Yoo Ah In drug case timeline: From repeated Propofol and marijuana abuse to 1 year prison sentence
Yoo Ah In has been officially sentenced to one year in prison. Know more about the actor’s long history of drug abuse.

Yoo Ah In has long been facing legal battles for his drug abuse allegations. After an 11-month trial, the actor has been sentenced to one year in prison for violating the Narcotics Control Act on September 2, 2024. On top of that, he has also been fined 2 million KRW and also had to forfeit an additional 1.54 million won.
The actor’s drug abuse started four years ago, in 2020, with his illegal use of propofol, a medical anesthetic. On October 19, 2023, he was officially charged with administering the drug 181 times between September 2020 and March 2022. Moreover, he was also accused of unlawfully purchasing over 1,100 tablets of two types of sleeping pills, Stilnox tablets and Xanax tablets, using other people's names on 44 occasions between May 2021 and August 2022.
Additionally, Yoo Ah In faced charges related to smoking marijuana with an acquaintance named Choi in the United States in January 2023. He and his companion Choi were accused of encouraging a YouTuber to use marijuana. They were also indicted for allegedly coercing and threatening the YouTuber to leave Korea and retract their statement.
During the actor’s second hearing on January 23, 2024, Yoo Ah In admitted to developing a dependency on the drug, claiming it was prescribed as part of his medical treatment. The actor’s attorney stated that he underwent several medical procedures that led to a high dependency on sleep-inducing anesthesia. He also acknowledged using marijuana but denied the coercion charges.
On July 24, 2024, prosecutors requested a four-year prison sentence for the artist along with a fine of 2 million won and the forfeiture of 1.54 million won. The doctor who administered propofol to Yoo Ah In received a one-year and two-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, on April 25, 2024.
On August 28, Yoo was investigated for allegedly raping a man in his thirties while the man was asleep at a studio apartment in Yongsan District, Seoul. Under current law, same-sex rape cases are classified as "imitative rape," which carries a minimum prison sentence of two years.
On September 2, 2024, Yoo Ah In was sentenced to 1 year in prison as the court ruled him guilty on three counts of smoking marijuana and the chronic use and purchase of illegal drugs. He has also been ordered to attend 80 hours of drug rehabilitation education. However, he was found not guilty of coercion or destruction of evidence due to lack of evidence. Meanwhile, his acquaintance Choi received 8 months in prison and 2 years of probation.
Disclaimer: If you know someone who is struggling with alcohol or substance abuse, please reach out to the authorities and report it. There are several helplines available for the same.

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