10 Ways to Make an Aries Man Regret Losing You

Don't worry if you miss your Aries ex! Listed below are some techniques for making an Aries man regret losing you.

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Published on Dec 08, 2022 | 06:02 PM IST | 3.7M
Ways to Make an Aries Man Regret Losing You
Ways to Make an Aries Man Regret Losing You

The hunt is equally as exciting as the catch for males born under Aries sign. Hotheads by nature, they would want to move on quickly after ending their relationship with their partner, but they are also the ones to look back on moving forward, whether it was to jump into a new relationship straight away or to break up in the first place.  This man may seem to go on with his life swiftly, but due to his over eagerness, he may later reflect back on the relationship and realize he was wrong. Therefore, you must let go of the idea of pursuing him and let him manage the situation if you want to make an Aries man regret losing you. Play the hard one to get and let your man handle the rest.

Here we bring you 10 ways in which you can make your Aries man regret losing you.

Ways to Make an Aries Man Regret Losing You

1. Focus On Yourself

You need to let go of the idea of pursuing him and concentrate exclusively on yourself if you want to make him regret. You need to evaluate how you performed before and after the breakup with your partner in order to understand the differences. It's imperative that you convey to him how much he is missing by ceasing to be a part of your tale after the breakup.

2. Use the No Contact Rule

The no contact protocol is exactly what it sounds like—you must refrain from contacting your ex for a specific amount of time. This entails absolutely no interaction, including no face-to-face meetings, texts, telephone conversations, emails, or messages over social media. Simply divert your attention away from all of this.

3. Avoid Arguing

Aries men detest confrontation in relationships and anyone who try to exert authority over them. Simply leave it alone and withdraw if you want your Aries men to regret their choice. Although it might test your patience, ignoring their behavior will eventually make them crave for you.


4. Give Him Some Space

Aries enjoys the attention and companionship of their partner when it comes to dating and relationships. So, keep off on getting in touch with him right after a breakup for at least a few weeks to make him regret cutting you off. This man will eventually yearn for his partner's love and attention.

5. Post Pictures on Social Media

The greatest approach to make an Aries guy jealous of his breakup with you is to make him regret it by sharing joyful photos of your wonderful life on social media. They'll ultimately become interested, especially if you post online somewhat frequently.

Ways to Make an Aries Man Regret Losing You

6. Pursue Your Passion

While you're separated, broaden your perspectives to pique Aries' curiosity. Follow your passion while picking up new skills. Prioritize personal development and growth while simultaneously having a great time and appreciating your lifestyle. He'll long to be out there with you rather than by himself.


7. Get a Makeover

Looking good is another excellent strategy to incite jealousy in your Aries ex. Nothing quite works like letting people know what they are missing. That could include staying in form, undergoing a transformation, dressing up, experimenting with a new style, or receiving a haircut.

8. Show Gratitude

It's important to express thanks for both what you had with your Aries ex and what you currently possess. They prefer to be appreciated for their efforts and that you value having them around. Acknowledging their emotions could completely deter them from acting.

9. Boost Your Self-Confidence

Make your wellness a high concern. The goal is to increase your sense of self-worth so that you are proud of who you are. Being confident is appealing! Do and pursue activities that will enhance your self-esteem. People that possess the same confidence in themselves appeal to Aries.

10. Authenticity Is the Key

Following someone else's norms or guidelines is not being genuine to yourself if you care about impressing other people. An Aries man finds sincerity and genuineness to be attractive qualities. Do not try to be somebody you are not, even while you are attempting to please him.


Always stand your ground while being true to your ideals, regardless of how much you want to impress someone. In the long-term, it will not only be advantageous to you, but your partner will also become more aware of his shortcomings as a lover.

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About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...


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