90+ Being Used Quotes That’ll Help You Stand Up for Yourself

Glance through some being used quotes that will help you know your worth and set boundaries. Honestly, they will nourish your soul and make you feel better.

Pritpal Bhatia
Reviewed by PRITPAL BHATIA , Bach Flower Therapist & Psychotherapist | Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on Mar 04, 2025 | 04:38 PM IST | 2.4M
55 Being Used Quotes That’ll Help You Stand Up for Yourself
55 Being Used Quotes That’ll Help You Stand Up for Yourself

In any type of relationship, feeling like you are being used can leave a lasting impact and, in the worst case, can affect your cognitive health. Your heart might ache, and you may seem lost. During such tough times, you need to find inner peace by reading some being used quotes and sayings that not only help you accept things as they are but also reenergize your soul.

These words of wisdom speak out the bitter truth and allow you to learn from your mistakes and embrace the vulnerabilities of life. Life isn’t a bed of roses after all. A psychotherapy expert, Pritpal Bhatia says, “Even Gautama Buddha couldn’t put any meaning to the unreasonable happenings around. And, that is true for most humans, which is why quotes certainly help one put up during times of trials, struggles, and tribulations.”

Whether someone has used you for money, love, or power, this bank of quotes will surely calm down your chaotic mind. In addition, it will aid you in setting some healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life. These inspirational quotes will provide you with the much-needed confidence, clarity, and guidance to bounce back fearlessly. Come on, chin up, know your worth, and strengthen your soul like never before!

Best Quotes About Being Used And Taken for Granted


Best Quotes About Being Used

1. “Everyone is a tool for someone. The thing to consider is what exactly one should be used for.” — Erich Hoeber

2. “Know the difference between helping others and being used by them.” — Agnes Bonas

3. “Being used is not a destiny; it’s a choice.” — Assegid Habtewold

4. “It’s breaking my heart the way this world is so mean to people with pure intentions and soft hearts. With time I’ve seen much cruelty towards good people that instead of being cherished, they are actually being used.” — Samiha Totanji

5. “If you feel you are always being used, thank Almighty He made you useful.” ― Ibn Jeem

6. “If someone is using you, you can deny their access.” ― Chante’ Whisonant

7.  “Is that what love is? Using people? And maybe that’s what hate is - not being able to use people.” — Tennessee Williams

8. “I kinda felt like the first slice of bread in the bag. Everyone touched me, but no one wanted me.” ― Kelly Moran

9. “People know who they can walk over and who they can’t. If someone is walking all over you it’s because they know you’ll put up with it.” — Sonya Parker 


10. “There is no harm in being used. We all use one another daily. But were you misused by me? I can think of no one alive who could have performed better under the demands of your fate.” — Thomm Quackenbush

11. “You don’t have to let yourself be used like toilet paper and flushed down the toilet.” — Mike Jason

12.   “Nice people hate saying ‘no’ to their friends and family, that’s why they get used and taken advantage of.” — Sonya Parker

13. “Anyone who allows other people to control and guide their destiny will eventually become bitter and feel used and taken advantage of.” — Innah Delos Angeles

14. “There will always be someone, somewhere, who will use you if you let them. Keep yourself guarded. Don’t overlook the obvious.” — Carla Jackson

15. “Always question everything, and never let yourself be used. Never become somebody’s pawn.” — Ciara Graves

16.  “Even the most caring people can get tired of being taken for granted.” — Nishan Panwar


17.  “Just because you don’t use people, doesn’t mean they won’t use you.” ― Mary Joye

18.  “Do not allow yourself to be used for a life that is below your potential for good.” — Michael McFadden

19.  “If there are people in your life that you feel are using you, you need to reset the boundaries. Learn to say, “no.” People only treat us as bad as we allow.” ― Laura Barrette Shannon

20. “You will be taken for granted. You may be hurt to your very core, and still be asked to give a little more!” ― Adiela Akoo, Lost in a Quatrain

Being Taken Advantage of Quotes

Being Taken Advantage of Quotes

21. “With all the toys in the world people choose feelings to play with.” — Tyga

22.   “People confuse goodness with weakness. It is weak people, not good people (goodness demands strength), who are taken advantage of.” — Dennis Prager

23.  “I’ve worked too hard and built too much to be taken advantage of. I know my worth and what I bring to the table.” —Tony A. Gaskins

24. “It’s easy to be taken advantage of if you’re not honest.” — Katherine Heigl

25.  “I had been gullible, naive, soft, pliable. That’s why I got taken advantage of. To survive, you have to have tough skin.” — Tia Carrere


26. “Realize that the game of life is the game of, to some extent, being taken advantage of by people who make a science of it. Whether they are in government or personal life or in business, they’re everywhere.” — Walter Kirn

27.  “You can’t always be nice. That’s how people take advantage of you. Sometimes you have to set boundaries.” — Ritu Ghatourey

28. “Sometimes you try to help people, and it backfires on you, and then they try to take advantage of you.” — Bill Cosby

29.  “It’s when you get complacent that you get taken advantage of.” — Tony A. Gaskins

30. “Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of.” — Bob Vanourek

31.  “Know when you’re being taken advantage of.” — Agnes Bonas

32.  “Don’t let your kind nature be taken advantage of. Step up for yourself, don’t be a doormat.” — Insha S. Qazi

Tired of Being Used Quotes

Tired of Being Used Quotes

33. “I am tired of being used, hurt, and cast aside. It is my turn to use. My turn to hurt.” — Marie Lu

34. "I will not allow anyone to use me as a doormat. I am worth more than that." — Oprah Winfrey

35. “I’m tired of breaking down. I’m tired of this silly game. I’m done and giving up. Sorry, I guess you need to look for a new play toy.” — Taryn Styles


36. “I’ve grown tired of being used; And I’m sick and tired of being accused; Now I’m walking away from you; And I’m not coming back.” — James Morrison

37.  “I see the freedom at the end of the road; I’ve heard so many lies and I’ve taken the blows; Give it to me take it from me nobody knows; Sick of being used and I’m gonna explode.” — Zoltan E Teglas

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38.  “Sick of seeing you bruised and burnt out; Ugly and low, so sick and tired of; Being sick and tired of being used and abused; That’s right.” — David James Ball

Done Being Used Quotes

Done Being Used Quotes

39. “When you’re done with being used, you become desperate to fight back and it doesn’t matter how far you go, as long as you go. It’s like a bomb that’s ticking inside you and the longer you keep it in, the louder the explosion and the greater the damage.” — Arti Manani

40. “And I’m counting down the moments until I am left alone; ‘cause I’m done with being used to fill the hole that’s in your soul.” — Keli Thomson

41.  "I will not be used as a means to an end. I am a person with my own worth and dignity."  — Malala Yousafzai

42.  "I won't let anyone use me as a punching bag. I am strong, resilient, and worthy of love and respect." — Jada Pinkett Smith

43.  “I feel like I’m a library book. I’ve been used, tossed around, and put down. I’m just waiting for someone who thinks I’m good enough to keep.” — Francine Chiar

44.  “I need you, not it. And I’m done being used. If you’re going to take from me, you’re going to start giving back, and I’ll start with your heart.” — Delilah S. Dawson

45.   "I will not be a victim of anyone's games. I am in control of my own life, and I will not let anyone use me for their own gain." — Beyoncé

46.  “Do not let yourself be used, exhausted, emptied by others. Have firm boundaries and say yes when you want to, and no when you don’t want to do something requested of you.” ― Dr. Jodi-Anne M Smith

47.  When you stop getting used, you either adjust your boundaries or change the company you keep.” — Tony Gaskins


Being Used in a Relationship Quotes

Being Used in a Relationship Quotes

48. “She doesn’t know she’s being used and it would break her heart in two.” — Frazier

49.  “If a girl wasn't loved a little bit, without the depth of affection that might at least be mistaken for love, she was being used, and no one was the better for being used” ― Dean Koontz

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50. “Now you’re being used and you’re so confused that there’s nothing left to gain; Baby you could be in your lover’s reign.” — Michael Sterling

51. "I am not a tool for your convenience. I am a human being with my own thoughts and feelings." — Unknown

52.  “A brilliant lie. / All the time that was spent, / Being used, I should have said, / Goodbye and thanks for the memories.” ― Ashley Hittesdorp 

53.  “While someone may have used you, that experience may have made you stronger, wiser, and better.” — Richard Osibanjo

54. “What’s worse than being alone? being used, lied to, deceived, left behind and completely forgotten.” — Kreayshawn

55. “You used me. You made me feel special then you threw me away when you were bored. You took my trust. You broke my trust. You turned people against me. You turned me against myself.” ― Faith Dismuke

Being Used by Friends And Partners Quotes

Being Used by Friends And Partners Quotes

56. “I’m not a backup plan and definitely not a second choice.” — Unknown 
57.  “It’s funny how ‘friends’ forget us when they don’t need any more favors.” — Unknown 
58. “Some people treat relationships as a video game…they play them, and when they get bored, they cheat.” — Unknown 
59. “If a guy cheats on another girl for you, he’s more than likely to cheat on you for somebody else. Once a cheater, always a cheater!” — Unknown 
60. "The worst feeling in the world is to know you were used and lied to by someone you trusted." — Unknown
61. “It’s sad how quickly people can forget about you until they want something from you.” — Unknown
62. “There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t even jump in puddles for you.” — Unknown
63. “Don’t play with someone’s heart if you have no purpose for a serious relationship.” — Unknown 
64.  “You never loved me; you loved the control you had over me and my emotions.” — Unknown

Short “Being Used” Quotes

Short “Being Used” Quotes

65. “I’m not a toy, you can’t just drop me when you get bored.” — Unknown
66. “For you, she was a chapter. For her, you were the book.” — Xuan Ta
67. “You treated me like an option, so I left you with a choice.” — Unknown
68. “Love is like falling down… in the end, you’re left hurt, scarred, and with a memory of it forever.” — Unknown
69. “Some guys will tell you they love you and won’t even know your favorite color.” — Unknown
70. “He doesn’t call me his one and only; he just calls me when he gets lonely.” — Unknown
71. “People who take too much are always on the hunt for people who give too much.” — Alan Robert Neal


Being Used Quotes for Instagram

Being Used Quotes for Instagram

72. “Some people use you for what you have to offer, not for who you are.”  — Unknown
73.  “If he only wants you for one thing, remind him of the one reason you left him for a person who wants you for a million things.” — Amber Rose Whitaker
74. “Don’t let people use your kindness as their weakness.” — Unknown
75. “Your heart isn’t plastic, and it isn’t a toy… but if you want it broken, give it to a boy!” — Unknown
76.  “The wrong person will never give you what you want, but they’ll make sure they get what they want from you.” — Unknown

77. “Don’t talk to me because you’re bored. I’m not here to entertain you. And don’t come to me only when you need a favor. I don’t like being used.” — Unknown
78. “Cheating is easy. Try something more like being faithful.” — Don Kel

Sad “Feeling Used” Quotes

Sad “Feeling Used” Quotes

79. “I’m not a toy; you can’t just drop me when you get bored.” — Unknown 
80. “You’re playing with my heart, and it’s getting pretty lame. Decide what you want: the girl or the game.” — Unknown
81. “Sometimes people manipulate others because they need control in their own lives.” — Unknown
82. “It’s sad how quickly people can forget about you until they want something from you.” — Unknown
83. “Manipulation is when they blame you for your reaction to their disrespect.” — Unknown
84. “People will take advantage of you if you let them, so learn to say no.” — Unknown
85. “People only manipulate you if they think you’re too nice to stand up for yourself.” — Unknown

Deep Being Used Quotes

Deep Being Used Quotes

86. “Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re not enough. You are more than enough.” — Unknown
87. “If someone only wants you when it’s convenient for them, they’re using you.” — Unknown
88. “Manipulative people love to play the victim when they’re actually the ones in control.” — Unknown
89. “You don’t owe anyone your time or energy, especially if they’re using you.” — Unknown
90. “If you feel drained after being around someone, they’re probably using you.” — Unknown
91. “Leave behind those who only take from you and find people who give back.” — Unknown
92. “Never allow someone to use your kindness as a weakness.” — Unknown

Quotes About Being Used

Quotes About Being Used

93. “If you feel like someone is using you, they probably are.” — Unknown
94. “Manipulators never change. They just get better at hiding their intentions.” — Unknown
95. “Don’t let anyone play with your emotions. You deserve better.” — Unknown 
96. “You deserve relationships where you’re appreciated, not used.” — Unknown
97. “The more you give, the more they’ll take if you let them.” — Unknown
98. “It’s better to be alone than to be with someone who uses you.” — Unknown
99. “If someone is only around when they need something, they’re not a friend. They’re using you.” — Unknown


100. “Manipulation is when someone pretends to care but only uses you for their own benefit.” — Unknown

With being used quotes at your disposal, you will not only earn back your lost confidence but also get some clarity. Life is a journey consisting of the deepest fears and unpredictable feelings. Remember, heartbreaks and heartaches are part and parcel of life, and you should learn to accept that. To deal with this better, relying on the comfort and motivation provided by quotes is a wise decision. These powerful sayings will help you know your worth and move on with your head held high. 

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Do people relate to quotes about being used?
Yes, being used quotes encourage people tremendously and many people relate to them.

How helpful are being used quotes with regards to self-healing?
Being used quotes encourage the reader to embrace patience and self-compassion while navigating through the recovery process.

How can one put a stop to feeling used in a relationship?
By openly communicating concerns with the partner, one can put a stop to feeling used in a relationship.

How shall one respond when feeling like being used?
One can respond by calmly communicating concerns, setting clear boundaries, and saying no more often.

About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...


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