X-Men '97 Episode 10 Ending Explained: Everything You Missed In the Finale
The episode also celebrates every character from the Marvel universe. Many characters appear including Daredevil, Iron Man, and Black Panther.

The season finale of X-Men '97 on Disney+ has got fans talking, and for good reason. It's got everything: deep emotions, epic action scenes, and tons of surprise appearances. But what really stands out is how they dive into Magneto's character. It gives viewers a lot to think about even after the episode ends.
If you happened to miss the finale of X-Men '97, fear not! We've got you covered with a detailed breakdown of every pivotal moment in Episode 10.
Asteroid M's Threat: X-Men's Race Against Time
As the season of X-Men '97 wrapped up, things got intense in the last episode. Professor X tried his best to stop Magneto using his mind powers,
Despite Professor Xavier successfully manipulating Magneto's thoughts and compelling him to reverse the effects of his EMP assault, humanity remained in grave danger. Bastion, on the other hand, transformed Asteroid M into a colossal weapon with the intention of annihilating Earth. In the midst of this crisis, the X-Men faced an immense challenge: they had to defeat Bastion and unravel his sinister plot.
Ultimately, Bastion meets his demise as Cyclops extends compassion towards him. However, Bastion rejects this gesture and is subsequently drawn into a black hole created by the damaged core of Asteroid M. Fortunately, Magneto emerges as the hero, intervening just in the nick of time to rescue humanity. He prevents Asteroid M from colliding with Earth and safely brings it back down. Unfortunately, the moment it touches the ground, it erupts into a devastating explosion.
From Past to Future: The Unveiling of Nathan Summers's Destiny
In the middle of all the chaos, Scott (Cyclops) and Madelyne (Jean Grey's clone) have to part ways with their baby, Nathan and send him into the future with Bishop. In the future, Nathan grows up and becomes a hero named Cable. He's a strong fighter and is determined to fight against Bastion and defend his fellow mutants.
While some of the X-Men end up far in the past, Cyclops and Jean Grey find themselves in the distant year of 3060 AD. There, they come across a group known as Clan Askani, led by the enigmatic Mother Askani. To their astonishment, Jean and Scott encounter a young boy named Nathan and a woman who goes by Mother Askani. It's revealed that Nathan is actually their own son, all grown up, and Mother Askani is none other than their daughter, Rachel Summers.
X-Men's Redemption in the Eyes of Humanity
This eleventh-hour rescue seems to shape the future of human-mutant relations as Season 2 looms. While Bastion managed to smear the X-Men's name and reveal the truth lying about Xavier's demise, now world leaders witnessed the X-Men and Magneto stepping up to save them from certain destruction.
Anti-mutant hysteria is still rampant, as evidenced by the growing popularity of Graydon Creed, the founder-turned-politician of the Friends of Humanity. However, humans have also been reminded that the X-Men are ready to risk everything to protect even those who despise and fear them.
The issue now is that there are no X-Men around to carry on Xavier's vision. This is a problem that Forge aims to tackle, and he's getting some unexpected assistance from Bishop. Bishop returns from his journey to the future with a surprising revelation that could help Forge in his mission.
X-Men's Journey to Ancient Egypt and the Future
In the closing moments of Episode 10, we discover that Magneto and the X-Men didn't meet their end in the explosion of Asteroid M. Instead, they were pulled through time. The majority of them find themselves 5000 years in the past, in ancient Egypt. Meanwhile, Cyclops and Jean Grey are propelled 2000 years into the future.
While the X-Men are busy with time travel, they also have to fight against the villan, Apocalypse, who is a really tough enemy. It's a big problem for the heroes, and they'll need to use all their strength and intelligence to win. There's a chance that someone else, maybe a strong Marvel character, might have saved them. Maybe this character wanted to help the X-Men and also needed them to fix things in the past and future.
In the final scenes, Bastion absorbs Cable's techno-organic arm into himself. This arm has a time-travel device called the time band. So, it seems like Bastion somehow used this time-travel power. Then, when Bastion is destroyed in Asteroid M’s core, it might have caused holes in time that pulled in the X-Men and Magneto.
X-Men Meet Apocalypse
A bunch of the X-Men - Rogue, Nightcrawler, Beast, Magneto, and Xavier - get zapped back to ancient Egypt. There, they bump into this odd dude named En Sabah Nur, also known as Apocalypse. He's a big shot in the Marvel world and has been around forever. Magneto and some of the X-Men - Rogue, Nightcrawler, Beast, and Xavier - end up traveling back in time, ending up in Egypt around 3000 BC. There they meet a lone fighter taking on a bunch of enemies. After saving the fighter, they find out his name - En Sabah Nur.
Fans who know their stuff will spot this figure as a young Apocalypse. The name En Sabah Nur roughly means The First One, showing that this ancient guy is one of the earliest mutants ever. Apocalypse caused a lot of trouble in some important storylines in the original X-Men: The Animated Series, but that show didn't really dig into where he came from.
The last scene in the Egyptian part shows a huge and strangely futuristic temple far off. In the comics, Apocalypse's backstory involves him fighting against Pharaoh Rama-Tut, who's a time-traveler using super-advanced tech to rule over ancient Egypt. Eventually, Apocalypse kicks Rama-Tut out of the past and grabs hold of that tech for himself, turning into the super-powerful mutant tyrant we know him as today.
Lost in Time: The Search for Wolverine, Storm, and Morph
Episode 10 lays out what happened to most of the X-Men stuck on Asteroid M, but Wolverine, Storm, and Morph are still missing in action. There's no hint of where or when they might be.
It's a safe bet that these three didn't kick the bucket on Asteroid M. Wolverine and Storm are too big in the X-Men world to just vanish like that. Most likely, they got saved by some time-travel shenanigans. The big question is when they popped back into the timeline.
Whenever Wolverine shows up again, he's going to have to face the aftermath of having his adamantium ripped out of him. As we see in Episode 10, even his healing powers are struggling to deal with that injury. If the show sticks to the comics, Logan will eventually wake up but find out his healing factor isn't working right. He'll also discover he's got bone claws under all that adamantium.
Marvel's Spectacular Cameos: X-Men '97 Finale Shines Beyond Magneto
However, Magneto isn't the only star in this final episode. The episode also celebrates every character from the Marvel universe. Many characters appear including Daredevil, Iron Man, and Black Panther. Every detail from costumes to how characters interact has been extremely well executed.

X-Men '97 Episode 10 Ending And Credits Scene Explained