Unveiling Jessica Simpson's Weight Loss Secrets to Lose Baby Fat

The 42 year-old singer-actor and mother of three lost 100 pounds of her body weight. Take a sneak peek into Jessica Simpson’s weight loss secrets for inspiration.

Sanchari Bhattacharya
Written by Sanchari Bhattacharya , Health & Fitness Expert
Updated on Jul 05, 2024 | 01:24 PM IST | 1.4M
Jessica Simpson's Weight Loss Secrets
(Image Source: Getty Images)

Jessica Simpsons, the American musician has remained popular to date. Naturally, a change in appearance was sure to spark rumors and discussions. Jessica Simpson's body transformation has sparked a debate over the internet in the recent past. She reportedly lost 100 pounds of her body weight after the birth of her daughter in 2019. Her pictures began to surface on the internet after she showed her fit figure to paparazzi while going to dinner with her husband, Eric Johnson.

The couple’s outing comes months after the singer lost excess body weight. If you too are feeling the need to shed some extra pounds, Jessica Simpson’s weight loss secrets are here to inspire you to start taking the right course of action. Let’s take a sneak peek into the pop star’s diet and exercises that helped her with amazing body transformation.


Who is Jessica Simpson?

Jessica Simpson is an American pop singer, actor cum entrepreneur. She was born on July 10, 1980, in Abilene, Texas to Tina Ann Simpson, a homemaker, and Joseph Simpson, a psychologist and Baptist Youth Minister. Jessica rose to popularity among her fans for her pop songs like ‘Irresistible’ and her studio album ‘In This Skin’ with 3 million copies sold in the United States.


Jessica Simpson’s Weight Loss Secrets

Though Jessica is extremely popular for her amazing singing and acting skills, she stunned all her fans by posting a picture on her official Instagram page celebrating being back in a bikini after losing 100 pounds of body weight after the birth of her third daughter.


Our contributor Dr. Allen Conrad, Doctor of Chiropractic at Montgomery County Chiropractic Center, says, “Many people need inspiration to get in shape. When a famous person does it, it helps those who need a little extra motivation. Watching how they lost the weight, what exercises they did, and overall that they took a good first step in improving their health can inspire many. Sometimes people just need a push to take charge of their overall health and well-being, and watching someone famous do it may be just exactly what they needed.”

If you are curious about knowing how did Jessica Simpson lose weight- the 42-year-old mother of three reportedly followed a strict Body Reset Diet for six months and performed daily workouts to achieve desired results.


What Is the Body Reset Diet?

The framework for the body reset diet was designed by celebrity fitness trainer, Harley Pasternak in 2013. He also shares an academic background in exercise physiology and nutritional science. The diet comprises a low-calorie meal plan that lasts for 15 days and is broken down into three phases, each having a duration of five days. The diet majorly includes protein-packed smoothies as liquid substitutes before you resume consumption of solid foods. 


In Phase 1- You are only allowed to have smoothies, white for breakfast, red for lunch, and green for dinner.

Phase 2- This phase involves having two smoothies per day and replacing one meal with solid food such as a stir-fried egg, berry beet salad, or vegetable sandwich. 

Phase 3- It swaps one of the two smoothies with another protein-packed solid food. 

Pasternak believes that any person would stay motivated to stick to any weight loss plan when they experiences rapid weight loss results - a theory with some scientific evidence (1). 


Jessica’s Weight Loss Diet Plan

Jessica’s Weight Loss Diet Plan

Losing weight, especially after childbirth is a daunting task. Jessica’s fitness trainer - Harley Pasternak attributes the body reset diet as the secret to quick weight loss. She eats three healthy meals daily (including 2 smoothies) and mostly snacks on almonds, keeping her daily calorie intake between 1200-1400 kcal. She had a protein-packed solid meal once a day. 


Moreover, she would include foods that are flavorful yet healthier versions of foods like a tortilla soup or Tex-Mex. As per Simpson’s nutritionist, the singer-actor consumed roughly 100 ounces of water during her weight loss journey.

Pasternak also confessed that instead of cheat days, the entrepreneur would eat several cheat meals, so that she doesn’t feel deprived of her favorite foods during her 100 pounds weight loss journey.


Jessica Simpson’s Workout for Weight Loss


Since Jessica’s before and after weight loss pictures have created a rave over the internet, her fans were desperate to know all about her diet and workouts that helped her lose the baby weight so quickly.

Speaking of the time taken in losing the baby weight, our contributor Dr. Allen Conrad says, “For most women, losing weight after having a baby will take time. The average is 1-2lbs a week, so the answer also depends on how much weight was gained during the pregnancy. In addition to diet, regular exercise 3-4x a week can help get you back to your previous desired weight, but usually takes about 6 months.”

According to an interview with People, Pasternak doesn’t like working with the scales. Instead, he focuses on keeping the singer’s body weight on track with her healthy habits. He further added that he has helped her bounce back to shape not once but thrice after she gave birth to each baby. If you want the specifics, here are 5 healthy habits Jessica followed as a part of her workout regime for weight loss.



1. Daily Walks

Daily Walks


According to Pasternak, Jessica walked 14000 steps every day to shed that extra flab. Jessica eased into activity slowly, starting from 6000 steps daily, and gradually increasing her daily steps count first to 10, 000 and 14,000 eventually. The best thing she feels about walking is that it’s a social thing and can be done with her family. Physical activities such as walking are crucial to keep your body weight under control as it helps to burn calories. The faster you walk, quicker the pace, the more you burn calories and lose a considerable amount of body fat (2). 


2. Healthy Eating


Healthy Eating


Eating healthy and nutritious played a key role in helping the 41-year-old actress get back in shape. According to her fitness expert, Jessica ate three healthy meals a day which comprised proteins, fiber, and healthy fats. Other than that, she snacked on almonds two times a day. Almonds are a rich source of protein and healthy fats which regulate metabolism and aid weight loss when consumed in moderation (3).


3. Gym Workouts


Gym Workouts


Jessica loves hitting the gym for a 45-minute workout session thrice a week with her fitness trainers- Pasternak and Sydney Liebes. In her Instagram post, Sydney complimented Jessica with her words- you have worked your ass off and the reward is priceless! She revealed that she had been training people for more than 10 years now and she has never been more excited for a client’s transformation. 



4. Unplug From Technology Every Day

Jessica’s weight loss was much more than following a healthy diet and workout regime. She would disconnect from technology for at least an hour a day, preferably before bedtime. Unplugging from smartphones or gadgets may help regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep (4). 


5. 7 Hours of Restful Sleep

Logging into 7 hours of restful sleep is Jessica's mantra for quick weight loss. Nowadays, most of us often undervalue the importance of sleep in weight management, says Pasternak in an interview with E! News. After she completes her other tasks, Jessica could hit the hay for restful sleep. Besides, she would also email to her fitness trainers showing she is being successful in all five tasks before falling asleep. Jessica’s positive attitude towards her body also made a great difference.


Jessica Simpson’s Weight Loss Supplements


There are speculations that Jessica took some diet pills to lose after baby weight. However, the singer-actress revealed in an interview that she didn’t take any dietary supplements to lose body weight but did it all with her healthy lifestyle habits. 

Nonetheless, she admits that she took certain diet supplements at the age of 17 after she was told to lose weight as a teenager. 


Whole Body Reset Diet Smoothies for Weight Loss


Now, we know Jessica’s weight loss secrets -including diet, workout, and lifestyle modifications, let’s dig into somebody reset smoothie recipes to help you lose weight quickly. Prepare them at home and get rid of excess flab for a perfect hourglass figure. 


Harley Pasternak’s Famous Red Berries Smoothie


Harley Pasternak’s Famous Red Berries Smoothie



  • 1 cup - Frozen Raspberries
  • ¼ cup- Frozen Blueberries
  • ½ Orange (peeled)
  • 1 scoop- Vanilla Protein Powder
  • 1 tbsp- Ground Flaxseeds


Step 1 - In a blender or food processor, blend all the ingredients to get a thick consistency. 

Step 2 - Add some water to dilute it to suit your taste buds. 

Step 3 - Pour in a tall glass and drink chilled. You can garnish it with mint leaves or almonds for added flavor.

Key Health Benefits: Berries are a rich source of antioxidants that fights inflammation in the body and keeps your immune system strong (5). Oranges are densely packed with vitamin C and carotenoids. It makes a rich source of dietary fibers that impart a fuller feeling for a long time and may help reduce body weight (6). 


Sweet Spinach Smoothie (Green Smoothie)


  • 2 cups- Fresh Spinach Leaves
  • 1 ripe Pear (peeled, cored, and chopped)
  • 15 Green or Red Grapes
  • 6 ounces - Fat-free Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 2 tbsp - Chopped Avocado
  • 1 tbsp- Fresh Lime Juice 


Step 1 - In a blender or food processor, blend all the ingredients to get a uniform thick mixture

Step 2 - Add some water to dilute if the consistency is too thick. 

Step 3 - Pour in a tall glass and drink while fresh. You can garnish it with a teaspoon of Greek yogurt or mint leaves to improve its flavor. 

Key Health Benefits: Spinach contains high amounts of green membranes called thylakoids, which are known to suppress hunger for quick weight loss results (7). Healthy fats in avocados are also known to render a feeling of satiety and reduce hunger pangs, thus helping you to prevent snacking on unhealthy foods (8). Greek yogurt is packed with protein and low in fats which makes it a great addition to your weight loss diet. Apart from that, pears and grapes contain natural sugars that fuel your body, while keeping you active and energized all day long. 


White Smoothie for Whole Body Reset


  • 5 Nos. - Raw Almonds (whole or chopped)
  • 1 Red Apple (unpeeled, cored, and chopped)
  • 1 Banana (peeled and chopped)
  • ¾ cups- Fat-free Plain Greek Yogurt
  • ½ cup- Fat-free milk
  • ½ tbsp- Ground Cinnamon (to taste)


Step 1- In a blender or food processor, blend all the ingredients to get a uniform thick mixture

Step 2 - Add some water if you are looking for a thinner consistency.

Step 3 - Pour in a tall glass and drink while fresh. Sprinkle a pinch of ground cinnamon powder to add flavor to it. 

Key Health Benefits:  Almonds are enriched with healthy Omega-3 fats and dietary fibers that render a feeling of satiety and reduce inflammation in the body. On top of that, eating a handful of almonds every day may aid in weight loss (9). Apple contains polyphenols that are known to have anti-obesity properties and may help in weight loss when consumed in moderation regularly (10). Bananas are highly nutritious and dietary fiber in them imparts a feeling of being full, consequently preventing you from gorging on unhealthy foods. 


The whole body reset diet, healthy lifestyle habits, and brisk exercises have helped Jessica lose after-baby weight not once but thrice. Her diet regimes mainly included high-protein smoothies and meals. She would munch on almonds two times a day to keep her hunger pangs at bay. Furthermore, she would unplug from technology to get at least 7 hours of restful sleep to regulate her body’s circadian rhythm. Also, disconnecting from technology helped her socialize more with her kids, family, and friends, simultaneously improving her mental health. Since now, you know Jessica Simpson’s weight loss secrets, level up your weight loss journey by following these healthy tips.


Contributor: Dr. Allen Conrad, BS, DC, CSCS, and Owner of Montgomery County Chiropractic Center


1. Strategies to Improve Adherence to Dietary Weight Loss Interventions in Research and Real-World Settings


2. Effects of Walking Speed on Total and Regional Body Fat in Healthy Postmenopausal Women


3. A Comprehensive Review of Almond Clinical Trials on Weight Measures, Metabolic Health Biomarkers and Outcomes, and the Gut Microbiota


4. Preliminary Results: The Impact of Smartphone Use and Short-Wavelength Light during the Evening on Circadian Rhythm, Sleep and Alertness


5. Berries as a Treatment for Obesity-Induced Inflammation: Evidence from Preclinical Models


6. Acute Effects of a Spinach Extract Rich in Thylakoids on Satiety: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial


7. A Comprehensive Review of Almond Clinical Trials on Weight Measures, Metabolic Health Biomarkers and Outcomes, and the Gut Microbiota


8. Weight Loss Associated With Consumption of Apples: A Review




How much weight did Jessica Simpson lose?
Jessica reportedly lost around 100 pounds of her body weight after the birth of her third child.

How much time did it take for Jessica to lose weight?
Jessica worked with her fitness trainer Harley Pasternak for six months to bounce back to her pre-pregnancy body weight.

How many calories a day did Jessica Simpson eat?
Jessica is said to restrict her daily calorie intake to 1200 - 1400 kcal per day.

About The Author
Sanchari Bhattacharya
Sanchari Bhattacharya
Health & Fitness Expert

Sanchari, a certified Health & Nutrition Life Coach and Naturopath, has 10+ years of experi...


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