Andrew Tate’s Workout Routine: The Ultimate Fitness Formula

Decode the Andrew Tate workout routine which consists of rigorous exercises and boxing training, resulting in his champion physique to inspire the fitness junkie in you.

Sanchari Bhattacharya
Written by Sanchari Bhattacharya , Health & Fitness Expert
Updated on Aug 30, 2023 | 09:43 PM IST | 2.6M
Andrew Tate workout routine
Andrew Tate workout routine

Andrew Tate's workout routine is the secret behind his sculpted, strong, and resilient body. It involves a range of grueling workout sessions along with some much-needed rest days. He also maintains a strict diet as he believes in a holistic approach to physical transformation. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of Andrew Tate's workout routine and discuss his fitness principles and gain insights into the mindset that led to his enormous success in the boxing world.  

This boxing champion has recently been under immense public scrutiny and has been described by the BBC as a “self-proclaimed misogynist”. He has faced allegations for his misconduct and has been put under house arrest until notice. Therefore, in this article, we will also discuss certain aspects of his life beyond the ring and avoid any means of glorification of his acts. However, his boxing career and workout routine may help direct people who are trying to start their boxing journey or improve their overall fitness. 

Who is Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate workout routine

Andrew Tate, whose complete name is Emory Andrew Tate, was born in December of 1986, and according to information on his official website, he hails from Chicago, Illinois. He bears the name of his father, an American who served in the US Air Force in the United Kingdom and was also a skilled chess player. Tate's parents initially met in the UK before relocating to the United States, where he spent his formative years until his parent's separation.


After the divorce, Tate relocated to Luton, England, alongside his mother. Tate and his younger sibling Tristan have recounted experiences of financial hardship while residing in England. In various interviews, they have shared memories of visiting KFC to salvage leftover chicken from others, freezing it for later meals.

Tate secured the title of kickboxing world champion on four occasions, yet it was in the digital realm that he achieved global recognition. Tate has been featured in numerous videos, showcasing an extravagant lifestyle characterized by fast cars, private jets, and luxury yachts. However, in recent news, he was subjected to house arrest as he awaited trial for human trafficking allegations and has been granted release by a Bucharest court. The court's decision involves placing him under judicial control, a measure that is less confining compared to house arrest.

Things You Need to Know About Andrew Tate's Boxing History

Andrew Tate began learning boxing and other martial arts in 2005. In November 2008, he was ranked the seventh-best light heavyweight kickboxer in the UK by a group called ISKA. In 2009, he became a champion by winning a renowned competition called the British ISKA Full Contact Cruiserweight Championship. Tate was also seen as the best in his group in Europe. People called him "King Cobra" when he did kickboxing.


In 2011, Tate got his first world title from ISKA. He won by knocking out Jean-Luc Benoit in a fight. Before this, he had lost to Benoit before. In 2012, he was part of a big championship tournament but lost to Franci Grajš. He was seen as the second-best light heavyweight kickboxer in the world back then. In 2013, Tate won another world title from ISKA. He had a 12-round fight with Vincent Petitjean and won. This made him a champion in two different weight groups.

Andrew Tate’s Workout Program

Andrew Tate workout routine

Since his arrest in Romania, Andrew Tate has been spending months in custody. However, he uses his time to keep himself physically fit and update his followers on Twitter about the daily workout sessions he carried out throughout the day in an attempt to encourage his followers to lead a healthy life despite the numerous problems life may throw. Within his extremely limited freedom of action, he performs 500 squats, 500 push-ups, practices the tiger paw technique, and walks 10km every single day.


Apart from his recent schedule, he has also talked passionately about the importance of High-Intensity Workouts (HIIT) for overall fitness. He reportedly includes a HIIT workout called burpees with jump squats which is an intense workout that uses body weight to help burn calories. This kind of exercise may help your body to keep burning calories even after you have finished working out. These workouts are less time-consuming and can be usually completed in around 5 to 10 minutes but with very brief rests between the exercises. HIIT combines activities that get your heart pumping, like cardio, with bodyweight exercises. This can help make your heart strong and build lean muscles (1).

In another report, Andrew Tate admitted to including very short workout routines that he will perform multiple times throughout the day which may involve exercises as less as the following. You can perform 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps depending on your level of expertise:

  • Bench Press 
  • Pull-Ups (wide-grip)
  • V-Bar Dips

Boxing Routine

Back when he was a boxer, Andrew Tate would begin his mornings by going for a jog. After which, he would practice shadow boxing, do burpees, push-ups, and use small weights. He also wore a heavy vest to make bodyweight exercises harder. When he was at the peak of his boxing days, Tate mentioned he spent a reasonable amount of time at the gym. Yet, his main routine always centered around running and exercises using his own body weight.


Andrew changed how he exercises to make his muscles bigger and look better. His new workout is shorter but more complicated, and he uses heavy weights instead of just trying to be fit.

Now, let's think about what a kickboxing workout for Andrew Tate might be like. Keep in mind, this is not his real workout, just an example of what it could be.

  1. Start with 10 to 20 minutes of practicing
  2. To build up his endurance participate in cardiovascular activities like jogging and riding a bike.
  3. For agility, practice movements like fighting moves, burpees, jumps, and other fast exercises.

Most kickboxing workouts focus on either practicing the fighting moves or getting fit. Since Andrew also tried mixed martial arts (MMA), he might have days where he practiced grappling and other fighting techniques too.

Andrew Tate’s Diet

Andrew Tate follows some strict rules for his eating habits. Firstly, he avoids eating added or refined sugars. This is because he feels you can easily survive on a very low-sugar diet while including other healthy and nutritious foods. He also tries to eat fewer carbohydrates and stays especially away from high-calorie, low-energy foods like chips, bread, and pasta. Tate says he can get away with eating not-so-healthy foods more than most people because he used to do a lot of kickboxing when he was young. He didn't drink alcohol during his kickboxing time, which helped him become healthy and strong.


In addition to cutting sugar and carbs, Tate often skips breakfast. This probably helps him control how many calories he eats each day. However, he has various nutrition experts guiding his routine, so it is not advisable for you to skip meals without any consultation with healthcare providers. Tate's diet is heavy on meat, including fast-food like KFC. He even went through a period where he mostly ate 80-90% meat. He thinks this boosted his energy and helped him have less body fat. This is scientifically proven, as protein can be consumed in higher amounts while lowering carbohydrates and fat intake as proteins not only help in building lean muscle mass but also can be utilized by the body to gain energy (2). However, it is usually not recommended to cut off carbohydrates completely, so before indulging in such diets seek advice from a professional. 


The Andrew Tate workout routine and diet plan might seem incredibly easy, but effective. He suggests focusing on basic exercises using your own body weight, doing lots of cardio like running or quick intense workouts, avoiding sugary foods, and eating fewer carbs. However, this internet personality has gained a reputation for saying controversial stuff on social media and running a community for men in business. Therefore, our advice to you is to take selective inspiration from his life by inculcating certain important and useful fitness principles he follows while also holding him responsible for his ill behavior. 


How did Andrew Tate get muscular?
Andrew Tate reportedly engages in a daily routine that includes accomplishing around 750 push-ups and as many as 1,000 squats which helped him become muscular.

What does Andrew Tate do in the morning?
Andrew Tate typically begins his day at 9 am, immediately checking his phone for messages. This helps him stay informed about overnight events and crucial business updates.

How much does Andrew Tate weights?
According to the latest reports, he weighs 205 lb (93 kg; 14.6 st)

What time does Andrew Tate wake up?
Andrew Tate begins his day at 9am in the morning.

What gym did Andrew Tate train?
Tate received coaching from coach Amir Subasic at the Storm Gym located in Luton.

About The Author
Sanchari Bhattacharya
Sanchari Bhattacharya
Health & Fitness Expert

Sanchari, a certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach and Naturopath, has 10+ years of experi...


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