Aries Taurus Cusp: 4 Personality traits of the people born on the cusp of power

People of Aries-Taurus cusp are born between April 17 and April 23. They are born on the cusp of power who are courageous, motivated, driven, smart and confident. So, find their personality traits, strengths and weaknesses.

Updated on Mar 04, 2021  |  12:05 PM IST |  6.3M
Aries Taurus Cusp People
Aries Taurus Cusp: 4 Personality traits of the people born on the cusp of power

People of Aries-Taurus cusp are born between April 17 and April 23. These people are born on the cusp of power. They have a fiery personality and are highly dedicated to their passion and goals. But at the same time, these people are quite authoritative as well. So, here’s what you should know about the people of the Aries-Taurus cusp.

1.These people are influenced by both Mars and Venus which are the ruling planets of Aries and Taurus. They are driven and motivated because of Mars and have a great ability for persuasion for Venus. This combination of energy makes them successful and a great achiever.

2.Aries-Taurus cusp people are influenced by both Fire and Earth elements. So, they are courageous but also quite grounded. But they need to think twice before giving a commitment to something.

3.For being born on the cusp of power, they have great strength and focus. They are destined to be a leader and highly successful in their professional life. They have the power to influence others. But don’t push them with your advice.

4.People of Aries-Taurus cusp are independent and have a great sense of humour. They love to spend time with their loved ones but don’t need them for support. For being independent, they can protect and take care of themselves. But sometimes, their sarcastic comments become a bit harsh for sensitive people. So, they need to be careful about that.


Strengths of people of Aries-Taurus Cusp

People of Aries-Taurus cusp are strong, fun, energetic, courageous, bold, confident and smart. You want to be a successful leader to guide others. You know how to live life.

Weaknesses of people of Aries-Taurus Cusp

These people can be sometimes pushy, stubborn, selfish and quite controlling. You are a good adviser who influences people a lot but don’t get pushy with your opinion and don’t try to control your team members.

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Credits: tarot, pinkvilla
About The Author
Deblina Chatterjee
Deblina Chatterjee
Bollywood Writer

Deblina Chatterjee, an MA in English Literature from Calcutta University, brings a unique passion fo...


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