8 Negative Traits of a Cancer You Should Be Aware of

Let us acquaint you with some of the negative traits of the zodiac sign Cancer. Every Cancer is probably aware of these even though they hesitate to admit it.

Aditi Balsaver
Written by Aditi Balsaver , Fashion Expert
Updated on Oct 27, 2022 | 01:13 PM IST | 7.1M
Cancer Zodiac Sign

One of the most intriguing of the zodiac water signs is Cancer. If you have this “sea-crab” person in your life, then you may need to be aware of the negative traits of Cancer. People ruled by this astrological sign are born between June 22 and July 22 and most of these individuals have a high EQ. However, people acquainted with this moody sign know that meeting the needs of both male and female Cancers is a mammoth task. They have a natural talent for finding fault with others and making them feel ignored and undervalued. They frequently feel uninspired by life's current course. Cancers are prone to losing hope in life when they are caught off guard by life's unexpected twists and turns.

They risk having troubled relationships because of their self-notion that they are "not good enough." Here are 8 negative characteristics of Cancer you should be aware of to help you interpret their psyche better.

8 Negative Traits of a Cancer You Should Be Aware of

8 Negative Traits of a Cancer You Should Be Aware of

1. They Are the Kings and Queens of Overthinking

Cancers enjoy thinking too much and like to be left alone with their thoughts. They'll pore over mistakes they've made in the past all the time and let those torment them relentlessly. They overthink so much that they even irritate their pals. Sleeping is the only thing that can quiet it down for them, but even that only works for a short time.

2. They Are Too Self-reliant

Very independent cancers prefer to handle things on their own, even when they truly need assistance. They would prefer to exhaust all of their options before requesting help or support of any kind. This is a result of their high levels of independence and inherent dislike of bothering others.


3. They Are Obsessive People Pleasers

Cancers strive to please others. They like ensuring the happiness of those in their immediate vicinity. Hence, they often forego their own emotional needs in an effort to satisfy those of others around them. They consequently try to forget about their own needs in an unhealthy drive to satisfy everyone.


8 Negative Traits of a Cancer You Should Be Aware of

4. They Bottle Up Their Emotions

They could come off as cold and distant suddenly because they bottle up their emotions. They frequently desire to cut off relationships and retreat inside their cocoons. Without any real justification, they may seem to enjoy being impersonal and uncommitted. This gradually manifests as a lack of disinterest, and, in the worst cases, as narcissistic traits. Additionally, cancers may be reluctant to reciprocate physical intimacy and may react negatively to any kind of physical advancements before they truly develop trust.

5. They Berate Themselves 

They frequently succumb to their own criticizing behavior because they feel neglected and lacking. A weak sense of self could give rise to a persistent depressive mood in those born under the Cancer zodiac sign since they are sensitive to other people's opinions. They take rejection personally and berate themselves viciously in the process. Some unevolved Cancerians could blame their limitations on those they encounter on a daily basis.


6. They Wallow in Misunderstandings

The Cancer man has trouble putting into words how he really feels about someone. This greatly exacerbates miscommunication between the partners. They are terrified of developing a deeper connection with someone, which gradually contributes in varying degrees to their main personality attributes. More alone time may be requested by a Cancer man or woman in order to decompress from stress and overwork. This means that they tend to retreat in their shell and need patience from their co-workers, which may not always be easily given.

8 Negative Traits of a Cancer You Should Be Aware of

7. Their Hurts Are Both Real and Imagined

When things don't go according to plan, they could develop a victim mentality. Instead of accepting responsibility for their conduct, they could hunt for justifications and point the finger at others. For instance, when they are hurt by a friend’s words, they often exaggerate the issue in their own minds. Hence, their negative mindset prevents individuals from fully recovering from their trauma or injury. This lack of belief in one's own value may feed irritation and contempt in their social circle.


8. They Can Be Moody

Cancerians frequently experience emotional ups and downs. Although they repress a lot of their feelings and emotions, they may appear strong and composed. However, Cancerians become the most susceptible and temperamental at the same time when things go out of their hands and they are unable to control their emotions any longer.

The Silver Lining

Despite their obvious flaws, they have a heart of gold. Being maternal and sensitive, they are quite sympathetic to others in difficult situations. They are self-protective and loving along with exhibiting a goofy, ingratiating sense of humor. These are the typical characteristics of the sun in Cancer.

Cancers take their own sweet time to demonstrate their kindness, sincerity, and mystical skills. So, just be prepared to be patient with the Cancerian in your life, as it can take some time to get to know them!

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About The Author
Aditi Balsaver
Aditi Balsaver
Fashion Expert

A voracious reader and animal lover, Aditi is currently exploring the intriguing world of fashion to...


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