How to Cancel a Date: 9 Ways to Graciously Call off Plans

Learn to navigate the tricky process of how to cancel a date. Here’s how you can text to call off and reschedule with empathy and respect to avoid causing hurt.

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on May 23, 2024 | 05:13 PM IST | 978.4K
How to cancel a date
How to cancel a date

So, you've set a date, but circumstances have changed, and now you find yourself unable to make it or no longer wish to go. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes, despite our best intentions, it becomes crucial to postpone or cancel a date. From sudden work commitments and family emergencies to simply not feeling up to it- there could be varied reasons to call off a date.

However, saying no to the other party can be an uncomfortable experience—no need to worry if you're unsure how to cancel a date without being rude. Here we bring you a list of thoughtful and considerate ways to withdraw from a date. These date cancellations strategies will ensure that neither you nor your date feels hurt or disappointed. Whether you want to ditch the plan or seek to reschedule—we’ve something for everyone. Scroll down to read more.

1.  Communicate Early If You Want to Reschedule

How to cancel a date

As soon as you know you must cancel a date; you should inform the other person promptly. This is crucial to avoid causing last-minute inconvenience to them. By letting them know early, they have more time to adjust their plans and make alternative arrangements if necessary. If you prefer not to delve into specific reasons for canceling, a simple approach is to mention that something came up and politely ask to reschedule.


This way, your date understands you are still interested in going out together. An excellent and subtle message like "I just remembered that I have something urgent to wind up today. Would sometime next week work for you?" would be great to handle the situation considerately. Try to keep your message very short, sweet, and simple without going into heavy explanations. By proposing an alternative date, you demonstrate your continued interest in meeting up without causing unnecessary discomfort.

2.  If You Are Canceling on the Day of the Date

When you cancel a date on the same day it was planned, it can be pretty disruptive for the other person. They might have made arrangements or preparations for the date, and your cancellation could lead to disappointment or inconvenience for them. To avoid hurting their feelings, send a simple text like "Hi there, I apologize, but an unexpected commitment came up tonight, and I can't change it. I was looking forward to meeting you. Would tomorrow night work for you instead?" It's taking responsibility for your actions and considering the other person's time and emotions. Even if the cancellation is necessary, showing remorse through an apology helps maintain a sense of respect and empathy in the situation.


3.  If You Don’t Want to Go out with Them

How to cancel a date

If you lack interest or attraction towards them as a potential romantic partner, it's essential to be honest with yourself and the other person. Avoid leading them on or giving mixed signals, which can create confusion and hurt feelings. Instead, communicate your decision respectfully and clearly, without being harsh or insensitive. Choosing not to go out with someone doesn't make you the wrong person; it's a matter of personal preference and compatibility. If you are seeking an answer about how to cancel a date because you're not interested, then a simple message like "Hello, I apologize for the inconvenience, but I don't believe we're the right match. Hope you understand. I wish you all the best" can save your reputation.

4. If You Are Canceling the Date Because You’re Not Ready

In such cases, it's best to be honest with yourself and any potential partners. Instead of pushing yourself into dating when you're not ready, take the time to address your needs and emotions. Communicate your decision with kindness and clarity so they understand your position. Be direct and explicit so they won’t start blaming themselves for this decision. Let them know that you're not ready to date, and while you don't have to elaborate on the reasons if you don't wish to, it's essential to be clear about your decision.


Writing a message for this kind of situation needs thoughtful deliberation. Instead of offering a vague postponing excuse, go with pretty clear communication. For example, I wanted to reach out and let you know that I've been doing some introspection, and I've realized that I'm not quite ready to pursue dating at this time. It's not a reflection on you in any way; I truly appreciate the connection we had and your interest in getting to know me better.” This will help your date understand your decision and prevent negative self-doubt from creeping into their thoughts about why you canceled.

5. If You’re Canceling Because of No Mutual Feelings

How to cancel a date

If you have to cancel a date because you do not share the same level of interest or emotional connection, then you should communicate this over a call. In such situations, it's essential to be respectful of their feelings. It's better to communicate your decision early and avoid leading the other person on or creating false expectations. By canceling the date and being forthright about the lack of mutual feelings, you are saving both yourself and the other person from potential disappointment or discomfort during the date. It would help if you always used statements that start with “I” while communicating your concerns. For example, “Hey, I just want to apologize because I don’t think we share mutual feelings, interests, or connections. I truly cherished the time we spent getting to know each other.”


6. When You’re Canceling a Date Because You’re Not in the Right Head Space

If you are not in the emotional or mental state to engage in a meaningful connection, then you can send a very casual, easy-breezy message to let them know about your situation. Though it’s not necessary to explain all the details, try to be transparent and open about your reasons for canceling in a one-liner so that the other person understands and respects your decision. You can say, I apologize for canceling, but I have some personal issues. I hope we can find another time to reschedule our date. Keep a tab on their reply or revert, as it can clarify their nature and whether they are worthy of this.

7. If You’re Canceling out of Bad Intuition

How to cancel a date

If you have a strong feeling or gut instinct that something may not be right about the person or the situation, then listen to your gut feeling and honor your instincts, as they can serve as valuable guides in making decisions, including those related to dating. Always prioritize your safety and emotional well-being, and remember that it's okay to cancel a date if you feel uncomfortable or uncertain about the situation.


Trust yourself and make decisions that feel right for you. In such cases, you don't owe anyone a detailed explanation about your intuition, but you can communicate politely and respectfully that you won't be able to proceed with the date. For example, Apologies, but I need to cancel.”

8.  If you’re Canceling Because of Low Self-confidence

When you are feeling uncertain about yourself and your ability to make a positive impression on the other person, then try to postpone a date by stating a valid reason. We all go through low phases occasionally, and that’s acceptable. If you plan to go on a date when you're not feeling confident in yourself, it will only create further stress and discomfort in your well-being. Moreover, this space makes it challenging to enjoy the experience or present your authentic self. Instead, slow down and send a short and sweet text to them. For example, Hello there! This week has been quite hectic, and I'm not feeling my best. Would it be alright if we reschedule for next weekend?” Make sure to work on building self-confidence by practicing self-care activities. If your self-confidence impacts your dating experiences, consider seeking support from friends, family, or a professional counselor to help you work through these feelings.

9. If you're Canceling Because You Haven't Fully Recovered from Your Past Relationship

How to cancel a date

If you recently had a breakup, then it's completely natural to have thoughts about your ex before heading out on a new date. If that’s the case with you, you must recognize your emotional state. Taking the time to heal and process your feelings is crucial before diving into a new romantic connection. It's okay to take the time to address any lingering emotions from your previous relationship before embarking on a new one. You don't need to divulge every detail of your thoughts in the text but communicate a clear reason for the cancellation to avoid misunderstanding. For example, Hey there, I need to reschedule our date. I have some personal matters to attend to to be fully present and focused on our date. Thank you for being so understanding.”


So, whether you experience an unexpected change of plans or need to cancel or reschedule, approach how to cancel a date with kindness to avoid any upsetting feelings or hurt.  Life is filled with unforeseen winds. Thus, it’s completely normal if you need to postpone a date occasionally. What truly matters is how you approach this situation and the consideration you extend to the other person. While it's essential to avoid canceling plans whenever possible when going out with a potential partner, spouse, or loved one, if you find it necessary to do so, handle the situation thoughtfully and respectfully. Take note of the abovementioned strategies and use them whenever you need to cancel a plan to maintain your relationships and connections with others.



Is it OK to cancel a date last minute?
Canceling a date last minute is generally not ideal, as it can be disrespectful and inconvenient for the other person. However, if you are doing so, then there might be legitimate reasons, such as emergencies or unexpected circumstances for the same.

Is it rude to cancel a date the day of?
Canceling a date on the day of can be considered rude and inconsiderate. However, if you have valid reasons for the same, then it’s okay. Communicate your situation to the other person and offer sincere apologies to avoid hurtful feelings. Moreover, don’t make a habit of canceling last minute and prioritize respecting the other person's time and emotions.

Should you cancel a date if you're not feeling it?
Yes, if that’s the case with you, then it's better to cancel the date than to go through with it half-heartedly. Be honest about what you feel and try to communicate beforehand instead of wasting their time.

How do you reject a date indirectly?
To reject a date indirectly, you can use polite language and gentle excuses without being overly specific. You might mention prior commitments, busy schedules, or not being ready for dating. It's essential to be considerate of the other person's feelings and avoid any harsh or hurtful rejections.

Can I cancel a date because of anxiety?
Yes, it is entirely acceptable to cancel a date because of anxiety. Your mental and emotional well-being should be a priority, and it's essential to take care of yourself. If stress or other personal issues prevent you from going on a date, it's okay to communicate your feelings honestly and considerately to the other person.

How do you say no to a date without saying no?
Using kind and gentle words instead of saying no is seen as polite. You might express gratitude for the invitation but mention a valid reason to the other person.

About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...


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