilous when they come face to face with Gaelic warriors.

Bernthal plays Jon and Armitage Richard is cast alongside Holland. Brother Diarmuid, who was portrayed by Holland, is part of a group of younger individuals who joined the monastery without any knowledge of worldly matters. Despite their naivety, later on they realize how little they knew about themselves or others.

In the Heart of the Sea: A cabin boy’s struggle

Ron Howard’s In the Heart of the Sea features Tom Holland as young Thomas Nickerson. The film centers on the sinking of the American whaling ship Essex, which inspired Herman Melville to write Moby-Dick. Brendan Gleeson plays an older Nickerson, who narrates the tale in flashbacks.


In the film, Holland's character is a 14-year-old cabin boy who faces harrowing challenges, including survival through cannibalism. To prepare for this role, Holland adhered to a stringent 500-calorie-a-day diet for months, demonstrating his deep commitment to his craft.

Edge of Winter: A raw performance

In one of his most intense performances, Tom Holland stars in Edge of Winter as Bradley, alongside Percy Hynes White as Caleb. Joel Kinnaman plays Elliot, the mentally unstable father who takes his two sons camping. The trip quickly spirals into chaos when Elliot loses control.

Although Edge of Winter did not achieve widespread popularity, it received critical acclaim for the outstanding performances of its actors, Holland and White. Despite their young ages, both actors effectively conveyed the horror and sadness of watching their loved ones' lives fall apart.

Cherry: A dark descent

One of Tom Holland's most challenging roles is in Cherry, directed by Anthony and Joe Russo. He plays the title character, a war veteran who suffers from PTSD and subsequently turns to bank robbery and heroin addiction.


Although the film received mixed reviews, Holland was praised for his intense and emotional performance. His portrayal of Cherry showcases his ability to handle complex characters with depth and sensitivity.

The Devil All the Time: A battle with darkness

Themes of violence and corruption in mid-20th century America are explored in The Devil All the Time, directed by Antonio Campos. Tom Holland plays Arvin Russell, a young man trying to protect his family in a corrupt town.

Based on Donald Ray Pollock's novel, the film received mixed reviews but was widely praised for Holland's performance. His portrayal of a traumatized individual who has endured significant hardships convincingly displayed his versatility as an actor.

Special Mention: Uncharted

Tom Holland stars as Nathan Drake, a young treasure hunter in Uncharted, inspired by one of the world's most popular video game series. Directed by Ruben Fleischer, the movie follows Drake and his mentor-turned-partner-in-crime, Victor Sullivan, portrayed by Mark Wahlberg, as they search for mythical treasures.


Uncharted is also notable as Holland's debut as an executive producer. The film proved successful at the box office, becoming the fourth highest-grossing film of 2022, indicating that audiences were pleased with what they saw.

Final words

Tom Holland's career showcases his versatility and dedication. From historical dramas and animated adventures to intense psychological roles, he consistently delivers standout performances. 

Whether swinging through the city as Spider-Man or exploring new genres, Holland continues to captivate audiences and prove himself as one of the most talented actors of his generation.

ALSO READ: Jessica Lange Reveals Sexism and Agism in Hollywood Was 'Extreme' in the '40s, 50, and 60s'; Says It 'Hasn't Changed' Much


What role did Tom Holland play in The Current War?
Tom Holland played Samuel Insull, an innovator who helped build the U.S. electrical infrastructure.

How was Holland's performance in Cherry received by critics?
While the film received mixed reviews, Holland's intense and emotional performance was widely praised.

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About The Author

Shovan has a Masters in Mass Communication and Journalism degree from Calcutta University. He loves to live in the



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