Hugh Bonneville Weight Loss: How He Shed the Extra Pounds

The Downton Abbey star lost 16 pounds with the help of diet and exercise. Ahead, we have put together Hugh Bonneville weight loss secrets you ought to know.

Bella Carvosso
Reviewed by BELLA CARVOSSO , Biomedical Scientist and Nutritionist | Written by Sanchari Bhattacharya , Health & Fitness Expert
Updated on Jun 19, 2024 | 01:38 PM IST | 1.3M
hugh bonneville weight loss
hugh bonneville weight loss

English actor, Hugh Bonneville, is best known for his character as Robert Crawley in the hit period-drama called Downton Abbey. During one of his interviews with BBC One TV in August 2020, his fans were confused and created a controversy on social media as the star looked “unrecognizable” and had lost a lot of body weight. So, what led to this incredible Hugh Bonneville weight loss? From his diet plan and workout routine to other secrets — find everything you need to know about how he lost 16 pounds and slimmed down during the pandemic. 

Who Is Hugh Bonneville?


Born on 10th November 1963 in Paddington (London, United Kingdom), Hugh Bonneville is a renowned and classically trained English actor who is renowned for his role as Robert Crawley, 7th Earl of Grantham, in the popular TV series named Downton Abbey. His performance and acting skills in this period drama got him several nominations such as one Golden Globe nomination, two Primetime Emmy Award nominations, and three Screen Actors Guild Award nominations.

Bonneville joined the Academy of Dramatic Art to study acting and later joined the National Theatre in 1987. In the year 1991, he became a part of the Royal Shakespeare Company, where he spent multiple years on stage to hone his skills. Hugh Bonneville’s first appearance on television was in 1990 in a series called Chancer. Between the 2000s and 2010s, he continued to play ample roles in television programs. Apart from television, he is also famously remembered for his supporting roles in Notting Hill and Mansfield Park. Apart from these movies, Bonneville has also worked in films like The Gold, Viceroy’s House, To Olivia, The Monuments Men, Iris, Mr Stink, and many more.


Hugh Bonneville’s Profile 


  • Real Name: Hugh Richard Bonniwell Williams DL
  • Birthday: 10th November 1963
  • Age in 2023: 59 years 
  • Occupation: British Actor 
  • Weight Before: 166 pounds 
  • Weight Loss: 16 pounds 
  • Reduced Weight: 150 pounds 

How Did Hugh Bonneville Gain Weight?


Since the beginning of his acting career, Bonneville has always been struggling with the problem of being obese or overweight. According to research, obesity is a phenomenon which leads to the accumulation of excessive fat in the body which may have negative effects on overall health. This increase in fat may lead to problems such as diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. Obesity typically develops when there is an imbalance between the calories consumed and the calories burnt (1). Although Bonneville admitted to wanting to lose weight for a long time, the actor had been struggling with it as he was naturally overweight. Speaking of effects of obesity, our contributor Mary Sabat, RDN, LD - BodyDesigns Ltd., says, “Obesity poses a myriad of adverse effects on human health beyond its obvious impact on body weight. It significantly increases the risk of developing chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension due to its influence on insulin resistance, inflammation, and lipid metabolism. Furthermore, obesity can lead to musculoskeletal issues, sleep apnea, and psychological concerns like depression, all of which collectively underscore the importance of addressing and managing obesity for overall well-being.”


Moreover, Hugh Bonneville had to constantly lose and gain weight to be selected and cast in movies. This fluctuation in weight constantly affected his health and made his obesity worse. For instance, before his audition for Notting Hill (1999), Bonneville had lost about 20 pounds for the role. However, his character was supposed to be heavy. In response to this, the actor told the film director named Roger Michell that he would not go back to being fat. While he did get the role, he gained weight later for another movie. Back in 2008, when he returned home from filming and wrapping up Bonekickers, his wife told him that he was "as fat as a pig". This awakening pushed him to give up roles which required him to put on weight and look fat. Instead, Hugh Bonneville decided to make his weight loss goal a priority and bring a change in his lifestyle. This became one of the biggest reasons for Hugh Bonneville weight loss. 


During the coronavirus pandemic, Bonneville understood the importance of maintaining a healthy weight. This realization struck because being overweight made him more vulnerable to the consequences and symptoms of Covid-19. Studies suggest that obesity may increase the risk of disease, mortality, and infections related to coronavirus (2). According to another research on obesity and Covid-19, being overweight may also lead to an increased risk for immediate hospitalization, ICU admission, and death amongst the patients (3). As this situation might have made Hugh Bonneville sick, he decided to use the lockdown to become healthy, lose weight, and shed those extra pounds from his body.

How Did Hugh Bonneville Lose Weight?

Bonneville’s wife, Lulu Williams, played an integral role in motivating him to lose weight. To get back in shape, he hired personal trainers who put him on a strict diet plan and a fitness regimen which led to a weight loss of 16 pounds. From Hugh Bonneville weight loss diet to the exercises that he did ? ahead, find everything that helped him slim down.

  • Hugh Bonneville’s Diet Plan

The ultimate secret behind Hugh Bonneville weight loss was that he focused on maintaining a calorie deficit in his diet plan. According to research, a calorie deficit or negative energy balance may be independent enough in helping to lose fat and reduce weight (4). Further, another study states that a calorie deficit may be one of the most important factors in weight loss. Obesity societies and guidelines recommend a consumption of 1000-1500 calories per day along with a deficit of 500-750 calories. This low-calorie diet has been used popularly for reducing weight (5). To maintain this calorie deficit regularly, Bonneville kept a close check on his daily intake of food along with his fitness routine. For instance, if he worked out and burnt more calories in a day, then he would eat more food. If he did not exercise in a day, then he would eat calories within a limit that would create a deficit. Shedding light on the concept of calorie deficit, our contributor Mary Sabat, says, “A calorie deficit, which occurs when you consume fewer calories than your body expends, is a common approach for weight loss. While it can lead to effective weight loss, some potential side effects include fatigue, muscle loss, nutrient deficiencies, and a slower metabolism over time. It's important to maintain a balanced diet and consult with a healthcare professional when pursuing a calorie deficit to minimize these effects.”


Bonneville and his trainers supplemented this calorie deficit with a low-carb diet plan which helped him to shed the extra pounds. According to research, a low-carb diet leads to a carbohydrate intake which is lower than the total macronutrient distribution range for healthy adults (45%–65% of total daily energy) (5). Low-carb diets may be effective in improving weight loss, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) profiles (6). Hence, Hugh Bonneville ate a lot of fish, lean meat, and green vegetables. 

Speaking of low-carb diets, our reviewer Bella Carvosso, a Biomedical Scientist and Nutritionist, says, “A low-carb diet aids weight loss by triggering several physiological changes. When carbs are limited, the body shifts to burning stored fat for energy, entering a state called ketosis. This metabolic state prompts increased fat breakdown and utilization for fuel, aiding in weight loss. Additionally, lower carb intake stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels, reducing hunger and leading to decreased calorie intake, further promoting weight loss.”

Along with a low-carb diet plan and maintaining an energy deficit, Bonneville also gave up foods which were high in sugar content. Studies state that diets high in sugar may promote the development of obesity in humans (7). Hence, these dietary changes helped facilitate weight loss for the actor during the lockdown.

  • Hugh Bonneville’s Workout Routine

After the pandemic got over, Bonneville came out of the lockdown looking trim and slender. Soon, his fans began questioning that suddenly why is Hugh Bonneville so thin. While you know that his diet plan (devised by the personal trainers) worked wonders for him in dropping pounds, there was more. He combined his healthy meals with a regular workout routine which elevated the weight loss journey. Research states that a combination of dieting and exercise may produce weight loss. The study further suggests that physical activity might enhance the efficiency of diet by increasing the satiety effect of meals (8).

Hugh Bonneville would go on regular walks with his pet dog on the South Downs in West Sussex. These walks helped him to maintain an active lifestyle which eventually led to weight and fat loss. According to research, moderate walking over 12 weeks may show significant reductions in body weight and fat mass. The study also states that walking may improve the biomarkers for cardiovascular disease risks (9).

Stating the impact of walking, our reviewer Bella Carvosso says “While walking is beneficial for overall health, solely relying on it for weight loss might not suffice for significant or rapid weight reduction. Weight loss requires a calorie deficit, and walking, while great for cardiovascular health, may not burn enough calories on its own to create a substantial deficit for notable weight loss. Combining walking with other exercises and dietary adjustments can enhance calorie expenditure and improve weight loss outcomes.”

He also did strength training exercises regularly which helped in weight loss. Some of these exercises that he loved incorporating into his fitness regimen were movements like planks, lunges, push-ups, squats, glute bridges, weightlifting, and more. Studies state that resistance or strength training may be beneficial in reducing body fat percentage, body fat mass, and also visceral fat in healthy adults (10). Hence, a combination of regular walks and strength training helped Hugh Bonneville to slim down and shed about 16 pounds from his body.

Hugh Bonneville’s Before And After Weight Loss Photos

When Hugh Bonneville lost weight, it garnered the attention of his fans as the actor became noticeably thinner and slender. His weight loss journey with the help of a low-carb diet and a regular workout routine led to a loss of about 16 pounds. The British actor dropped from 166 pounds to 150 pounds during the lockdown. Ahead, we have put together the before and after weight loss photos of Bonneville as a testimony of his impressive body transformation.

  • Hugh Bonneville Before Weight Loss
  • Hugh Bonneville After Weight Loss 


British actor, Hugh Bonneville, utilized the lockdown during Covid-19 to combat obesity and get back in shape. The British actor is renowned for his role as Robert Crawley in the hit period-drama called Downton Abbey. While his acting career demanded him to lose and gain weight frequently for distinct roles, he eventually decided to prioritize healthy weight maintenance. This decision helped him to focus on a healthy lifestyle and eventually cause a reduction in his body composition. The biggest contributor to Hugh Bonneville weight loss was that the actor combined a healthy diet with a regular workout to facilitate fat and weight reduction. Through a low-carb diet, calorie deficit, and strength training ? he was able to shed the extra 16 pounds from his body. His body transformation made headlines and his slimmer and slender physique grabbed the attention of his fans on social media following his weight loss.

Contributor: Mary Sabat, RDN, LD, Ace Certified Trainer - Body Designs Ltd.

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About The Author
Sanchari Bhattacharya
Sanchari Bhattacharya
Health & Fitness Expert

Sanchari, a certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach



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