70+ “How Well Do You Know Me Questions” to Ask Your Friends And Loved Ones
Learn how well your friends, family, colleagues, romantic partners, etc. know you by playing this juicy game of “How well do you know me questions” with them.

At some level, everyone cares about how well their friends, family members, and people they love know them! From trivial things like birthdays to serious matters like heartbreak — most of us believe that a true friend or loved one should know everything about us! So to put this to the test, here is a simple game — we present to you a set of “how well do you know me questions” that you can ask your pals, family members, co-workers, or your romantic partner, and learn how much they understand you.
Whether you are hosting a party or spending casual time with your bae, this fun game can stir things up and make the environment more jovial. Plus, you too can be on the receiving end of the game — after all, the person/people you are playing this with also would want to know how much you know them.
You don’t have to worry about coming up with the questions to ask as we have listed below a “How well do you know me” questionnaire to help you get the party started! Without any further ado, let’s take a look at these questions!
How Well Do You Know Me Questions for Couples
1. What is my favorite memory of us together?
2. What is my favorite romantic movie?
3. What was I wearing when I first met you?
4. What did we have on our first date?
5. When did I first tell you that I love you?
6. What is my love language?
7. Where do I want us to settle?
8. What are my biggest turn-ons and turn-offs in a relationship?
9. How often do I like to get intimate?
10. How do I feel about romance and love?
11. What’s my favorite body part of yours?
12. What makes me feel loved?
13. What calms me down when I am upset?
14. What is my biggest pet peeve?
15. Where do I like to be touched?
16. Am I a saver or a spender?
17. Where do I want us to go for the next trip?
18. What is my Zodiac sign?
19. What is my favorite color?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions for Family
20. Who were my best friends at school?
21. What did I want to become when I was a child?
22. What was my favorite subject in school?
23. What was my favorite hobby growing up?
24. Did I enjoy any sport at school/college? If yes, which one?
25. Is there any family tradition I cherish a lot?
26. What’s my favorite holiday?
27. Who is my favorite anime character?
28. What is my favorite prized possession?
29. What is my favorite food that I can eat every day?
30. Which was my favorite cartoon?
31. How did I spend my leisure time when I was a kid?
32. Do I have any food allergies?
33. What’s one vegetable I hate eating?
34. What’s my favorite pet animal?
35. Who was I closest to during childhood?
36. Who was my favorite teacher?
37. What is my favorite animal?
38. What is my favorite childhood memory?
39. Who is my favorite musician?
Read More: 171 Intimate Questions for Couples to Learn More About Each Other
How Well Do You Know Me Questions for Friends
40. Who is my childhood friend?
41. What’s my favorite beverage?
42. How do I like spending time with my friends?
43. What city I was born in?
44. Do I have a middle name? If yes, what is it?
45. Do I know how to cook?
46. How do I like spending time at home?
47. What was the last show I binge-watched?
48. Who am I closest to in my family?
49. What do I do when I am stressed out?
50. What is my hidden talent?
51. Do I love to read? If yes, what’s my favorite book?
52. How do I like celebrating my birthday?
53. Am I an extrovert, introvert, or ambivert?
54. Who is my idol?
55. Am I a morning person or a night person?
56. Do I have any celebrity crush?
57. Where is my favorite place to eat?
58. What is my dream job?
59. How do I like spending quality time with myself?
60. Do I prefer being single or in a relationship?
Read More: 201+ Best Never Have I Ever Questions for a Fun And Engaging Party
Deep How Well Do You Know Me Questions
61. What’s my secret that I am hesitant to share with anyone?
62. What incident changed my life?
63. What are my goals and aspirations in life?
64. Did I ever have a heartbreak?
65. What’s one thing that I have always wanted to do but couldn’t do yet?
66. Am I spiritual?
67. What’s something that can easily bring tears to my eyes?
68. What’s one incident when I felt truly special?
69. What qualities do I look for in people before befriending them?
70. Who was the person I had the longest relationship with?
71. What is my biggest fear?
72. What are my biggest regrets in life?
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How Well Do You Know Me Questions About Food
73. Pizza or burger: What do I prefer?
74. What’s my favorite fast food joint?
75. What’s the healthiest meal that I cook?
76. Am I a tea person or a coffee person?
77. What toppings do I like on my pizza?
78. What’s my comfort food?
79. What is my favorite ice cream flavor?
80. What is my favorite snack?
How Well Do You Know Me Questions About Travel
81. What’s my favorite travel destination?
82. What are the things I always keep in my travel bag?
83. Mountains or beaches: What do I prefer?
84. What’s my favorite thing to do when traveling?
85. Who is my favorite travel buddy?
86. What is my dream travel destination?
Now that we have with us a complete get to know me questionnaire, below are some tips to make the game more engaging and get to know each other better:
How to Play “How Well Do You Know Me” Questions Game?
- Pick the Right Time:
Playing such games when you have met someone for a serious conversation or something less casual isn’t the most appropriate thing to do. Games like “How well do you know me?”, “Never Have I Ever,” “36 Questions to Fall in Love,” “Truth Or Dare,” etc. are joyous games that lift up spirits and lighten the mood. Playing these games in leisure time is the best idea, so pick the time or event wisely.
- Know Your Audience:
Playing this game with someone you’ve just met or fallen in love with wouldn’t be wrong entirely, but then how much this person would seriously know about you? The questions in our list are light-hearted, however, only someone who is close to you can answer them.
So, it’s best to stick to your pals, beloved, family members, or work besties to play this game with. Having said that, you can add some drama to your life by playing it with someone that you want to get closer to — even if the person gives wrong answers, he/she’ll eventually know the right ones, and that’ll help you get closer together.
- Don’t Get Too Competitive:
These games must not be played with a “they-must-know-it-all” attitude. It’s perfectly okay if the person you are playing this with doesn’t get all the answers right. Also, don’t get disheartened if you are not able to answer a few questions right — the motive of the game is to reminisce moments with special people in your life and enjoy the time with them.
Tada, you have with you now the most awesome “How well do you know me” questions — you can pick any of these and use them as a conversation starter or to make an ongoing conversation more meaningful. Play this with your bestie, romantic partner, family members, or colleagues, and get to know how much they know about you — you can also make the game merrier by punishing the person for the wrong answer and giving a treat for the right one.