61 Heartfelt Breakup Paragraphs to Bid Goodbye to Your Close Ones
The pain of your bond breaking is unbearable. So, when you feel lost for the right words, these deep breakup paragraphs will help you bid them goodbye properly.

Saying goodbye is never easy. Whether it is between friends, family members, or romantic partners, goodbyes can leave you feeling heartbroken and lost. Breakups can be gut-wrenching, and you may feel impossible to articulate your feelings when saying goodbye. How can you bid goodbye to someone you care about deeply? While having a face-to-face conversation is great, writing a letter or expressing yourself through a text can be second best.
Take your time to write a heartfelt goodbye — a letter conveying your love and appreciation. However, it also may be necessary to be curt and crisp sometimes. No matter what your reasons or feelings are regarding the end of your relationship, you can make use of these sample breakup paragraphs we have compiled for you.
To make the breakup process as easy as possible, you can copy-paste these compassionate, understanding, and kind messages and send them to the person you wish to say goodbye to with dignity.
Top 61 Breakup Paragraphs That Capture the Pain of Saying Goodbye to Your Beloved
Sad Breakup Paragraphs for Her
1. I realized that I do not love you anymore when I stopped smiling looking at your face every single morning. Maybe I was wrong to think what we had was something special. I feel very sorry for making you think we will be together forever. Goodbye.
2. It is difficult for me but we have to break up. Earlier, we had a great time together. But now, we don't get along well. I think we should move on. I think we are not meant for each other.
3. All this time I loved you. I have never loved anyone else like this before. I really thought that we have a special connection, but apparently, you did not feel the same. Sorry, but I am done.
4. Despite being together for a while, I do not feel passionately about you. So, I am breaking up. I hope you find someone who loves you with all the heart — you deserve it.
5. I cannot be in a relationship. I am sorry. Maybe I was not made for love. I am sure you will find someone better — who will take good care of you. Wishing you the best of luck.
6. I gave you my heart, and you tore it into a million little pieces. You never felt sorry for treating me badly. But now it is over. I am done with your attitude. Good luck but you won’t find anyone who can stand you.
7. Even twenty-four hours is not enough to tell you that I want us to work. But I do not have a choice. I cannot talk with you the way I could when we first met, and that is driving me crazy. I am sorry. It is time to say goodbye.
8. I was happy with you. But I have to focus on myself. I cannot drop everything and forget about other people in my life. I am sorry. I cannot live like this. It is goodbye.
9. You always complain that I never listen to you. Even when I do everything to make you happy and satisfied. I am tired of that. Now you can go. Good luck finding someone who will treat you better.
Sad Breakup Paragraphs for Him
10. I never meant to break your heart, but you never bothered to understand mine. We are not right for each other. So, I hope (someday) you will get the type of girl whose qualities and abilities will be according to your liking. Best of luck in the future. Bye!
11. When a relationship becomes a liability, it should be discontinued. Our relationship has also become the same and it should also be discontinued.
12. You are the kind of a man who deserves a woman who is all in for you. I am sorry that I am not perfect for you. So, I wish that you will find the perfect match for you someday. Goodbye!
13. I cannot imagine myself saying goodbye to you. Is this real? No, it is a lie, you cannot be gone like that. I thought you were joking about breaking up. After staying for weeks without hearing from you, I then realized that it is becoming a reality. I did not see it coming. I would have tried my best to make your stay. I still love you. You still mean a lot to me. Goodbye for now. Hope you come back someday.
14. You wanted me to love you unconditionally, projected me as your partner but treated me as your servant. Love has a condition, that is, respect your partner. I do not want to be in a disrespectful relationship. Goodbye.
15. I am sorry to end things this way. I am not happy in this relationship. I care about you so much. I hate that this is going to hurt you. But I think we should end things.
16. I tried so hard. You did not see my efforts. Now I am out of love for you. You just stopped noticing me. I cannot spend my life with you because you never appreciated me. This is goodbye.
17. We both just fight, argue and shout. No place is left for love, understanding, and compassion. I think we should end this relationship at a beautiful turn rather than take it to ruin.
Good Breakup Paragraphs for Girlfriend
18. Earlier, your love felt real to me. But it was just an illusion. Sorry for wasting your time. Sorry for making your life miserable. I am leaving.
19. Goodbyes are hard. But we can still keep in touch. I just cannot be with you any longer. Thank you for everything. Good luck.
20. I have tried my best to save us. But I cannot do it on my own. You are obviously not interested in this relationship anymore. So, I won't insult myself trying to fix things. Good luck.
21. I just do not feel you anymore. It has been great. But it has to end. Even the best ones. I wish we could turn back the time. Thank you, take care.
22. We will ruin each other if we keep doing this. It is not going to work, baby. We were not meant for each other. We both deserve better than endless fights.
23. Of course, I will miss you. I can't live without you. But I also know that we should now move on. Maybe someday we will meet again. But as for now, it is a goodbye.
24. Sometimes it is just better to walk away. You think that we should be together. But I do not want a name-sake relationship with you. I want it to be healthy. We do not have that anymore. I hope you find someone who will love you with everything.
Best Breakup Paragraphs for Boyfriend
25. There is no trust left in our relationship. I can never look at you the same. It is okay that we are just not good for each other. Life happens. All the best. Bye.
26. I am unable to digest that the man who I thought is my perfect match is no more a match. This breakup is like a nightmare that I want to end at the earliest. Goodbye!
27. Honesty has always been the best policy in our relationship, so I want to show you respect for keeping that going. I admire you. I care about you a lot. But I do not feel like our relationship is a priority anymore. It is not our fault. I just think we have grown beyond what we can offer each other. I think it is best to end things.
28. I am done giving all my time to you. I am done spending all my energy on you. Let us just overlook that we even met and had a thing. I wish to not see you again or talk to you. Bye. Good luck.
29. Are you the man I once loved? How have you now shown me your side? I blindly loved you and trusted you, now all in vain. Goodbye! Never try to contact me.
30. I am sure you can tell I have been distant. You are an incredible person. I love and respect you. But I think this is not the best relationship for me. I think we should part ways.
31. I think we should break up. I do not feel like our relationship is working anymore. You and I are at different places, and I do not think our journeys are aligning anymore.
Read More: 121 Inspirational Quotes After a Breakup to Help You Move On
Breakup Paragraphs for Best Friend
32. Leaving you was a hard decision for me to make. But I later realized that I had to. I have known you for years, you were also among the friends that matter to me. Yes, we are breaking up. But I will not forget that we once had something special. Since we are facing many challenges and situations that we can no longer handle, we should call it a break so that we can search for joy and happiness elsewhere. But I still want to remind you that I can never and will not forget you in a hurry.
33. The worst thing is that we were best friends. I guess, it does not matter now. I loved you with all my heart, and you broke it. Do not contact me ever again. Have a nice life.
34. I keep asking myself again and again, "Where did I go wrong in our relationship?" You were the friend that I truly accepted in my life believing that nothing can tear us apart. We got used to each other. We did not quarrel a lot, but we settled the little misunderstandings that we had quickly. We were the best of friends which made everyone that knew about our relationship envious of us. I held you in high esteem believing that you also did the same. I was devastated hearing you say that you wanted to break up. I cannot still believe it.
35. In my list of people who have influenced my life positively, you are among the top people. Even though we have parted ways, your words of advice and encouragement I can never forget. Will ever meet someone as nice as you? You made my life better and more positive. I will never regret meeting you. Thank you for your love. I will always appreciate you.
Short Breakup Paragraphs
36. It is hard to say goodbye to the person I love but I think this is what maturity is. We are not compatible. So, it is better to move on.
37. Goodbye to the person who I loved the most. I am shattered and I feel empty inside.
38. We have a bright future ahead of us. But not together. Let us be brave. Let us move on to better things. Goodbye!
39. I loved you with everything. Thank you for showing what love should not look like. Goodbye.
40. How could you never care about me and my feelings and just walk away like this? You broke my heart to pieces.
41. I am so tired of our fights. I have a heart, and you broke it into a million little pieces. I am not going to pretend like nothing is wrong. It is goodbye.
42. I rejected everyone just to give time to you, to make love with you. But you always kept me last. Heartbroken!
43. I cannot stop crying. My heart aches. But I will move on and become stronger. You have killed my feelings for you.
44. Life was beautiful with you. II will take time to move on, but eventually, I will. So, goodbye and do take good care of yourself!
45. I know one day you will look back. You will then realize that you lost me. I was the best thing that ever happened to you.
46. I had so much fun spending time with you. But honestly, I think I want something a bit more serious. You are unable to give that commitment right now. So, goodbye.
47. I tried hard to express my feelings for you, but you were never interested in understanding that. It is painful to be in a one-sided love relationship. Goodbye.
48. I cannot stop crying. You were my whole world. Now I feel like I have nothing. It hurts me to do this, but I cannot keep seeing you. I want someone who loves and appreciates me.
49. My heart is shattered. I gave you everything I had. But it still was not good enough. It is over now!
50. It hurts me to say this. I do not love you anymore. We have been through too much hurt, and I cannot keep going with you. I am breaking up with you.
Long Breakup Paragraphs
51. You are an incredible person. I have always been able to envision a future with you, and I know we could have been happy together if circumstances were different. When we talk about a long-term relationship and maybe marrying someday and raising children, we inevitably begin discussing our spiritual beliefs, and it is obvious we are just too different. I would never ask you to resign your beliefs, just as I know you would never ask me to give up mine. For this reason, we cannot realistically have a future together. We should end it now. I will always remember you as a wonderful person, and I will always have a special place for you in my heart.
52. As I write, I already feel that I will regret this paragraph forever. You brought me joy like no other man ever could at the time I needed it most. You brought out the best in me by simply being you. Your love has lifted me to the greatest heights imaginable. I am deeply hurt, and my heart will, undoubtedly, be scarred because we cannot be together. I don't think I will ever find a love as true as ours, and I am not sure I ever want to try. Although you cannot take me with you, I have given you my heart to keep forever. Cherish it as you have cherished me, and we'll always be together.
53. I will always have a special place in my heart for you. At times, our relationship felt like it was the best thing that had ever happened to me, but lately, everything has felt wrong. It pains me to admit this, but my love for you has faded away. I cannot stay in a relationship where there is no love, and it is not fair to you to be stuck in a relationship that is a lie. I hope you can move on and meet someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved.
54. I want to start this out by saying that you are really important to me. But it is no secret that we have been having issues lately. I feel like we have both tried our hardest to make this work, and nothing seems to be bringing us back to where we used to be. I am emotionally exhausted and I am sure you are, too. I think the best idea right now is to take a break.
55. It is not easy to tell you this, but I recently began spending some time with a man from work. You do not know him, but over the last few weeks, I have realized he and I have a connection I can no longer pretend does not exist. It is not fair to you for me to pretend our relationship is going to work when I know in my heart my attention is elsewhere. You deserve someone who will love you, and only you, and I know you will find someone who will treat you right. I will always remember our time together as a special time in my life. I hope you can forgive me and realize my leaving is the best thing for everyone involved.
56. I love you so much, and that is why it has become too hard to maintain our long-distance relationship. It is just too hard not being able to hold you, spend time with you, and just see your face. We both know chatting online and talking on the phone is a poor substitute for time spent together. If we cannot be together in person, then I do not think I want to be together at all. It is too much to bear. We have to end things so we can start healing our hearts and move on with our lives. This is not easy for me, and I cannot imagine it is easy for you either, but this is the way it has to be.
57. I do not want to be in this relationship anymore. We have built a beautiful life, and it kills me to say this, but I no longer feel fulfilled by it. Life with you was amazing, but I no longer feel that passionate spark. I think it is best to part ways and say goodbye for now while I figure out what I want.
58. There may be billions of women in the universe, but none will ever shine brighter than you. Like the North Star, you will guide my heart throughout life no matter where I am. When the night skies are full of darkness, your love will shine through to give me hope. Thank you for giving yourself to me in the purest sense. Thank you for showing me what love was meant to be. Maybe, someday, our stars will align again. Goodbye.
59. We have to be realistic when we look at our potential future together. After we spoke about our plans for the future, it became obvious to me, and probably to you too, that our futures just do not align. We want different things, and this is just too much to ignore. We should part now and learn to live without each other instead of going on together knowing it will someday end. I hate that it has to be this way, but I cannot disregard my hopes and dreams for the future. I also know you would not be happy if you gave up your dreams for me either. Even though it hurts right now, this is what is best for both of us. I will always love you.
60. I know doing this over text probably seems awful, but it is the best way for me to gather my thoughts. I just wanted to say that you have meant a lot to me. You have been there for me through some big moments in my life and I will always treasure that. You know I love you, but lately, I have not been feeling like I am in love with you. I know this is going to hurt you, but I need to be honest about how I am feeling. I would love to stay friends if that is something you are interested in, but I understand if that would be too difficult for you right now. I am sorry, goodbye.
61. I just wanted to say you have been an incredible partner and I truly appreciate everything you have done for me. That said, I am not feeling that this is the best place for me anymore, and I think I would like to be single for a while. We have created some of the best memories that I will always treasure, but I think it is time that we go our separate ways now.
Saying goodbye to someone you considered your forever is always messy and can take a toll on your physical, mental, and emotional state. It is a time of heartache and sorrow, of being torn between wanting to stay and having to go. So, when the time comes to finally let go of your special person, it is crucial to choose the correct words to express your feelings and accurately bid them farewell. Even though you may never be able to fully comprehend the heartache, there are things to say or write in break up paragraphs to express your feelings. Moreover, to make it easier for you to write your goodbye letter, this curated list of break-up messages will capture your emotions while bidding goodbye to them. Whether it is your best friend or lover, pick one paragraph from the above list and respectfully bid adieu to your beloved.
We understand that it may seem impossible to move on at times, however, please remember that life goes on, and there will be brighter moments ahead. In case you are struggling with your feelings or unable to move on, please seek help and contact a relationship expert to deal with your sorrow and pain.

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