When Britney Spears Shockingly Proposed Kim Kardashian To Be Her Lesbian Lover; THROWBACK

Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears share mutual admiration, with Kim supporting Britney's conservatorship struggles. Britney made bold, unexpected remarks about Kim's appearance.

Published on Jun 19, 2024  |  10:34 PM IST |  37.5K
 Images via Youtube and Instagram
Britney Spears and Kim Kardashian (Youtube and Instagram)
Key Highlight
  • Britney Spears once expressed her admiration for Kim Kardashian
  • Kim Kardashian publicly supported Britney Spears

Kim Kardashian and Britney Spears have never worked together, but they speak well of each other. The admiration between them has yielded some unexpected revelations as time goes by.

Britney’s bold statements

Radar Online reports that Kim Kardashian had once narrated a shocking story about Britney Spears. In her narrative, the reality TV star described how this renowned pop icon surprisingly expressed her fondness for her. “She said she loves me, and she loves my butt and how she wants to be my lesbian lover,” said Kim. 

She wasn’t able to respond after knowing the same thing in over five different ways. “I mean, what do you say to that other than ‘No thanks’?” she added, laughing, “Actually, maybe I would do it for a million bucks.”

In LondonNet’s report, during a Halloween party in 2007, Britney called Kim a “real horny beast.” She appreciated Kim’s appearance by saying that she really loves Kim’s “butt, skin and hair” and that she is a “real woman. She is a real horny beast.” Someone who knew much about it commented that even though America’s pop darling would go dirty, too.

Mutual support and understanding

Kardashian supported Spears throughout her conservatorship battle despite not being very close friends with her. It was in March 2021 when she expressed her thoughts on the Framing Britney Spears documentary. According to Digital Spy, Kim felt deeply sorry for Britney. 

“The way the media played a big role in her life the way it did can be very traumatizing, and it can really break even the strongest person,” she shared on Instagram, expressing deep empathy for the music star. In addition, Kim blamed the press for their cruelty towards Britney: “No one deserves to be treated with such cruelty or judgment for entertainment.”


On her Instagram page, she also mentioned literary works like The Woman in Me, written by Britney herself, which Kardashian talked about while promoting. She hoped those who mock and bully would think twice before doing so. “You just never fully know what someone is going through behind the scenes,” she said. According to her, it is always better to lead with kindness.

Shared experiences

Kim has found similarities between her and Britney regarding media attention, particularly after pregnancy. When pregnant for the first time, Kim felt insecure about how she looked because of this negative propaganda. In her note, she wrote, “Looking at all the photos of myself online and in magazines made me so insecure.” These experiences were mentally draining, but they taught her how to keep going.

Both ladies have shown resilience in their own way despite their differences when it comes to facing public judgment. They also show that empathy and kindness are essential qualities in a world full of judgments these days.


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What did Britney Spears say about Kim Kardashian at a Halloween party?
Britney called Kim a real horny beast and praised her looks, including her butt, skin, and hair.

How did Kim Kardashian support Britney Spears during her conservatorship struggle?
Kim expressed empathy for Britney, criticized the media's treatment of her, and promoted Britney's memoir on Instagram.

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About The Author

Shovan has a Masters in Mass Communication and Journalism degree from Calcutta University. He loves to live in the



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