Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex? Here’s What You Should Know

Do cheaters miss their ex? Discover the truth behind infidelity and heartbreak. Learn about the psychology behind cheating and the aftermath of breaking up.

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on Jul 01, 2024 | 02:24 PM IST | 1.6M
Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?
Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

“Do cheaters miss their ex?” This is a question that has crossed many minds, whether you are a victim of infidelity or have cheated on a partner yourself. Cheating is a breach of trust, a violation of the commitment made to a partner, and it leaves deep scars on both the victim and the perpetrator. The emotions that arise from cheating are complex and overwhelming, and one can't help but wonder if the cheater misses their ex.

It's hard to fathom how a cheater could miss someone they've betrayed, someone they chose to hurt in the most vulnerable way. But then again, it's also easy to forget that cheaters are human beings who are susceptible to the same emotions as everyone else. Love and loss affect everyone, even if their actions have consequences that will haunt them for years to come. 

It's important to understand the psychology behind infidelity and the feelings that arise from it. Only then can we start to truly understand whether or not cheaters miss their exes. So, if you're wondering whether your ex who cheated on you might still be thinking about you, read on for some answers.

When Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

When it comes to cheating, the end of a relationship can be a messy affair. For both the cheater and the cheated, moving on can be a challenging and emotionally exhausting process. If you’re wondering “Will my ex regret cheating on me,” here are some instances when cheaters can feel the sense of loss and regret, causing them to miss their ex:


1. Right After the Breakup

Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

In the immediate aftermath of a breakup, cheaters may experience a range of emotions. They may feel guilty about what they've done, angry that the long-term relationship is over, and sad that they've hurt someone they cared about. During this time, they may miss their ex and even feel the urge to reach out. However, it's important to note that these feelings are often fleeting and not necessarily an indication that the cheater truly wants to reconcile.

2. When They’re Feeling Lonely

Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

Even if a cheating partner was the one to have ended the relationship, they can still experience a sense of longing and loneliness. This is particularly true if they're not yet ready to move on or if they're having a hard time connecting with new people. When this happens, they may start to romanticize their past relationship and miss their ex. 

3. When They See Their Ex Moving on


Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

If a cheater sees their ex moving on with someone new, it can stir up complicated emotions. They may feel jealous or resentful, especially if they're not yet over the relationship. In some cases, they may even start to miss their ex and wonder if they made a mistake by ending things. 

4. When the Reality of Being Single Sets in

It’s common for cheaters to experience loneliness after ending a relationship. Once the initial excitement of newfound freedom subsides, it can become apparent that the reality of being single isn’t quite as rosy as expected. 

5. When the Nostalgia of Good Times Resurfaces

Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

Memories of good times with an ex can also contribute to a cheater missing their former partner. Sometimes, nostalgia can make a cheater believe that their previous relationship was perfect and that they will never find something like it again. This often happens when cheaters feel low or down on their luck.


6. When They Realize the Grass Isn’t Always Greener on the Other Side

Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

After leaving a relationship for someone else, cheaters might come to realize that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Their current relationship may not have turned out to be as great as they thought or, more simply, they might have had unrealistic expectations about what being with their current partner would be like. This could cause a cheater to start missing their ex. 

7. When They Realize the Gravity of What They've Done

Sometimes, cheaters don't fully comprehend the severity of their actions until after the fact. As they start to process the hurt they've caused, they may feel genuine remorse and regret. When this happens, they may start to miss their ex and wish they could go back and fix things. However, it's important to recognize that this type of reflection is part of the healing process and does not necessarily mean that the relationship should be rekindled.

Missing an ex after cheating on them is a complex emotion that could stem from a number of sources. Whether it's regret, nostalgia, or loneliness, the best way for a cheater to move forward is to come to terms with the past, acknowledge their mistakes, and focus on making amends, not just with their ex, but with themselves as well.


How Do Cheaters Feel After Cheating?

Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

Cheating in a relationship is often thought of as an act of selfishness. The truth is that cheaters do feel a myriad of emotions after they cheat, and these emotions can vary from person to person.

For some cheaters, there is an initial rush of adrenaline that accompanies the act of cheating. They may feel exhilarated by the secrecy and danger of the situation, but this is often short-lived. After the initial thrill wears off, many cheaters feel overwhelming guilt and shame. They may feel like they have betrayed the trust of their partner and that they have let themselves down. 

In addition to guilt and shame, cheaters may also experience feelings of anxiety and fear. They may worry about getting caught and the consequences that may follow. This can lead to a constant state of stress and a feeling of being constantly on edge.

At the same time, some cheaters may also feel a sense of relief after cheating. They may have been feeling trapped or suffocated in their relationship and cheating may have given them an outlet to escape those feelings. 

So, if you're thinking “Do cheaters regret,” it’s important to note that how a cheater feels after cheating largely depends on their own individual perspective and experience. While some may experience guilt and shame, others may feel a sense of relief or even excitement. Regardless of their feelings, cheating ultimately damages trust in a relationship and can have lasting effects on both parties involved.


When Do Cheaters Realize They Made a Mistake?

Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

"Does my cheating ex miss me?" "How does a cheater feel after a breakup?" "Do cheaters realize the consequences of their actions?" — the answers to these questions vary based on the individual's personality traits.

It's often said that cheaters never prosper, and when it comes to affairs of the heart, this adage certainly rings true. While infidelity can bring an initial thrill, it's only a matter of time before the reality of the situation sets in, and the cheater is left wondering whether they've made a terrible mistake. 

But, when do cheaters realize they've made a mistake? It's not an exact science, and every situation is different, but here are a few ways in which they may come to this realization:

1. Immediate Regret

Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

In some cases, cheaters feel a sense of remorse almost immediately after their affair. This can happen if they realize the gravity of their actions, or if they see how hurt their partner is by what they did. For these individuals, the realization that they made a mistake may come very quickly, and they may be eager to work on rebuilding the trust in their relationship.

2. Confrontation

Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

In other cases, cheaters may need to be confronted by their partner or by someone else in order to see the error of their ways. This confrontation could take the form of a serious talk with their spouse, a stern lecture from a friend, or even a visit to a therapist. When cheaters are forced to face the reality of what they did, they may begin to realize that they have made a mistake.

3. The Consequences

Sometimes, cheaters only come to the realization that they made a mistake when they face the consequences of their actions. For example, they may lose their partner or have to deal with the fallout from the affair, such as legal problems or social stigma. When the full impact of their actions hits home, cheaters may finally begin to see that what they did was wrong.

4. Seeing the Other Side 

Another way that cheaters may realize that they made a mistake is by seeing things from their partner's point of view. They may begin to understand how hurtful and damaging their affair was, and start to empathize with their partner's pain. 

5. Self-Reflection

Do Cheaters Miss Their Ex?

Finally, some cheaters may realize that they made a mistake simply by reflecting on their actions and motivations. They may start to ask themselves hard questions, such as why they cheated and whether they would do it again. Through this self-reflection, cheaters can begin to take responsibility for what they did and make positive changes to avoid making the same mistake in the future.


Ultimately, the path to realizing that they made a mistake can be different for each individual who has cheated. However, no matter how they come to this realization, the most important thing is what they do next. Will they make amends, take responsibility, and work to rebuild their relationship? Or will they continue to make excuses and repeat the same destructive behavior? The choice is theirs.


The answer to “Do cheaters miss their ex?” is not a straightforward one. While some cheaters may miss their ex-partners, others may not. Ultimately, it depends on the individual and their feelings towards their past relationship. Cheating can often be a symptom of larger underlying personal issues within the relationship, so even if a cheater does miss their ex, it may not necessarily be a healthy or positive longing. It's important to remember that cheating causes pain and betrayal for the victim of the affair, and while forgiveness and moving on is possible, it's not always guaranteed.

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Unmasking The Signs Your Ex Is Testing You And How to Respond


Do cheaters regret after a breakup?
Some cheaters may feel guilty and regret their actions, while others may not show any remorse. Ultimately, it is up to the cheater to decide whether they regret their behavior or not.

Do cheaters ever realize what they lost?
Cheaters may realize what they lost, but it is often too late to repair the damage they caused. Betraying someone's trust can lead to permanent consequences, including loss of the relationship and emotional pain for both parties involved.

Do cheaters get heartbroken?
Yes, cheaters can get heartbroken too. It may not be as straightforward as getting cheated on, but the guilt and consequences of their actions can weigh heavily on their hearts.

About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...

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