100+ Brother Jokes to Rejuvenate the Bond Between Siblings in a Fun Way
Here are some of the best hilarious brother jokes to share with your sibling and get him rolling with laughter.

Its said that siblings share a special relationship like no other. Their unconditional love for one another is the foundation of a bond that goes beyond time and distance. The unique bond grows even deeper as they pull each other’s legs, tease each other, and complain about each other to their parents, but when the time comes, they know they have each other’s back. This close-knit relationship is always special and must be celebrated—and what could be better than a dash of humor to strengthen the bond you share with your brother? Here are some hilarious brother jokes to lighten up the mood and tickle your brother’s funny bones. So don’t wait anymore and dive into these funny jokes for your brother to make him laugh and also annoy him a bit.
Brother Jokes to Remind Your Brother Who the Funnier Sibling Is!
1. Why did the brother bring string to the bar? He wanted to tie one on!
2. My twin brother called me from prison. He said, “So you know how we finish each others’ sentences?”
3. What do you call rats who are brothers? Bro-dents.
4. My twin brothers dressed up as birds this Halloween, guess what they said? Trick or tweet.
5. Have you heard of the blind Cyclops brothers? Neither have an eye.
6. What did Abel yell to his brother when he noticed a storm coming? Hurry, Cain.
7. I bought my brother a fridge for his birthday. I can’t wait to see his face light up when he opens it.
8. My brother wanted a dinosaur as a gift for his birthday. Then I told him, “They’re all extinct.” Hearing that, he said, “No, I don’t want a stinky dinosaur.”
9. Bruce Lee was fast, but he had an even faster brother…Sudden Lee.
10. Why did the brother sit on the clock? He wanted to be on “bro-time“!
11. When I was a child I had a condition where I had to eat mud three times a day in order to survive. It’s lucky my older brother told me about it, really.
12. What happened when the twin brothers got arrested? They finished each other's sentences.
13. Did you see Thor put some subtle eye shadow on his brother? It was pretty Loki.
14. My brother and I had an argument as to which is the most important vowel. I won.
15. My brother is a baker, but he can’t make good bread. He kneads to work on his dough skills.
16. What did one brother say to the other after stealing his cereal? “Hope you’re not too ‘cereal-ous’ about it!”
17. My brother who has a stutter is in prison. It’s just heartbreaking knowing he will never finish his sentence.
18. What is Bruce Lee’s vegetarian brother called? Brocco Lee.
19. Why did the brother wear his baseball cap to bed? He wanted to hit the dream league!
20. My brother and I laugh at how competitive we were as kids. But I laugh more.
21. Which Brothers were correct about being able to fly? The Wright brothers.
22. My brother is addicted to breakdancing. I guess you could say he’s spinning out of control.
23. How do you know if your brother is planning to read your diary? The decoy diary you left out is full of glitter!
24. Few people know that Albert Einstein had a brother who was an evil scientist who created a monster from body parts. His name was Frank.
25. How many brothers do robots have? None. They only have transistors.
26. Why is a German sausage like a little brother? They can both be brats.
27. My brother asked me if I knew any good jokes about sodium. I was like, “Na.”
28. My brother and I are on a tight deadline to make a bunch of Dracula action figures. I have to make every second Count.
29. Did you know Aaron Burr had a brother who was constantly falling over? His name was Tim.
30. My brother is a chef, but he can’t make a good omelet. He always cracks under the pressure.
Brother Jokes from Sisters
31. My twin brother likes to take the stairs, but I always prefer the elevator. I guess we are raised differently.
32. My brother and I got so bored, that we started throwing spice jars at each other. Then the thyme really flew.
33. My brother has a fear of Santa. I guess he’s got Claustrophobia.
34. My brother threw a carton of milk at me. How dairy!
35. My brother threw a sock at me. It hurt my sole.
36. My brother started a band with his friends, but they were all electricians. I guess you could say they had good connections.
37. I ran into my brother’s vegetarian girlfriend. She recognized me but I had never met herbivores, so it was a little awkward.
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38. My brother said science is better than mathematics. I said, "prove it".
39. My brother told me he could print money with his 3D printer. I told him that’s illegal, he replied, “It’s just too solid not to.”
40. What do you call a brother who never farts? A bro-breeze!
41. My brother couldn’t pay his water bill. So I sent him a “Get well soon” card.
42. While there are many great things about having a brother, one of the best is having somebody else to pin the blame on.
43. My brother started a band with his friends, but they were all electricians. I guess you could say they had good connections.
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44. My brother is my partner in crime. Until we get caught. Then, he did it.
45. My brother works at an orange juice factory. He can concentrate really well.
46. I was painting my room with my brother when I realized. He’s not a very good brush.
47. My brother played tennis against a wall once. He said it was his toughest opponent yet.
48. Why did the brother bring a ladder to the bar? He heard drinks were on the house!
49. A brother and sister were arguing about oars in their boat. They were having a row.
50. How do you make your little brother disappear? Ask him to fold a fitted sheet!
51. My brother is an immigration officer. He and I disagree on almost every topic. But he usually sees where I’m coming from.
52. My brother bought a boat and named it “Its-a-Boat-Time.” He’s really into puns.
53. What did the little broccoli say to its brother? “You look green, bro!”
54. My brother couldn't decide what sweater he wanted to buy. I felt that he was being too knit-picky.
55. My brother opened a suntan lotion store, but it went out of business. I guess it just didn’t have enough SPF.
56. Why do brothers always carry a pen? In case they need to draw a sibling rivalry!
57. My brother doesn't like brown rice. He's a rice-ist.
58. My brother has a way of playing with fire and getting burned in more ways than one.
59. How do you know your brother ate the leftover pizza? The guilty pepperoni trail on his shirt!
60. My brother is my best friend until he tells on me. Then, he's my worst enemy.
61. My brother told me he built a ladder to success, but it seems like he misplaced the first rung.
62. My brother’s favorite type of music is heavy metal… and not helping me move furniture.
63. What did one wall say to the other? “I’ll meet you at the bro-corner!”
64. My brother’s cooking skills are on fire… but only when he sets off the smoke alarm.
65. How do you scare your older brother? Say, “Mom said it’s your turn to do the dishes!”
66. My brother told his son to take the crayon out of his mouth unless he wanted the Crayola Virus.
67. My brother is a master of disguise… when it comes to avoiding doing his laundry.
68. My brother is a math whiz… but he can’t seem to figure out how to use his turn signal.
69. Why did the brother put his bed in the freezer? He wanted to have cool dreams!
70. What are Dwayne Johnson's brothers called? Paper and Scissors.
One Liners Brother Jokes
71. What do you call a ninja with 8 older brothers? A Nine-ja.
72. My brother is a real bookworm… only when he’s trying to avoid yard work.
73. Why did the brother go to art school? He wanted to draw some bro-ttention!
74. What do you call a camel that ate its brother? Camelbalism.
75. My brother is a smooth talker… as long as it’s about video games.
76. How do you make your brother sound like a cat? Borrow his favorite shirt and wait!
77. My brother is a gym enthusiast… until it’s time to lift a finger around the house.
78. When my brother became a baker, he was the “yeast” of my problems.
79. My brother is a fashion-forward guy… but only when it comes to wearing mismatched socks.
80. I told my brother he was bad at directions. Now he’s lost, bro-adly speaking.
81. My brother is a fashion-forward guy… but only when it comes to wearing mismatched socks.
82. I’d tell a joke about my lazy brother, but he hasn’t finished it yet.
83. My brother is a top-notch driver… if we’re talking about playing Mario Kart.
84. When my brother became a sailor, it was a bro-at of confidence for him.
85. My brother is a real charmer… when he’s trying to get out of cleaning the bathroom.
86. Is my brother a good secret keeper? Bro-bably not.
87. My brother is an expert at giving advice… except when it comes to his own life.
88. Is my brother a good secret keeper? Bro-bably not.
89. My brother is a tech savant… except when it comes to setting up the Wi-Fi router.
90. My brother’s diet is full of bro-teins.
91. My brother is a fitness guru… but his diet consists mostly of pizza and burgers.
92. My bro always has time for mushrooms; he’s a fun-guy.
93. My brother is a daredevil… except when it comes to going on roller coasters.
94. My brother? He’s my parent’s second favorite.
95. My brother is a great skateboarder… when it comes to accidentally knocking things over.
96. Brothers: Nature’s way of ensuring you never get bored.
97. My brother is a real brainiac… except when it comes to remembering birthdays.
98. With a brother, every day is April Fool’s Day.
99. My brother’s password for everything? “SiblingRivalry123”.
100. My brother is a social butterfly… that quickly lands back on the couch with his phone.
101. Having a brother is like having a built-in best friend… or archenemy.
102. My brother is a wizard in the kitchen… but his secret ingredient is always takeout.
103. Mom said, “Share with your brother!” So I did… my cold.
104. My brother’s motto? “Borrow from siblings, return to others.”
105. Behind every little sister is a big brother with a threat.
Roast Your Brother Jokes
106. I’m the main product. You’re the spare parts.
107. You look like a ‘before’ photo.
108. I believed in evolution until I met you.
109. You’re a one-man circus act.
110. Must be nice to never use your brain.
Big Brother Jokes
111. You might be older, but you’re not wiser.
112. A lot of people say me and my older brother look alike. I agree because I have his jeans!
113. Did you know Tinker Bell got a fat older brother? His name is Taco Bell.
114. All the comic books I inherited from my older brother had their last pages missing. I had to draw my own conclusions.
115. I was walking past a homeless man when he yelled, "Stephen King is my older brother and he stole the ideas for all his novels from me!" I replied, "Surely you must be Joe.”
Short Brother Jokes
116. I was shocked to hear today that my brother had been pickpocketed. I just thought to myself, How could someone stoop so low?
117. How does my brother greet others? He microwaves.
118. I love my brother. He is so down to earth.
119. I’m not saying my brother is inferior but I do look down on him.
120. You're so short that Michaelangelo could make a life-size sculpture of you with 1 can of play-dough.
Little Brother Jokes
121. I met Bruce Lee’s vegan brother today. His name is Brocko Lee.
122. I was cleaning the toilet with her younger brother. Then their mom walked in and yelled, "Get his head out of there!
123. What was Jesus's narcissistic younger brother named? Jesme.
124. Thor doesn't like telling people he has a younger brother. He's keeping it Loki!
125. My brother is my partner in crime. Until we get caught. Then, he did it.
Sibling Jokes for Adults
126. This guy always smoked two cigarettes at a time. If anyone ever asked him why, he would always answer that he is smoking one for himself and one for his brother, who is in jail.
127. My brother who has a stutter is in prison. It’s just heartbreaking knowing he will never finish his sentence.
128. My brother threw a carton of milk at me. How dairy!
129. I just met my identical twin brother for the first time. I was beside myself.
130. What did the violin say to his big brother? Cello
The bond that you share with your brother will stay just as special, no matter how old you grow. At the end of the day, no matter how much our brothers fight with us, they always protect us and love us a lot. These brother jokes would definitely bring a smile to his face and strengthen your bond with him. So don’t wait for any special occasion to make your sibling feel loved and adored—share these silly jokes with your bro now to have him in stitches and spread happiness and laughter.

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