How to Respect Your Parents: 50 Gestures to Make a Big Difference

Learn how to respect your parents with these simple tips! Discover the importance of listening, and understanding your parents to build a strong relationship.

Bayu Prihandito
Reviewed by BAYU PRIHANDITO , Certified Psychology Expert & Life Coach | Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on Jan 27, 2025 | 03:51 PM IST | 929.4K
How to Respect Your Parents
How to Respect Your Parents

Knowing how to respect your parents is crucial because they are one of the most significant relationships in your life. Since childhood, your parents have granted your wishes, made several sacrifices, and always shown you the way. However, as you grew older and gained independence, you developed your own opinions, which is when the disagreements began. You might have believed that you knew more than they did. Only your parents' unfailing love for you has remained constant. Nothing can ever taint it since it is the purest love anyone could ever possess. They want your respect, love, and care in return. Discover the small gestures and things you can do to make them feel respected and loved.

Why Is it Important to Respect Your Parents?

A pleasant family setting depends mainly on respect for parents. Honoring your parents is important for both your development and your connection with them. Let's explore eight reasons why it is important to respect your parents.

1. They Are More Experienced 

They are older than you, which implies they have witnessed more of the world and have acquired a wealth of wisdom, both of which are quite valuable.


2. Always Been Your Support

Parents are always there for you, supporting you through good times and bad, lending a sympathetic ear, and offering wise counsel.

3. Committed Similar Mistakes

It's critical to keep in mind that you may learn a lot from your parents' mistakes and adventures. They may provide you with insights and recommendations based on their personal experiences because they have encountered various difficulties and circumstances.

4. In Most Cases, They're Correct 

Even though you detest accepting it, your mother almost always says the right thing. It isn’t very pleasant, but it can also be advantageous if you follow their advice.


5. They Understand You Better

They can recognize qualities in you that you yourself cannot, and by informing you about them, you develop more self-awareness.

6. Always Been Your True Cheerleader 

They most likely still have your first sketch hidden away and the image of you clutching your sports medals or college degree hanging on the wall. They applaud you on all of your life's accomplishments.

7. Their Manners Are Remarkable

It also helps to understand that some customs should still be observed, such as always saying "please" and "thank you." Display consideration towards the people in your surroundings.

8. They Won't Always Be Around

Never take them for granted since you won't have them around forever. Instead, cherish the time you have with them.

50 Ways to Respect Your Parents And Appreciate Their Efforts

50 Ways to Respect Your Parents And Appreciate Their Efforts

1. Pay Attention to Them

Ways to Respect Your Parents

It's crucial to consider your parents' viewpoints. It's important to let them know that you appreciate their perspectives, even if you disagree with them.


2. Express Your Gratitude

Ways to Respect Your Parents

Small gestures of gratitude can make a big difference. Your mother stayed at your bedside the entire time when you were sick, working nonstop days and nights to nurse you back to health. Your father also helped you with several things while you were growing up. Be appreciative of their devotion and compassion.

3. Keep Them Updated

Ways to Respect Your Parents

Inform your parents of significant events in your life. It's crucial to involve them in major life decisions since it reflects your regard for their viewpoints.

4. Be Patient

Ways to Respect Your Parents

There may be occasions when our parents disagree with us, which might cause arguments. It's crucial to maintain patience and make an effort to convey your viewpoint in such circumstances gently.

5. Put Yourself in Their Position

Ways to Respect Your Parents

Try not to dispute or belittle your parents when they express a viewpoint that differs from yours. Accept the generational difference between you and them and try comprehending their background. If you can, take some time and patiently explain your point.


How to Be Good Enough for My Parents?


6. Make Sure to Apologize

How to Be Good Enough For My Parents?

It's usual for parents and children to disagree and have disagreements, and occasionally we make mistakes in judgment because we're agitated. Never hesitate to express remorse if you believe you have misbehaved with them. 

7. Be Honest with Them

How to Be Good Enough For My Parents?

The core of any relationship is an open discussion. We frequently give our parents every detail of our lives while we are young, but as we age, we begin to keep certain things from them. Be honest, upfront, and share important details about your life.

8. Don't Hold Them Accountable

How to Be Good Enough For My Parents?

Don't blame your parents if things in your life don't go as planned. Remember, they did their best and still do. Sometimes, we need to accept that we can't have everything we want.

9. Do Not Betray Their Trust

show respect to your parents

One way to show respect to your parents is by avoiding actions that diminish their faith in you. Make sure to never take their trust and faith in you for granted.

10. Appreciate Them

show respect to your parents

Your parents worked tirelessly to provide for your comfort and safety, both materially and otherwise. Show appreciation for the sacrifices they made by sharing a small token of gratitude. It can go a long way in strengthening your relationship.


Things to Do With Your Parents to Make Them Feel Free to Loved


11. Spend Some Time With Them

Things to Do With Your Parents to Make Them Feel free to Loved

Try to set aside some time for your parents, considering how busy your life is. Once children leave for college, parents frequently feel isolated and excluded. Call and check on them often if you are living far away. You never know; your single call can be the high point of their day.

12. Encourage Them to Try New Things

Assist with Daily Household Errands

Encourage your parents to try a new hobby, take a class, or try a new type of cuisine. By supporting and encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone, you are showing that you respect their interests and individuality, while also helping them to grow and expand their horizons.

13. Assist with Daily Household Errands

Assist with Daily Household Errands

Encourage your parents to try a new hobby, take a class, or try a new type of cuisine. By supporting and encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone, you are showing that you respect their interests and individuality, while also helping them to grow and expand their horizons.

14. Join Them in Their Celebrations

Make it a habit to commemorate holidays and significant occasions with them. Making them a part of your celebration will make them feel cherished and appreciated.


15. Don't Mock Or Jeer

An absolute NO! Of course, parents make errors; we all do. But that does not permit you to mistreat them. Any mistakes should be pointed out respectfully and fixed without passing judgment.

How to Show Respect to Your Parents in Ways They Expect You to


16. Take Care of Them

how to respect your parents

As our parents age, their physical and emotional needs may increase, making them more dependent on their children. It's important to remember that they have always been there for us, from the time we were born to when we were children, and now it's our turn to take care of them.

17. Be Sincere with Them

how to respect your parents

To avoid offending your parents, it can be tempting to conceal information or tell small lies, but this can ultimately result in misunderstandings. To maintain a great bond, it’s important to have sincere conversations with them. 

18. Receive Their Calls

Try to answer your parents' calls despite your commitments to those around you. If you can, answer the phone and say you'll call back later if you're really busy. Then, fulfill your promise by calling back as soon as you can. You never know, it might be an emergency, and your help could be needed.

Elaborating on how these values can help in a corporate environment our reviewer, Bayu Prihandito, Founder at Life Architekture, Certified Psychology Expert & Life Coach, says, “Much like you prioritize answering your parents' calls, in a professional setting, it's also important to be responsive to your colleagues and superiors. This means promptly responding to their emails, attending meetings on time, and being fully present and engaged during discussions. It's all about showing respect and demonstrating that you value their time and input. In the same way, you promise to call your parents back and follow through, in the workplace, it's crucial to uphold your commitments and deadlines. If you tell someone that you'll complete a task by a certain date, make sure you do so, as this will foster trust and reliability.”

19.  Listen to Their Repeated Stories with the Same Joy

how to respect your parents

People frequently forget things as they age and repeat stories they enjoy. If your parents are repeating the same old stories with excitement, keep listening to them with the same zeal.

20. Tell Them About Your Love Interest

how to respect your parents

Introducing your mom and dad to your partner can show them that you value and care about their opinions. Even if they don't approve of your choice, they will be reassured to see that you are happy with your significant other.


How to Respect Your Parents As a Teenager?


21. Prioritize Them over Your Pals Sometimes

How to Respect Your Parents As a Teenager

Parents often prioritize their children's happiness over theirs. As they age, they look forward to spending time with their kids. One should, at least occasionally, prioritize them over their friends. 

22. Do Not Be Resentful

how to respect your parents

Never shut your parents out of your life, regardless of how sour things become or how heatedly you have clashed. Regardless of who is at blame, apologize once if it would help to repair the connection.

23. Respect Their Rules

how to respect your parents

Respecting your parents' rules is a crucial part of maintaining harmony at home. As you get older, it's normal to want to test boundaries and go beyond them. However, it's important to remember that your parents want you to grow up as responsible individuals by making you abide by these rules.

24. Never Feel Ashamed of Them

how to respect your parents

Your parents have their own personalities, interests, and hobbies, so it's important to remember that they are unique individuals. It's natural to feel self-conscious when seen with them, but instead of being embarrassed, try to cherish their uniqueness. This will help you appreciate them more and gain a better understanding of your own personality traits.

 25. Take Pride in Them

how to respect your parents

Even though they might not be powerful or wealthy, if they have met all of your needs and helped you become a responsible adult, tell them you're glad to be their child. This will show them how much you value and respect their efforts.

26. Avoid Using Your Phone When They Are Around

how to respect your parents

Your parents deserve your undivided attention. Avoid taking calls unless they’re urgent, when you are with your parents. It shows that you respect your family and prioritize them, especially on family vacations and family dinners.

27. Bring Gifts for Them

how to respect your parents

You can surprise your parents with gifts to let them know that you care about them. It could be something as simple as a handmade card or a bouquet. It could also be something more elaborate like a watch, jewelry, or a book that they've been meaning to read.

28. Carry Their Values with You

how to respect your parents

Following  the principles and ideals your parents have imbibed in you is the best way to express your gratitude for them. Seeing you adhere to the values and principles they taught you will not only make them feel proud, but also satisfied in knowing that they raised you well.

Someone raised with strong values tends to evolve into an excellent team player within their professional setting. Bayu Prihandito further says, “Just as you were taught to be patient with your parents and understand their perspectives, in a team setting, it's essential to practice active listening to truly hear what everyone has to say, especially when you don’t always agree with their opinion. Instead of immediately rejecting an idea, show patience by taking a moment to understand the rationale behind it and where they are coming from. By doing so, you cultivate a respectful environment where each team member can feel valued and heard. It will also become easier to identify the root causes of your disagreements and instead work towards a collaborative solution. Over time, the team culture will become more harmonious and collaborative.”


29. Avoid Cutting Them Mid-Discussion

how to respect your parents

Your parents' thoughts, opinions, and ideas matter. Pay attention and take pleasure in every interaction you have with them. It is essential to make an effort to stay on topic and participate in the conversation, even if your parents broach a subject that disinterests you. Changing the subject mid-conversation, or avoiding it, can be dismissive or disrespectful.

30. Never Complain

how to respect your parents

Your parents may not have been able to afford luxuries in life. Maybe you didn't get all the things you wanted as a child. Parents offer an unmatched sense of security to their children, even if they are unable to provide much. 

31. Arrange Special Get Togethers for Them

how to respect your parents

Celebrating your parents' birthday, retirement or any other special occasion is an excellent way to show them respect and appreciation. You can plan a surprise party and call all their friends to make them feel special. You can also create a personalized gift for them, such as a photo album or a scrapbook that highlights their achievements and cherished memories. 

32. Hug And Kiss Them to Express Your Love

how to respect your parents

Embracing your parents is another way of expressing your love for them. These displays of affection can foster a healthy emotional connection, which can improve your relationship with your parents.

33. Be the Best Version of Yourself

how to respect your parents

Being the best version of yourself can be a great way to respect your parents. Setting goals for yourself, working hard to achieve them, and making responsible choices would be great ways to show gratitude for everything parents do to raise their children well.

34. Be Punctual

how to respect your parents

Make a concerted effort to be on time and follow through on the commitments that you’ve made to your parents. Taking their schedule seriously can show your parents you respect and love them. 

35. Verbal Respect And Appreciation

how to respect your parents

Verbal displays of respect and appreciation are greatly valued by parents. Keep in mind to use the word "please" when you need their assistance, even with something as small as passing the food across the table.

36. Refrain from Talking Back

how to respect your parents

Avoid arguing or talking back with your parents. It is unfair to hurt them just to get a point across. If you feel agitated mid-conversation, take a break and come back at it with more clarity and calmness. 

How to Talk to Your Parents With Respect?


37. Be Courteous

How to Talk to Your Parents With Respect

Being courteous is an essential aspect of treating our parents with respect. Speaking calmly and deliberately conveys that you are in control of your emotions and that you are taking their situation seriously.


38. Do Not Cross Your Arms While Talking to Them

How to Talk to Your Parents With Respect

When communicating with your parents, pay attention to your body language. Crossing your arms, or maintaining an assertive body posture can come across as disrespectful and offensive.

39. Respect Their Decisions

How to Talk to Your Parents With Respect

Parents depend on their children for emotional and financial support, but no parent wants their children to take charge of their entire life. It’s often humiliating for parents when they feel they are dismissed for making decisions about their own lives.

40. Try to Reach a Middle Ground

How to Talk to Your Parents With Respect

Of course, there are events when you must stand your ground firmly. By making an effort to find a middle ground during such conflicts, you can demonstrate respect to your parents’ perspective and strengthen your bond with them.

41. Steer Clear of Painful Past Memories

Ways of Honoring Your Parents

Avoid bringing up any painful past memories during arguments with your parents. Doing so can widen the rift between you two. Seek resolutions peacefully, and consciously do things that can make your parents feel better instead of hurting them.

42. Make it a Safe Space

Ways of Honoring Your Parents

Ensure that your home is a warm and inviting space where your parents are loved and appreciated by your family. This means that you shouldn't make them feel judged or sidelined by you or anyone else living in the family.

8 Ways of Honoring Your Parents


43. Let Them Spend Time with Your Kids

8 Ways of Honoring Your Parents

Your parents can teach your children a lot, including customs, ethics, values, and many useful habits. So let your kids spend time with their grandparents as often as possible. After all, there aren't many things as unconditional and pure as a grandparents’ love! 

44. Take Them to Frequent Health Checkups

Ways of Honoring Your Parents

As your parents age, their health needs may change, and it is important to stay on top of any potential health issues. By scheduling frequent checkups for your parents, you can help them be aware of any potential problems that might hinder their lifestyle later.

45. Be Sensitive

8 Ways of Honoring Your Parents

As your parents age, they become more emotionally sensitive and depend on you for validation. Even small things said or done in humor can easily offend them. You don't need to walk on eggshells, but be careful not to hurt their emotions.

46. Do Not Make Them Worry

Ways of Honoring Your Parents

Refrain from sharing information with your parents that will make them worry about your well-being unless it’s very important. Instead, reassure them that everything is okay and that you are healthy and happy unless there’s reason to believe otherwise. 

47.  Never Compare

Ways of Honoring Your Parents

It’s not fair to compare your parents with anyone else's. The comparison can be damaging, especially because parents strive to provide the best for their kids. 


48. Do Things to Make Them Happy

A considerate approach to thank your parents for everything they do for you is to offer to cook for them, arrange their study or bedroom, or even do their laundry. It may be an excellent strategy to reduce their workload and assist them in managing their domestic chores. 


49. Putting Together a Family Reunion

Putting Together a Family Reunion

Find wonderful ways to celebrate your family's heritage, customs, and shared moments, while also creating new memories. By doing so, you may learn more about their interests and the types of occasions that hold the greatest significance for them.

50. Be Their Friend

Ways of Honoring Your Parents

You can do things together that you both enjoy, like watching a movie, playing a game, or taking a trip. By being their friend, you can be an emotional support and be a constant source of joy and comfort for them.

Our parents are our first and truest love. They tolerate our tantrums, accept us with our imperfections, and support us through life's ups and downs. It's time to repay their unwavering love by becoming their rock. Instead of striving to be the child they want, become the child they need. These 50 ways on how to respect your parents will not only strengthen your bond, but also earn you their unconditional love. Let's give back to the ones who have given us so much.

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How do I stop disrespecting my parents?
Focusing on developing a good relationship with your parents is the greatest approach to quit insulting them. Show them that you value their thoughts and make them feel loved. Additionally, it’s important to be mindful of your attitude and the words you choose while speaking to your parents.

How can I respect my parents if they don't respect me?
Even though it might be complicated, it's necessary to keep in mind that respect is a mutual path. Respecting your parents even if they don't respect you in return provides a good example and frequently catalyzes change. Demonstrate respect by following their rules and being mindful of your words and actions.

What God say about honoring parents?
The Bible states that honoring your parents is one of the Ten Commandments. In the book of Ephesians, it states that children should obey their parents and that honoring them is the “first commandment with a promise”.

How can we honor our parents?
There are several ways to pay respect to your parents. Expressing gratitude and appreciation, being obedient and respectful, and spending quality time with your parents are all ways to demonstrate honor.

About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...

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