Puppy Pose: Therapeutic Benefits for a Supple Spine And Happy Heart

Try the serene stretch of puppy pose and untangle your body and mind. It’s perfect for releasing tension in the lower back and shoulders while boosting energy.

Sanchari Bhattacharya
Written by Sanchari Bhattacharya , Health & Fitness Expert
Updated on Aug 29, 2024 | 12:41 PM IST | 338.1K
Puppy Pose
Puppy Pose

The best part about yoga is its simplicity and profound impact. Numerous yoga stretches and postures are there to keep you fit and toned. Among these, the puppy pose, or Uttana Shishosana, works on your muscles and brings mindful relaxation. Drawing its name from the adorable stretches of a puppy, this pose is a picturesque mix of ease and intensity you can add to your daily yoga routine.

The magic of the puppy pose lies in its ability to mirror the adorable stretches of a young canine, subtly intertwining youthful energy and tranquility. An intense stretch focusing on the arms, shoulders, and chest beautifully lengthens and flexes the spine. More than just an inversion pose, Uttana Shishosana gracefully bridges the gap between opening the Heart Chakra and correcting one's posture, creating a harmonious balance between the physical and spiritual realms.

This pose is not just a sequence but a retreat, especially after a series of intense yoga stances focusing on the spine and back. It engages various muscles — from arms and shoulders to the lower back and knees, harmonizing your body and mind.

Our contributor Joanne Highland, a certified yoga and barre fitness teacher, says, “The Puppy Pose is beneficial for stretching the body, particularly the spine and shoulders. It also promotes flexibility in the hip joints. For the lower back, the pose aids in lengthening the spine, which can address tightness and pain in this area.”


The practitioner is led into a world of rejuvenation, energy, and tranquil relaxation that resonates deeply within.

How to Do Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)

How to Do Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)

Uttana shishosana, is a gentle yet impactful yoga pose that stretches and strengthens the shoulders, arms, and spine. Resembling a playful puppy stretching its body, this pose is a haven of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Steps to Perform Puppy Pose

  1. Stand with feet close together, extending the spine, broadening the chest, and aligning the shoulders. Breathe deeply with eyes closed, preparing the mind.
  2. Inhale and raise your arms overhead. Exhale, bend forward, bringing the head close to the knees and placing palms beside the feet. Relax the spine and breathe.
  3. Extend palms forward, shoulder-distance apart. Push the head down, trying to touch the crown to the floor while stretching the shoulders and pressing palms and feet to the floor. Hold for six breaths.
  4. Exhale, bend knees, placing them below the hips, keeping palms firm. Inhale and exhale, bringing the chest and chin to the floor while pushing the hips upwards. Stay for a few breaths, pushing your arms closer to the floor.
  5. Repeat four times, holding each pose for 6-8 breaths. Release to Uttanasana and then Tadasana (Tadasana, also known as Mountain Pose, is a foundational yoga posture that involves standing tall with feet together, grounding through the soles while lengthening the spine, and engaging the core muscles to promote stability and balance.).
  6. Finish by relaxing in the Three Part Breath Mountain Pose, aligning feet together and relaxing the spine with slow breathing.

Uttana Shishosana, or puppy pose, is a journey that brings strength to the shoulders and arms, and serenity to the mind. The seamless transition from Adho Mukha Svanasana (Adho Mukha Svanasana, or Downward Facing Dog, is a yoga pose where one forms an inverted V-shape, hands and feet planted on the ground, stretching the back and legs.) to Uttana Shishosana beautifully intertwines relaxation and rejuvenation, making this practice a cherished part of any yoga routine.

Tips for Puppy Pose

Tips for Puppy Pose

The puppy pose, known as Uttana Shishosana in Sanskrit, is a rejuvenating and strengthening yoga asana that brings balance and tranquility to the practitioner. To enhance the experience and ensure a safe practice, here are some useful tips to keep in mind.

  • Warm-Up Before Practicing

It's crucial to prepare your body before diving into the Puppy Pose. Engage in gentle backbends, such as the cat-cow sequence, to warm up and activate the necessary muscles.

  • Deep and Mindful Breathing

Breathe deeply and consistently while holding the pose. This aids in creating space, allowing you to bend deeper and stretch further, fostering a sense of calm and relaxation.

  •  Support for the Forehead

 In case reaching the mat with your forehead proves challenging, consider placing a yoga block underneath for support and alignment.

  • Knee Comfort

 To avoid discomfort in the knees, use a blanket or bolster underneath them for added cushioning and support.

The puppy yoga pose is versatile and adaptable, catering to both beginners seeking comfort and seasoned practitioners craving a challenge. By incorporating these tips into your practice, you can ensure a fulfilling and enriching experience with Uttana Shishosana, enriching your yoga journey with each mindful breath and stretch.

Variations And Modifications of Puppy Pose

Understanding that each individual has unique capabilities and challenges, yoga instructors bring variations and modifications of a pose to cater to diverse needs. Whether to amplify the challenge or simplify the execution, variations of Puppy Pose can offer practitioners a tailored experience.

1. Revolved Puppy Dog Pose

Parivrtta Uttana Shishosana adds a twist to the classic Uttana Shishosana, targeting shoulders, chest, and upper back. This asymmetrical, balancing prone pose emphasizes breath work and flexibility, serving as a gentle heart opener.



  1. Begin in the traditional Puppy Pose.
  2. As you exhale, gently twist your upper body to one side, placing the opposite hand's fingertips on the ground for balance.
  3. Inhale deeply, feeling the stretch across your chest and shoulders.
  4. Hold for a few breaths and return to the center.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

2. Puppy Dog Pose with Chair

Puppy Dog Pose with Chair

This advanced puppy pose is a restorative variation, using a chair to facilitate a milder spine stretch and chest opening. Ideal for beginners, pregnant women, seniors, and those seeking a gentler practice, this pose focuses on comfort.


  1. Stand facing a chair, feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lean forward and place your forearms on the seat of the chair, extending your spine.
  3. Keep your neck parallel to the ground and maintain a medium spine stretch.
  4. Breathe deeply, feeling the stretch in your chest and shoulders.
  5. Hold for a few breaths and then gently return to the standing position.

3. Supported Puppy Dog Pose with Bolster and Blanket

This modification uses props such as bolsters and blankets, making Uttana Shishosana accessible to practitioners seeking support and ease in the puppy posture.


  1. Begin by placing a bolster and blanket on your mat.
  2. Come onto all fours, placing your knees on the blanket for cushioning.
  3. Lean forward, extending your arms and resting your chest on the bolster.
  4. Breathe deeply, feeling a gentle stretch in the spine and chest.
  5. Hold for a few breaths before gently coming out of the pose.

Variations and modifications in Puppy Pose cater to the individual needs of practitioners, ensuring accessibility, challenge, and comfort.

8 Incredible Benefits of Puppy Pose

Incredible Benefits of Puppy Pose

The practice of puppy pose, or Uttana Shishosana, intertwines numerous benefits that extend beyond physical well-being. Let's explore the multifaceted advantages of integrating this pose into your yoga routine.

1. May Strengthen Your Muscles

Engaging in a puppy pose yoga imparts a rejuvenating stretch to the hips and hamstrings while directing the tailbone upwards (1). This upward extension of the lower body and back provides a robust stretch, strengthening the hips and thighs (1). Ensuring a careful alignment of the chin, face, and neck facilitates a relaxing stretch to the shoulders and arms.

2. May Help in Controlling Blood Pressure

The gentle, elongating stretches involved in the puppy pose may assist in regulating blood pressure (2). The mindful breathing, coupled with the deliberate stretches, helps induce a sense of peace and balance.

3. May Enhance Your Mobility

Uttana Shishosana bestows the body with a simultaneous stretch - the lower spine arches upwards, and the upper spine descends (3). This dual motion grants the body enhanced flexibility and an improved range of motion.

4. May Increase Your Lung Capacity

This puppy stretch is a 'heart opener', with the chest expanding and the tightness around the back and shoulders dissipating. This opening not only aids in increasing lung capacity but also resonates with activating the Heart Chakra (Anahata).

5. May Increase Your Concentration

Puppy pose necessitates a conscious lifting of the hips and a tucking in of the core. The precision in posture and alignment required even at a beginner level fosters awareness and focus (4).

6. May Soothe Your Mind

The deep stretches in the arms and shoulders, paired with controlled breathing, release tension from the muscles surrounding the spine and hips, providing a tranquilizing effect on the mind and body (4).

7. May Help with Insomnia

Puppy dog yoga pose can be therapeutic, especially for individuals grappling with insomnia (5). The opposing blood flow and deep stretches act as stress busters, ushering calmness and promoting sleep (5).

8. May Improve Your Digestive Health

While this puppy dog position actively engages the arms and back, a careful focus also massages the lower abdomen. The increased circulation alleviates digestive issues, promoting overall wellness (6).

Incorporating puppy pose into a regular yoga practice brings forth many benefits, harmoniously intertwining physical strength, flexibility, and mental tranquility (1). By understanding and experiencing these benefits, practitioners can embark on a fulfilling journey towards holistic wellness.


Precaution While Performing Puppy Pose

Precaution While Performing Puppy Pose

Puppy Pose, while being highly beneficial, demands careful attention to certain contraindications to ensure a safe and fulfilling practice. A few precautions are important to be considered.

  • Addressing Injury and Surgery Concerns: Engaging in puppy pose necessitates careful attention to any existing injuries, particularly those affecting the hips, knees, and spine. The pose can exert pressure on the knees, making it uncomfortable for those recovering from related injuries or surgeries.
  • Emphasizing Breath Coordination: The practice of Puppy Pose involves syncing body movements with breath. Proper coordination between breath and body movements is essential to sustain the pose effectively. A lack of such synchronization can hinder practitioners from holding the pose for extended durations.
  • Assessing Physical Strength and Managing a Weak Body: Puppy Pose involves a significant stretch and opening of the shoulders and arms. Practitioners with extreme stiffness in these areas may find it challenging to engage in and appreciate the pose fully. A measured approach ensures that the pose is beneficial and not strain-inducing.

For individuals experiencing acute lower back pain, seeking guidance is crucial. The transition out of the pose, which involves a gentle backward and downward movement, must be approached with caution to prevent exacerbating back pain. 

Furthermore, practicing puppy pose during the later stages of pregnancy is discouraged, as the reverse blood flow, when held for a prolonged period, may pose risks.

The graceful stretches and soothing relief offered through Uttana Shishosana are innumerable. Puppy pose, as it is fondly known, is a gentle caress to the weary muscles of the arms, shoulders, and back. When practiced with concentration, the practitioner gains a perfect balance between the physical and the mental health. The subtle bending and stretching rejuvenate the body, while the calming stillness elevates the mind. Uttana Shishosana refreshes and revitalizes your body with serene stretches and restfulness. This simple yet profound posture can calm the mind and invigorate the body simultaneously. By making it a part of your routine, you're choosing a path that celebrates balance and grace.


How long should I hold a puppy pose?
Holding the Puppy Pose for anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute is generally recommended for beginners. As you grow more comfortable and experienced, you can gradually extend this duration to up to 2 minutes.

Is puppy pose safe?
Yes, the Puppy Pose is generally safe for most individuals. However, those with certain injuries, particularly in the hips, knees, and spine, should exercise caution and possibly consult a healthcare professional or yoga instructor before attempting it.

Does puppy Pose increase height?
While Puppy Pose can help stretch and lengthen the spine, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that it can contribute to an increase in height. Regular practice can improve posture, which might create the appearance of added height.

Is a puppy pose a heart opener?
Yes, the Puppy Pose is considered a heart opener. As you stretch forward and downward, the chest opens up, creating space around the heart and often leading to an activation of the Heart Chakra (Anahata).

About The Author
Sanchari Bhattacharya
Sanchari Bhattacharya
Health & Fitness Expert

Sanchari, a certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach and Naturopath, has 10+ years of experi...


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