20 Tips On How to Talk to Your Crush to Make Them Notice You

Feel like your legs will give in every time you try to approach your crush? These simple tips will teach you how to talk to your crush without getting awkward.

Anubhuti Mishra
Written by Anubhuti Mishra , Relationship Expert
Updated on Oct 24, 2024 | 02:59 PM IST | 4.1K
How to Talk to Your Crush
How to Talk to Your Crush

So, you have found yourself feeling butterflies in your stomach lately when you think about this certain person? Congratulations! But the next step is tricky. You want them to notice you but don’t know how to talk to your crush. It gets even more complicated if it’s someone you run into on a daily basis at school or at work. You might feel strange, nervous or even feel like running away anytime you try to hold a conversation with them. Well, we have all been there. 

When we have a crush on someone, our anxiety peaks because we don’t want to come off as silly or embarrassing. We put them on a pedestal and want to appear smart and interesting. The more you think about it, the more complicated it gets, making the process even more stressful. But there is no need to feel intimidated. Take a deep breath. These tried-and-tested tips will help you approach them. 


13 Tips on How To Talk To Your Crush Without Being Awkward

1. Wait for the Right Moment: 

Be observant and wait for the right moment to approach them. If they’re occupied with work or are distracted when you try to talk to them, it might leave a negative mark. Wait for a natural opportunity to present itself. Try not to make assumptions about how the conversation will go or you will end up feeling overwhelmed. 

2. Make Them Notice You: 


Talking to your crush for the first time can be exciting as it can be daunting. Your first impression will set the tone for how they perceive you in the future. You need to introduce yourself in a manner that they remember you. You need to be confident, have a welcoming smile and exude positivity.

How to Talk to Your Crush

3. Be Yourself: 

It’s important that you be yourself. Share stories from your personal life that allows your crush to get to know you better. Don’t hesitate to share your opinion and be honest about your likes and dislikes. 

4. Engage In Casual Conversation: 

Light conversations can help you break the ice and ease the initial awkwardness. You can discuss the news or pop culture. Ask them what TV show they’re currently binge-watching. If they like reading, ask them about their favorite author or books on their to-be-read list. If they are into a specific sport, you can discuss that as well. Take it slow and steady and give them some space so they can open up to you. You can memorize a few conversation topics just in case.


How to Talk to Your Crush

5. Ask Interesting Questions: 

It’s important to appear interesting to your crush. Only then will they start to see you in a new light. Before approaching your crush, do your homework and try to gather information on their hobbies, interests, and things you both enjoy. Then, try to plant them in your conversation. Make this seem as natural as possible, and refrain from going over too many personal details about them as you don’t want to seem like a stalker.   

6. Appear Confident: 

When you approach your crush in person you need to appear confident. If you’re someone who gets anxious and nervous easily, it’s better to practice first before approaching them. You can ask a friend to roleplay as your crush and try to hold practice conversations with them.

How to Talk to Your Crush

7. Let the Conversation Flow: 

Awkward silence can be a total buzzkill! They might not even consider being friends with you if you can’t keep the conversation going, let aside dating. Once you find a mutual ground, it can be a TV show you both enjoy or an artist you both admire, use it to your advantage to build a connection.  As they become comfortable, they will find you more interesting. 


8. Being Shy Is a No-No: 

Some of us are more introverted than others. But being overly shy can make things awkward and ruin your chances. You should try to divert your attention from your shyness. You can try active listening by trying to understand their points and asking relevant questions.

How to Talk to Your Crush

9. Give Them Space: 

You might want to talk to them all the time and get upset when they are not reciprocating the same emotions. But being needy and bombarding them with texts and calls will do more harm than good. No one likes others entering their personal bubble. So, be mindful not to appear clingy. You need to give them space or they might start to avoid you altogether. 

10. Make Them Feel Heard: 

It’s necessary that you show your crush that you care about their opinion. Ask them for their opinion even when you don’t “really” need them. It will make them feel imbued with a sense of importance. And who knows? They might also come asking you for your advice. 

11. Approach Them On Social Media: 

If you find it hard to approach them in person, it’s time to use social media to your advantage. Take the initiative and send them a connection request to show them that you’ve been thinking about them. Once you’re mutual, send them a “hi” or a “good morning” text to start a conversation. When they feel comfortable, you can send them funny and relatable social media posts to try to build a conversation. 


However, be careful. You don’t want to creep them out. If they’re not replying, don’t pester them! Be satisfied with the efforts you’ve made. Leave it to the universe to bring it to fruition and relinquish control when needed.

How to Talk to Your Crush

12. Keep It Short

Keep your interactions short in the beginning. If they peter out naturally, you should not try to drag it. If they find you repetitive, it will only ruin your chances. 

13. Use Your Humour: 

They say laughter is the passageway to one’s heart. Don’t hesitate to use humor and make them laugh. They will be comfortable and will certainly find you fun to hang out with.

How to Talk to Your Crush

14. Positive Body Language:

Even before you open your mouth, your body language will speak volumes about you. Smiling, holding eye contact, and using positive and open body language will go a long way. 

15. Show That You Are Interested: 

Showing them that you find them interesting is crucial. You need to show them that you love being around them. Otherwise, you’ll never escape the friendzone. You can do that by prioritizing them, asking personal questions and asking them out so you can spend some one-on-one time.  

16. Introduce Them to Your Friends Group: 


If you are finding it hard to get closer to them on your own, ask for help from your friends. Introduce your crush to your friends and make them a part of your group. That way you can plan group activities and outings and spend more time together.

How to Talk to Your Crush

17. Initiate Deep Conversation: 

Once the initial awkwardness is gone, you should try and usher in deeper conversations that will help you establish a strong bond with your crush. You can ask them about their childhood, family, faith or their previous relationships. 

18. Act Normal: 

Subsiding excitement around your crush is next to impossible. We become extra chatty when trying to talk to them. But try to calm your nerves or it might turn them off.

How to Talk to Your Crush

19. Be Playful: 

Acting playful will show them that you’re into them. Teasing them, playing with your hair while talking, holding long eye contacts, leaning towards them, a touch on their arm or shoulder will work like a charm. 

20. Take Breaks If Needed: 

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed or tense. When you want them to like you, it’s normal that you would want to overanalyze their intention and every interaction. Take time to collect yourself and try to be present in the moment. 


Things to Talk About With Your Crush

Things to Talk About With Your Crush

It’s a good idea to find common ground or mutual interests so the conversations can flow naturally. You can try to break the ice by trying to get to know them better. You can ask them about their day or try to find out more about their hobbies or fears. If they have a pet, try asking for its name. Sharing fond memories of childhood, and asking about their favorite shows or movies will ensure compatibility. 


Tips to Talk to Your Crush

Tips to Talk to Your Crush

  • Practice active listening and ask questions about their likes and dislikes. 
  • It’s important that you find mutual interests and show interest in what they find 
  •  Confidence is the key. A winning smile goes a long way. 
  • Appear witty and humorous. If you can make them laugh, they’ll automatically like your company. 
  • You can act playful and flirt or tease them. 
  • Connect with them on social media. 
  • Send them short and sweet messages. 
  • Give them space. Don’t rush into things too soon. 
  • Prioritize them. Make them feel heard and seen. 

Studies suggest that we have numerous crushes in our lifetime. It has no age limit. It can start when we are kids and continue throughout our life. Many factors determine when and why we fall for someone. It can even be a media personality we idolize. 


As we grow older, hormones play a big part. When we have a crush on someone, our brain releases oxytocin, or the feel-good love hormone that creates a sense of delusion. Crush is the first step towards falling in love. So, when the timing feels right, don’t shy away from confessing to them about how you feel.


Should I say ”Hi” or ”Hey” to start a conversation with my crush?
Both of these terms are used by us while initiating a conversation. But if you don’t know what to ask next, the conversation will feel stagnant. Open-ended questions like asking them how their day was, or what they are up to will show that you are genuinely interested in talking to them. They will help the conversation flow more naturally.

How do I greet my crush in a romantic way?
You can simply use pickup lines or try complimenting them. If you are talking to them in person, try to say their name after saying hello. You should also try to smile and hold eye contact while greeting them.

Should I confess my feelings to my crush?
While confessing is a good idea, you should think about the bigger picture. What happens after you start dating? Are you ready to take things to the next level? If the answers are yes and yes, you should go for it.

How do I keep the conversation going with my crush?
Try to talk about subjects that they are familiar with and find interesting. Don’t interrupt them while they’re talking and practice active listening. They will become fond of you when you make them feel heard.

How can I flirt with my crush?
First and foremost, you want to appear confident. Your body language speaks a lot about your intention. A subtle touch on the arm or leaning towards them while talking shows that you’re interested in being more than friends. You can try teasing, complimenting them, or showing your eagerness to get to know them better without appearing try-hard or desperate.

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About The Author
Anubhuti Mishra
Anubhuti Mishra
Relationship Expert

A marked inclination toward understanding human emotions and relationships led Anubhuti to become a certified Relationship Expert. With dual



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