4 Ways to make an Aquarius miss you after breakup

Here are four things you can do to make an Aquarius miss you after a breakup.

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Published on Oct 18, 2022 | 05:03 PM IST | 2.7M
Aquarius zodiac sign

Aquarius, the zodiac's ultimate peace and freedom seeker, recovers well from a separation. This advanced sign is always looking ahead. One of the darkest Aquarius characteristics is their tendency to be incredibly cold after they have left behind the people. After a split, chances are they won't miss you and will get back to their life. Aquarius doesn't hold on to emotional bonds, and they honestly believe that there are many other fish in the sea, so getting the other person's attention turned towards them can be difficult.

Here we bring you 4 ways to make an Aquarius miss you after breakup.


Avoid being emotional

1. Avoid being overly emotional

Aquarians may appear emotionless on the surface, but this is because they tend to express their emotions in rapid, unexpected spurts. So, if you want your Aquarian ex to miss you, try to be very calm and patient with your feelings, giving them the impression that you are simply giving the problem the time it requires without responding dramatically.

2. Give them space

An Aquarius requires a lot of space on a daily basis. The zodiac rebel cherishes personal freedom above all other things in the world. If you want to know how to make your Aquarian ex want to be close to you again, you must back off and avoid suffocating them with constant calling and policing. Instead, offer them some alone time. They'll wonder what you're up to and will probably miss you on their own conditions.



Talk intellectually

3. Engage in intellectual talks

Aquarians are particularly drawn to the mind. If you want your Aquarius ex to miss you, engage in thought-provoking conversations whenever you have the opportunity. Aquarius prefers to spend time with people who have fascinating topics to discuss and are drawn to humour and knowledge. They will most likely begin to miss the mental connection you both shared as a pair.


Don't bring up past time

4. Don't bring up your broken romance

When your relationship with your Aquarius ex ended, they and you were both aware of it, I t's pointless to go over old ground and recall the harsh moments. Aquarians dislike discussing the unpleasant aspects of a relationship, which causes them to overthink the negative sides while overlooking the positive. They need something wonderful to cling to you once more.

These are some of the ways you can make your Aquarius ex miss you and return to your life.


Also Read: 4 Ways to mend a Libra's heart after break up

Credits: pexels
About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...


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