10 Ways to Deal with an Ignoring Aries Man

Have you been having trouble dealing with an ignoring Aries man? Read the tips below to learn how to outwit this man at his own game.

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on Sep 17, 2024 | 03:51 PM IST | 3.1M
Ways to Deal with an Ignoring Aries Man
Ways to Deal with an Ignoring Aries Man

Aries People are not very sensitive to other people's feelings, therefore if they sense someone is becoming overly attached to them, they will likely just try to get away from them. They strongly regard themselves as independent and self-sufficient, and they probably find it simple to ignore someone if they don't want to be around them all the time. Because of their endearing qualities and personalities, Aries men can be difficult to refuse, but it's equally crucial to understand that they require their privacy and that they could play hard to get or withdraw unexpectedly after a run of fantastic potential meetings.

Therefore, in order to defeat him at his own play, you must prove to him that you can live without him. Continue reading to learn more about how to attract an ignoring Aries man's attention.

Ways to Deal with an Ignoring Aries Man

1. Avoid Clinginess

Aries men appreciate being the center of attention and being spoken about, but not at the cost of their privacy. Men from the sign of Aries find clingy and needy people annoying. You can't expect an Aries man to be with you all the time. If you are important to him, he will make time for you, but he won't stay with you all day.

2. Avoid Controlling Them

Aries men are less susceptible to being swayed. These males are way too stubborn and won't allow other people's opinions to sway their beliefs. These males behave very rigidly and with a bossy attitude. They are independent thinkers that can solve problems on their own and appreciate it if you show confidence in their abilities.


3. Apologize If Needed

The most effective way to win over an ignoring Aries guy is to apologize from the bottom of your heart, even though it could be difficult to acknowledge your fault.  He will put the matter behind him and move on as soon as you realize that you have upset him and apologize.

4. Compliment Him

An Aries man enjoys the spotlight and appreciates compliments. Tell your Aries man what you appreciate about him when you are with him. You might also try being flirtatious in other ways. He'll probably get very into you if you give him emotional intimacy and a cute smile.

5. Show Off Your Sense of Humour

Aries men enjoy smart and serious humor since they are extremely intelligent. These men are really witty; therefore, they find it funny when someone can respond with bitingly sarcastic words than they can. His interest will be piqued by your flirtatious and fun sense of humor, and he may think twice about keeping up his cool dude persona.


Ways to Deal with an Ignoring Aries Man

6. Respect His Boundaries

In trying situations, Aries men frequently withdraw from society and go into their cocoons. They want people to respect their limits and understand that they need some alone time during this time of no contact. The communication style of an Aries man is direct. He will limit his interaction with you if necessary. If you cross that line, he'll probably ignore you.

7. Don’t Be Too Available

Don't always be available to your Aries man to catch his eye. For these men, the hunting is every bit as exciting as the catch. You run the risk of losing his whole focus if you're too outgoing or accessible to him. He will enjoy it if you play it a little cheeky and make him struggle for your attention.

8. Give Importance to His Feelings

Despite their independence and assertiveness, Aries types nevertheless seek out others who will appreciate and understand their feelings. When they are furious about something, they might become distant and neglect people, but even then, they consider how their behavior might make them lash out at others, so they try to avoid interaction. They desire that others respect their emotions.


9. Avoid Boring Him

Because Aries men have a fun and inquisitive nature, they enjoy spending time with people who are entertaining. Male Aries can get easily bored. They are action-oriented individuals who require continual stimulation. Just make sure he's enjoying himself with you and that the talks aren't making him bored.

10. Continue Living Your Best Life

For someone who chases their goals in life, an Aries man will put aside his diversions. Play the hard-to-get role and appear busy all the time to the Aries man in your life. Try posting about your activities on social media; he'll be jealous because these males hate to be left out of the action.

The solutions given above will definitely get the ignoring Aries man in your life to pay attention.

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About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...


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