21 Samples for Apology Letter to Girlfriend to Let Her Know You Are Sorry
Whether you have missed her birthday or dodged her calls, sending a heartfelt apology letter to your girlfriend can make everything right in the end.

One never wants to hurt someone they love. But sometimes, due to a bad mental space or situation, we end up ruining somebody's cheer and mood. And when that someone is your girlfriend, it is natural to feel upset. If you have somehow hurt your girlfriend and want to apologize with your heart, an apology letter can help you. If you are struggling with writing one, take cues from apology letters to girlfriend templates and mend a broken heart.
Apologizing to your girlfriend can seem like a challenging task, but with these sorry letters, you can melt her heart and ask for forgiveness. Make sure to have a sincere approach towards writing and show your remorse through a sorry letter to your girlfriend.
How to Write an Apology Letter to a Girlfriend?
- Be genuine in your approach.
- Accept your mistake wholeheartedly.
- Let her know she means the world to you.
- Promise that the mistake won't ever happen again.
- Take responsibility for your mistake.
- End the letter positively.
Genuine Apology Letter to Girlfriend After Hurting Her
- My dear love,
I feel extremely sorry for hurting your feelings and shouting at you. I know it was very disrespectful of me to say mean things. It may seem like I don't respect you or take you for granted, but trust me what I said yesterday was only because I was angry due to something that happened at work. You are my world, and I promise to never hurt you again. Please forgive me.
(your name)
Deep Apology Letter to Girlfriend
2. My dearest
I have hurt you deeply and am drowning in the pit of remorse. I have done you wrong and treated you badly for which I feel extremely guilty. Since the time you entered my life, everything has been so rosy and beautiful. You are my guiding angel and my life revolves around you. Please accept my apology so that I can hug you tightly and never let you go.
Your love,
Heartfelt Apology Letter for Her
3. My dearest love,
I acted foolishly yesterday, and if I could turn back time, I would happily go back and erase whatever happened. But I can't do that, what I can do is make an apology to you from the bottom of my heart. You are my one true love, my soulmate, and the most wonderful woman I have ever met. I would never do anything to hurt you ever again. Please give me a chance so that we can go back to being a happy couple. Once again, I am sorry.
Your love,
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Apology Letter to Ex-Girlfriend
4. Dear
Although we are not together right now, you have been my support and guiding light in the past. During our relationship, I didn't realize that my overprotective nature could hurt you so much. I thought my actions would show my love towards you, but now I have realized that when in love, one must trust their partner. I have mended my ways, and with this letter, I am not asking you to take me back. Instead, I simply want to express my apology and hope you forgive me.
(your name)
Apology Letter to Girlfriend for Being Toxic
5. My dear love,
I am speechless today and didn't have the audacity to face you, so I am writing this letter to you in the hope that you'll forgive me. Whatever happened yesterday was not right and I feel extremely remorseful for it. I should have faced the problem instead of taking it out on you. I should not have been so mean and said those toxic things. I know words said can never be taken back and that you must be badly hurt. Please give me a chance to do the right thing, and be assured, I will never behave like this ever again. I am really sorry, my love.
Your love,
Apology Letter to Girlfriend for Missing Her Birthday
6. My sweetie pie,
I can sense your frustration from far away, and know you are quite upset with me. Why won't you be? I missed your birthday, after all, and that is not a small mistake. Please give me a chance to explain all this, darling — I booked a flight to fly to your place and give you a surprise. But everything went in vain as all of a sudden, I was asked to attend an important meeting and work on a presentation that I need to give after two days. I know this does not justify what I did, so I am writing this letter to you and along with it sending a gift to the most important person in my life. Please forgive me, and I promise you we'll celebrate your birthday next week.
Your one and only,
(your name)
Emotional Apology Message to Girlfriend
7. My dear love,
I can bear everything in this world but not your resentment towards me. I know I have been behaving a bit differently lately, but I promise to be back to my regular self soon. There were a few things going on in my family about which I want to talk to you so that you understand everything properly. I don't want to lose you ever, my life is meaningless without you. Please accept my apology and come back to me again.
Apology Letter to Girlfriend for Not Calling Her Back
8. My sweet angel,
You called me many times today but I couldn't receive them. It was purely unintentional as I was caught up in work. I know it might have been something urgent because of which you were calling me and I feel sorry because I couldn't be with you when you needed me. Please forgive me and take my promise that it will not happen again.
Your love,
Apology Letter to Girlfriend for Lying
9. My baby angel,
Trust once broken can never be rebuilt. And despite knowing this, I lied to you many times. Even though the lies were small, they have hurt you badly and I can feel it. I can feel like my soul is crumbling into pieces, so I have gathered a lot of courage today to write this letter to you and apologize for all the lies I have told you. Please forgive me and give me a chance to become a better person.
Your love,
Samples of Heartwarming Apology Letters to Girlfriend
10. My baby,
I know I have many flaws but I also know that I love you more than anything in this world. My heart feels heavy when you get upset because of me. I regret my actions and promise to never behave in the same way ever again. Please forgive me, my love.
Your love
11. My love,
I know I should have listened to you intently yesterday evening. After all, all you were trying to do was share your problems with me so that we can sort them out. But my mind was preoccupied with something else and didn't give much importance to you. I am so sorry for being extremely selfish and if I ever do it again, fight with me but don't ever leave me. The pain of losing you is unbearable. Forgive me, please.
Your love,
12. My princess,
I know you must be angry at me as I dodged your call every time you tried reaching out to me. I am sorry I didn't call you back. My mood was very low and I was not in a mood to talk, so instead of addressing my emotions, I shut myself out from the world. I realize it was very arrogant on my part and it won't happen again. Accept my apology, darling.
Your love
13. Dear (name),
I cannot even imagine the pain I brought to you with my harsh tone in today's fight. I wanted to come over to your place and beg for your forgiveness but was ashamed of myself. I am writing this letter to you to apologize for my behavior and tell you that I deeply regret my actions. You are a true blessing in my life, and I would hurt myself before letting anything happen to you. I promise to make you believe all this through actions, not words. Please allow me back into your life and be my world again.
Your love
14. My lovely darling,
I cannot bear the thought of you hating me and cutting ties with me. I know why you are angry with me, and that I deserve to be treated this way. Let me tell you that I loved you then, I love you now, and I will love you forever. Yes, I behaved outrageously last week and your bitterness toward me is justified. But as a true lover, I am requesting you to forgive me and give me a place in your heart again.
Forever yours,
(your name).
15. Dear (name),
I don't feel good because I know I have been extremely selfish with you. You have always been with me in my good and bad times, but when you needed me, I wasn't there for you. You kept giving me your love, but I couldn't give it back to you. You have been putting up with me till now only because of the love you feel for me. All I want to say is 'sorry' and that I will try my best to become a better person and be with you through thick and thin.
(your name)
16. My dearest love,
I know you don't want to talk to me because I have hurt your feelings. But I couldn't help myself and wanted to make a hearty apology to you. I am sorry for being so inconsiderate towards your feelings and thinking only about myself. There is no excuse for my behavior. If you let me back in your life, be assured that I will do everything in my power to be the best man in the world. Please give me a chance to prove my love for you. I will be waiting for your call, my love. I love you and I am sorry.
Your love
17. Dear (name),
Everyone says that we should never take our partner for granted, but I never believed in it and that's truly the biggest mistake of my life. I always wonder how I found such an amazing person like you, and yet for some reason, I am not able to tell you how much I love you. I am not able to show my romantic side towards you due to which you feel unloved. This is why I am writing this letter to you, please accept it as an apology and forgive me. Also, I love you to the moon and back, my love. There is nobody as special as you in this world and you lighten up my life like nothing else.
Your dearest,
(your name).
18. My sweet love,
I hope you will accept my apology for my hurtful actions. I have already said sorry to you in person but thought that wasn't enough. I was wondering about how to write a heart-melting apology letter to girlfriend but then realized that when intentions are pure, you can do anything. I have been stressed out lately, but that's not an excuse for being angry at you. I can never treat you ill intentionally, please accept my apologies and come back to me again baby.
Your love
Apology Letter to Girlfriend to Make Her Heart Melt
19. My Sweet Love,
I know we planned to celebrate Valentine's Day together this year, but I am so sorry that I couldn't be there for you. There was a personal emergency at home due to which I had to be here. I am writing this sorry letter to you because I don't know how to apologize for this over a phone call or text. You had done so much planning to make the day special for us and I regret missing the celebrations with you. Nonetheless, I am coming home soon and there is a huge surprise waiting for you, darling. Please forgive me.
Your baby boo
20. My Sweetest Love,
I am sorry darling for burdening you with so many responsibilities. I understand that we must share our load of work but lately, I have been so preoccupied with everything that I couldn't help you with any chore. I want to go back to our happy days again. I promise to share your load of work and be the ideal couple again. Please accept my heartfelt apology and give me a chance to improve.
Your love
21. My darling,
I am sorry for venting my frustration at you yesterday. Your love has taught me many things, generosity being the top of them. I don't know how I forgot the good and bad times we have shared and yelled at you for a mistake you didn't even commit. I have no words to show how ashamed I feel of myself. I feel miserable without you, please forgive me.
Your love
There can be times when everything is not going as you want in life, so getting frustrated is inevitable. These are the testing times of any relationship, and only the ones who can keep calm and composed can fight the hurdle. Whereas, those who cannot end up taking their anger out on their partner and hurting them. Apart from that, taking your partner for granted and not helping them unintentionally are common reasons your partner is hurt by your actions. Humans commit mistakes, but what sets a good human being apart from others is his acceptance of mistakes. Never let ego kill your relationship, and write an apology letter to girlfriend if you have hurt her anyhow. To make the gesture romantic, you can also send her a bouquet or a gift.

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