Where To Catch Walleye in Stardew Valley?

Among the various fishes players can catch, the Walleye in Stardew Valley is one they can only encounter under specific scenarios. Here’s where to find them.

Updated on Aug 07, 2024   |  04:16 PM IST  |  138.5K
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Where To Catch Walleye in Stardew Valley?

You can catch a Walleye in the rivers at Pelican Town, among other places. Where are they? We'll get to that.

But first things first, in Stardew Valley, fishing serves various purposes: completing quests, cooking meals, finishing Community Center bundles, and earning extra money. There are over 60 different fish to catch, one of which is the Walleye.

Each fish in the game has unique preferences. Some appear only in specific seasons, some prefer mornings or evenings, and some thrive in rain while others in sunshine. They can inhabit rivers, lakes, oceans, or ponds. So, where exactly can you find the Walleye?

How to find the Walleye in Stardew Valley

Wait for the rain

In Stardew Valley, the Walleye shows up in several spots. To catch it, you need to know its preferred conditions. The Walleye is a fall-specific fish, but you can also catch it in winter with a Rain Totem. Using Magic Bait, made with the Bait Maker from patch 1.6, allows you to catch it any time. You can catch the Walleye between 12 p.m. and 2 a.m. only when it’s raining.

Besides fishing, you can find Walleye in garbage cans around Pelican Town in fall and winter. The Traveling Cart sometimes sells them, and you can receive a Walleye as a gift from a pet cat with max friendship.

The Traveling Cart appears in Cindersap Forest on Fridays and Sundays until 8 p.m. and sells various items, including Walleyes, which range in price from 315g to 1,000g.

Walleye fishing locations

Head to Cindersap Forest

Catching the Walleye is simpler than legendary fish. They inhabit multiple water bodies in Stardew Valley: rivers, lakes, and ponds. On Riverland or Forest Farms, you can catch them in your farm’s pond. Otherwise, you’ll need to venture off the farm. For easier fishing, you might consider using a fishing mod.

The best place to find Walleye is Cindersap Forest, where there’s a 32% chance of catching one. To get there, head south from your farm and west to find the pond. Further south, you’ll find the Cindersap Forest river, which also has Walleye.

The next spot is Pelican Town. Head east from the farm or Cindersap Forest to reach it. The river there runs long, offering plenty of fishing spots.

Finally, there’s the Mountain Lake. Head north from the farm, then east, or travel north through Pelican Town. Once at the Mountain, go east to find the lake.

Walleye are quite useful in Stardew Valley. They complete the Night Fishing Bundle and the Quality Fish Bundle in the Community Center. You can also use them in recipes like the Maki Roll and Sashimi or for delivery quests posted on the bulletin board outside Pierre’s General Store. Whatever your reason for needing a Walleye, knowing where to find them makes the task much easier.


What else can make your experience more relaxing? Cheat codes! Here’s a list of all the cheats in Stardew Valley!

Stardew Valley switch cheats

Out-of-bounds glitch: The game has strict boundaries you can't normally cross, but there's a trick to get around this. If you swing a tool or weapon at the edge of an area, you'll gradually move out of bounds.

Some areas outside the boundaries are useless, like the darkness near your house, but this trick can be useful in certain situations. For instance, it can help you find better fishing spots near water.

Staying up after 2am: The game enforces a strict bedtime. If you're still awake at 2 AM, your character will pass out and return home, losing some Gold. If you're in the middle of something important, this can be frustrating. To delay sleep, open your Journal once your character starts yawning. You’ll need to repeat this every time the animation starts, but it buys you extra time to finish your tasks.

Gold spring onions cheat: Golden Spring Onions are highly sought after because they offer huge health and energy boosts, maximizing your limited hours each day. To ensure you only collect the best quality, fill your character’s inventory to capacity, with one slot holding Gold Spring Onions and no other types. This way, you'll only pick up the best ones.

Extended fishing time cheat: Fishing is crucial but traveling back and forth can eat up your time, making it hard to level up your skill. With an active quest, you can pause the in-game clock using your Journal. Cast your line, open the Journal, and wait for a bite. This lets you do a week’s worth of fishing in one day, freeing up time for other activities.

Galaxy sword cheat: The Galaxy Sword is rare and usually takes hours to obtain. You normally need a Prismatic Shard to get it, but there’s a shortcut. Buy the catalog from Pierre’s General Store for 30,000g, then get the green wallpaper. Due to a glitch, the game recognizes the green wallpaper as a Prismatic Shard. Hold it between the three pillars in the Calico Desert, and it will turn into the Galaxy Sword.

Unlimited money glitch: For a quick boost in Gold, you can exploit a duplication glitch. Each item has a numerical code, and if you name your character with up to three of these codes in square brackets, those items will appear in your inventory whenever your name comes up in dialogue. For example, naming your character [16][107][154] will give you a Wild Horseradish, Dinosaur Egg, and Sea Cucumber. To quickly fill your inventory, choose the codes for the most valuable items and talk to a character like Gus the bartender, who frequently uses your name.

About The Author

Natasha Bose, a master's graduate in English Literature from Indira Gandhi National Open University, is a Kolkata-based writer

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