9 Ways To Attract A Gemini Man
Keep your texting amusing and lighthearted in the initial stages of dating. He will create distance between you if you get too serious or emotional quickly.

The air sign of Gemini is a huge fan of quiet romance. They are good at explaining their feelings to their spouse or partner. But since they despise being emotionally involved, they try to avoid doing so until it is absolutely necessary. Because Mercury is the planet that rules Gemini men, they enjoy writing and won't be put off if you occasionally blow up their phone with your frequent messages.
When it comes to emotional intimacy, your Gemini crush probably has no trouble making you feel butterflies in your stomach. Here are a few ways you can attract this guy.
1. Pass Him Seductive Stares
A powerful look will catch a Gemini man's attention. Nothing will give him the sense of being the focus of your attention more than a prolonged gaze into his inquisitive eyes. He needs to feel an attraction to you. Eye contact can be a great start to seduction!
2. Attract His Mind
The first step in enticing a Gemini man is to stimulate his mind with novel concepts. To draw him in, be prepared to talk a lot while traveling, as Geminis are perpetual talkers. Switch between various topics and ideas, since he has a short attention span.
3. Create A Mystery Around You
Keep your personal life a little hazy even though your flirtation is outspoken and direct. Although Geminis dislike mental gymnastics, they are drawn to a simple puzzle and will work to get to the core of you.
4. Get Handsy With Him
Sometimes, this air sign may need more than gentle hints that you are into them. So, make sensuality and sensitivity your playground. Place your hand on his forearm or lightly trace his cheek to let him know he’s on your mind.
5. Canoodle With The Man
Foreplay is underrated for a Gemini, so they appreciate canoodling. You can redirect his conversational energy onto his body, hold or touch his hand, or toy with his fingers, and a little necking would not go amiss.
6. Give Him A Massage
Sensual foot or neck massages can get them in the right frame of mind so that they can unwind with you. Tender touches here will increase your date's closeness to you and improve the depth of emotion between you.
7. Tell Him About Your Fetishes
Flirtatious texts will excite a Gem man's mind and body. He will appreciate knowing your fetishes. He will understand that you are into him.
8. Keep Up The Flirtatious Vibe
One individual can't hold this man's attention for too long. It takes a lot of flirty tenacity to draw in a Gemini man. He enjoys the spotlight, so interact with him on social media to express your interest in him and demonstrate that you are aware of his popularity. The more blatantly you tell him that he is fascinating, the more receptive he will be.
9. Throw On A Seductive Outfit
Gemini males adore gazing at well-dressed belles. They will turn to look at someone in a stylish outfit from across the room. They're addicted to novelty, so if you try to switch up your appearance everyday, you'll keep their elusive attention.
Don't feel pressured to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Remember that Gemini guys will be more drawn to your confidence and individual sense of style than to how flashy you are dressed.

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