How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back: Tips to Reignite Love And Romance

If you are truly missing her, then here are some tips on how to get your ex-girlfriend back. Look for a chance, patch up, clear the clutter, and start afresh!

Anubhuti Mishra
Written by Anubhuti Mishra , Relationship Expert
Updated on Nov 26, 2024 | 03:49 PM IST | 323.7K
How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back
How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

A relationship is a two-way street, involving a mutual exchange of respect, trust, gratitude, and love. However, there is a time when you hit a rough patch, things turn upside down, and the flame of your connection begins to extinguish. If you recently broke up with your girlfriend and wish to start afresh with a renewed version of yourself, then learn how to get your ex-girlfriend back in the right way.

The journey of togetherness might end but the longing for each other never really stops. The ship that sank earlier will not magically return through calls, tricks, gimmicks, text messages, or clever conversations. Instead, focus on the present without sowing the seeds of doubts, dishonesty, or misunderstandings. 

Focus on re-entering a new relationship, built on a solid foundation of trust, respect, and ever-lasting love. It is possible to learn how to get back your girlfriend only if you genuinely feel a deep connection. Moreover, you both must first get acquainted with your past mistakes, grow, and improve individually to enter as a new and better version of yourself. 

Ensure that you both have recovered well from your past breakup. You and your ex might have parted ways for a couple of reasons but now as a mature man, put in efforts to make the relationship thrive. As you scroll ahead, we will take you through a list of tips and guide you to get back your lady love. Let’s get started! 



How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back? Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Understand Why Your Ex Left You

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

To know how to get your ex-partner back, first, you have to understand the main reason behind why you broke up or why your ex left you. Take ownership of your actions and look into the past relationship seriously. Below are a few reasons for breakup that might help you analyze what went wrong: 

  1. You took her for granted
  2. Poor communication skills
  3. Cheating
  4. Being complacent. 
  5. Inability to grow together 
  6. You both desire different things
  7. You stopped trying and making an effort
  8. Loss of emotional attraction

These are a few reasons for the breakup. However, the most common reason why couples split is a lack of understanding. Once you acknowledge and accept your part in the decline of your relationship, start repairing it. 

You need not play the victim card as that will get you nowhere. It takes two to tango, and if you are not dancing, then observe your dance steps. She might underline “It’s not you, it’s me!” when you broke up but don’t let that absolve you. There must be something that caused her not to want to be with you anymore. Figure that out!


Hence, the first step is to begin reworking and analyzing yourself. Re-build the attractions that you had in a new way, become the best version of yourself, clear things up before taking a step ahead, and be patient. 

Getting back to your ex won’t be an overnight thing over a call or text. It is a time-consuming process that should progress naturally. Follow the guidelines carefully, avoid rushing, and you will eventually see the benefits.

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Step 2: Embark on the Month of Absence

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Once you have acknowledged your part in the decline of your past relationship, the second step is to embark on the month of absence. To know how to win back your ex, you have to refrain from contacting your ex for a particular period, for say a month. If you follow this rule, you will avoid the very first mistake that most boyfriends make after a breakup — begging and pleading to their ex to get back. 


If you ask her to give you another chance to prove that you are the best boyfriend, then that’s not going to work. She broke up and lost her emotional attraction towards you. According to the rule of absence, you have to reignite attraction and make her desire you once again. 

There is nothing more detrimental than trying to change the mind of your ex in the heat of the breakup. Hence, embark on the month of absence. We do know that it can be tough, but good things take time. Simply, be absent from your ex’s life for about a month. Strictly no calls, messages, letters, liking her posts, stories, commenting on her pictures, or sliding into her DMs. Just stay away for the good. 

This is the most important step to rebuild a strong foundation and a healthy relationship with your ex-girlfriend. It is the toughest key to how to make your ex want you back. 

Would you ever build a house on a weak foundation? No, right? Likewise, to revisit life with your ex, stop contacting her. Your absence will heal her from the breakup, calm her down, and prepare her for your future companionship.


Step 3: Stick to the Month of Absence

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Taking your ex back to the good old times can get difficult if the fire of your breakup is yet to be extinguished completely. Contacting her regularly can make things worse, hence, stick to the month of absence. You need to change the pattern of your life for the good. 

Take time to evaluate your thoughts. If they are negative, you need to transform them into something positive. Think of everything that makes you happy, work on your future plans, and everything that does not include your ex. 

Start checking the quality of your thoughts. Work on yourself and don’t let the mixture of emotions trap you. 

Read More: How to Make a Girl Like You Over Text And Win Her Affection

Step 4: Be in a Good Company

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Step four is to be in good company. This is one of the best ways to prevent yourself from contacting your ex-girlfriend. Hang out with friends and families that lift you up with positivity. Avoid meeting those who will delve deeper into your breakup and things that will make you miss your girl more. 

Seeking advice from close family and friends is good, however, at times it can also be biased. So be in good company with people who will take your mind off her and not make you dwell on your breakup. They will only make you overanalyze the situation, make you feel paranoid, and make you go mad. 


Step 5: Interact with New People

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Meet new people to stop thinking about your ex. After a breakup, all that you need is the comfort of your friends and family. You can interact with people around you and take it as an opportunity to improve your connection-building game. Leave the door open and analyze your thoughts. 

You can also go out on other dates to incite a little healthy jealousy and let your ex believe that you might be moving on from her. However, the rule here is to sow the seed of little jealousy to understand your own feelings for one another. 

In fact, if you and your ex have too many mutual friends, then there is a higher possibility of getting a rumor spread that you are moving on. This will make her want you back. 

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Step 6: Exercise

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Exercise in as many forms as you can. You can go running, jogging, hiking, or visit a gym regularly. Engaging in physical activities can help in changing the quality of your thoughts. It will not only improve your well-being but also distract your mind for the good. It will promote quality sleep, relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and make you feel better. 

Moreover, exercising or engaging in workouts is the easiest way to make your ex desire you, just by looking at your physique. When you are in your ‘month of absence’ mode, work on yourself and sculpt your features. Exercise is a great way to occupy your time. While you are not in contact with your ex, you can focus on becoming the best version of yourself.

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Step 7: Re-introduce Your Communication

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

You can get your girlfriend back by re-introducing communication, once you have successfully completed the absence month. This step is a little delicate so do not rush and avoid looking too desperate. 

Try to communicate over text or chat if you are not comfortable with calling. Your message should be something that made you think of her. You can also ask her a question that reminds her of a fond memory that you shared. Ensure that your message doesn’t have any kind of 

“I miss you” sadness to it. Avoid looking too desperate even if you really are. 

The game here is to re-attract your ex-girlfriend. Avoid being overly nice to her either and don’t show that you are trying too hard to be cordial. Slowly impress her and let her work on it a little too. 


If your ex-girlfriend replies to you, then you have successfully entered the gate. However, if she doesn’t read your text, then wait for a few days or a week. Don’t bombard her with too many messages. This will also make you appear thirsty for her attention.

Once, your ex responds, it is all about getting that face-to-face attention unknowingly. Ask her about her life, and daily chores, and kickstart simple conversations. Begin rebuilding the connection once she gets comfortable. Remember to be playful with a light mood. 

You can also try being funny and charismatic. Humor is another key to learning how to win a girl back. All that you need to do is make her feel good being around you.

Read More: 120 Romantic Things to Say to Your Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Or Lover

Step 8: Rekindle the Romance

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Once your ex is in a good space with you and things are normal, move on to the next step. Try to keep moving in an intimate setting by calling her over, and cooking her favorite meal as a thank you for whatever favour you asked of her.

Show off all that you learned. Break the barrier and reignite the passion that you once had at the beginning of any new relationship. Do your research, and be well-prepared as this is your second chance to fix everything that was once broken. 

Rekindle the romance and feel the warmth that had been missing for a while. Begin your path of transformation by becoming the type of man who will draw your ex back into your life. 


Reasons to Get Back with an Ex-Girlfriend

How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

Before considering how can you get your ex-girlfriend back, you must be fully confident about everything that you are doing. It should be for all the right reasons such as: 

  1. Your relationship is fixable
  2. You have changed for the better
  3. You can rebuild trust
  4. You are willing to work to get back together

Taking the time to think about what went wrong in the relationship can help you determine whether the relationship is worth working on once again. Bring up the possibility of getting back together and having a trial period in case necessary. A trial period will give you and your ex time to get back into the routine of things.

After trying out every single step, you can easily crack the code to how to get your ex-girlfriend back. When the time is right to reconnect, approach her with sincerity and a fresh perspective. Show that you’ve learned from the past and are prepared to communicate openly, fostering an environment of trust and respect. 


Ultimately, it is both of you that have truly grown and healed. Hence, there is a potential for a more meaningful relationship. Trust the process, leave it to God, and remember that the journey towards love often starts from within.


How long should one wait before trying to get her back?
You should wait at least 4 to 6 weeks after the breakup before trying to get her back.

How can I improve myself during the break?
Accept your feelings, be kind to yourself, practice gratitude, and do the things that you truly love.

How do I initiate contact again after a breakup?
Don’t bombard her with messages. Wait for her response and be general. You can ask her about her life lately and how is she doing.

Should I apologize for the breakup?
Yes, if you want to have a very polite or friendly relationship with your ex-girlfriend in the future, then it is better to apologize for the breakup.

How do I rebuild trust after the breakup with my girlfriend?
Rebuild trust by establishing transparency in your relationship. Be patient as it is a gradual process.

Can reminding my ex-girlfriend of the good times help?
Yes, making her reminisce about the good old times can help as it can trigger mixed emotions.

Is it a good idea to ask for advice from peers and mutual friends?
Yes, it is a good idea to seek advice from mutual friends and peers but don’t let them dive too deep.

How do I keep my emotions in check during the after-breakup phase?
You should acknowledge your emotions, practice self-care, and focus on other positive things in your life.

Can any therapy help to get my ex back?
Yes, therapy can help you understand your relationship on a psychological level and make you decide whether to get back together with your ex.

About The Author
Anubhuti Mishra
Anubhuti Mishra
Relationship Expert

A marked inclination toward understanding human emotions and relationships led Anubhuti to become a ...

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