Cancer to Scorpio: 4 Zodiac Signs Who Find Special Ways to Support Their Pregnant Partners

A few star signs go the extra mile to coddle their pregnant beau. Their love for their partner guides them in planning thoughtful gestures of affection.

Aditi Balsaver
Written by Aditi Balsaver , Horoscope Expert
Published on Oct 23, 2024 | 06:25 PM IST | 3.2K
Cancer to Scorpio: 4 Zodiac Signs Who Find Special Ways to Support Their Pregnant Partners
Cancer to Scorpio: 4 Zodiac Signs Who Find Special Ways to Support Their Pregnant Partners
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We all tend to look to our soulmates when we need some tender love and affection. And for the natives of a few zodiac signs, nothing takes precedence over caring for their partner who is pregnant. Indeed, these folks are romantic souls who aim to imbue devotion and harmony in their relationships.

When their partner is expecting their child, they plan unique ways to pamper and soothe their boo. This might involve anything from setting up a candlelit dinner to playing comforting music or even engaging in heartfelt conversations. All they wish to do is make their bae feel loved and cared for. Take a sneak peek at who they are:


Cancer is known for its nurturing nature and strong emotional intuition. Planning a cozy movie night, preparing a 7-course homemade meal, or creating a luxury spa experience at home are some ways Cancer might show their love for their pregnant bae. Moreover, Cancers try to assist their boo with grooming tasks like brushing their hair or helping them freshen up.

These Crabs (the symbol of Cancer) understand that pregnancy can bring a range of emotions. So, they see how being patient, understanding, and offering their support without pressure is crucial. After all, sometimes, the best thing one can do is listen. Hence, Cancerians allow their bae to express their feelings and concerns while extending empathy and reassurance.




Should their partner be expecting a baby, Scorpios would channel their creativity into ideating a dreamy and imaginative pampering session at home. This might involve setting up an indoor picnic, reading love poems, or creating a magical ambiance with candles and soft music. Moreover, if their boo is up for it, Scorpios love to prepare a surprise breakfast in bed to start their day on a positive note.

During each segment of the pregnancy, Scorpio would reminisce about happy memories shared with their mate to strengthen their sense of connection. It would be safe to say that this water sign pulls out all the stops to remind their boo of their love. They know their positivity can have a contagious effect, so they attempt to cheer their beau up and reassure them that they're there for them through even the toughest parts of pregnancy.



When their lover is pregnant, Taurus will put their romantic nature to use by creating a cozy and loving vibe at home. Taurus might prepare a lavish dessert for two, set up a comfortable nest with soft blankets and pillows, and ensure their partner feels cared for. They understand that laughter and familiarity can help their lover feel better when the nausea or strain of carrying a baby overwhelms them. 


Plus, Taureans are excellent at soothing their boo’s tense nerves, as they’ll offer to give them a comforting massage or rub their back to help alleviate any discomfort. In fact, these thoughtful earth signs may also leave little notes with potential baby names around the house or on their mate’s bedside table to brighten their day.



Virgos are detail-oriented souls who enjoy taking care of their bae. If their lover is expecting a baby, they like making sure that everything is in perfect order for their partner's comfort. They would then spend quality time chatting with their mate about their interests, funny stories, or future plans.

These earth signs know that distractions from the cramping or discomfort can be a great mood booster for their soulmate. So, they put their best foot forward to make their boo feel cherished and enveloped in a thick blanket of Virgo’s love through every stage of the pregnancy.



So, the partners of these star signs can rely on them to fluff their pillows and cater to every pregnancy craving. After all, they do all they can to make their boo feel cherished through each trimester!

Disclaimer: These attributes are generic and may not necessarily hold true for you.

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Aditi Balsaver
Aditi Balsaver
Horoscope Expert

A voracious reader and animal lover, Aditi is currently exploring the mysterious world of Astro sciences to decode the



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