100 Know Your Worth Quotes: Empowering Inner Strength And Confidence
Unlock the true power within you with this treasure trove of 100 “know your worth quotes”. Embrace the beauty of personal growth, and unleash your potential.

Step into the realm of self-empowerment and embrace the transformational journey that awaits you with these “Know Your Worth Quotes.” In a world teeming with millions of people, each individual holds the key to unlocking their true potential and becoming a successful personality. Strong people understand the importance of knowing their worth and cultivating a strong sense of self. They know that being a worthwhile person begins with unconditional self-acceptance and practicing self-love.
So, let these motivational quotes' resonate within your soul and collect boundless confidence. Embrace your worth, cherish your uniqueness, move forward with unwavering confidence, and be a role model. The time to embark on this empowering journey is now.
100 Know Your Worth Quotes to Boost Your Self-esteem
Each of these pearls of wisdom serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward embracing your true value and unleashing your potential from the universe of darkness. Let these profound insights inspire you to become the best version of yourself in the difficult time. The time to recognize your worth and embrace your inner strength is now.
Know Your Worth Quotes for Her
1. “You are not your past, you are not your struggles and you are here now with the power to shape your day and your future.” ? Steve Maraboli
2. “When you know your worth and the worth of all, you are rich in joy. You know nothing is ever lost.” — Monica McDowell
3. “You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.” ? Melissa Etheridge
4. “The only person who can limit your possibilities is you.” ? Ralph Waldo Emerson
5. “Your only limit is the one you set for yourself.” ? Roy T. Bennett
6. “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” ? Rumi
7. “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” ? Stephen Covey
8. “You are worthy of love and belonging.” ? Brené Brown
9. “If your self-worth is invested in what you own, as can be the case in our market-driven society, then these things may not hold their value for very long.” ? Sean Sanders
10. “Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth.” ? Iyanla Vanzant
11. “Your sense of self-worth comes from you alone— never the opinion of others.” ? Robert Greene
12. “Suddenly I grasped what was happening- they were all trying to save me. I never thought I was worth saving.” ? Albert Borris
13. “No one can figure out your worth but you.” ? Pearl Bailey
14. “You alone are the judge of your worth, and your goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself no matter what anyone else thinks.” ? Deepak Chopra
15. “Retrieve your self-esteem so it is not dependent on how they do or don’t respond to you. You are enough. You are worthy.” ? Thema Bryant-Davis
16. “The precept, ‘Know thyself,’ was not solely intended to obviate the pride of mankind; but likewise that we might understand our own worth.” ? Cicero
17. “When you truly understand your worth, you feel an obligation to give your gift to the world.” ? Bill Masur
Know Your Self Worth Quotes
18. “The right man in your life will fly across the world to say hello, instead of saying goodbye.” ? Shannon L. Alder
19. “You are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” ? Beyoncé
20. Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” ? Carl Jung
21. “Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” ? Ted Rubin
22. “Our self-respect tracks our choices. Every time we act in harmony with our authentic self and our heart, we earn our respect. It is that simple. Every choice matters.” ? Dan Coppersmith
23. “She understood her worth which made her powerful. The world gravely needed a hero so she became one. No superpowers really, just a strong woman who took no sh#t from anyone.” ? Randall Core
24. “We sabotage the great things in our lives because deep down we don’t feel worthy of having the great things.” ? Taressa Riazzi
25. “Only make decisions that support your self-image, self-esteem, and self-worth.” ? Oprah Winfrey
26. “I’m simply reminding you that you’re worth more than what you’ll find at the bottom of a bottle.” ? Myra McEntire
27. “Do not put your life at risk, for someone who does not care about you.” ? Gift Gugu Mona
28. “If you have the ability to love, love yourself first.” — Charles Bukowski
29. “Sometimes you have to be alone to truly know your worth.” ? Karen A. Baquiran
30. “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” ? Anna Taylor
31. “You marry at the level of your self-esteem, make sure you have self-worth.” ? Marie Osmond
32. “Love yourself. Be clear on how you want to be treated. Know your worth. Always.” — Maryam Hasnaa
33. “Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face.” — Helen Keller
34. “Know your worth & then keep raising the bar.” — Hiral Nagda
35. “Never chase a person that doesn’t know your worth because the moment you catch him you will always feel you were never good enough.” — Shannon L. Alder
When You Know Your Worth Quotes
36. “The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path.” — Soledad O’Brien
37. “The moment you feel you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away.” — Alysia Harris
38. “Growth begins when we start to accept our own weakness.” — Jean Vanier
39. “Self-esteem is that deep-down inside our skin feeling you have of your own self-worth.” — Dennis Waitley
40. “There’s no single person on this planet that’s worth more than the other. Know your worth. Be confident in yourself.” — Holly Holm
41. “Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have.” — Thomas A. Edison
42. “Know your worth because knowledge about self-worth is important. Find your passion and go for it.” — Minakshi Mishra
43. “Know your worth and be willing to change.” — Stefanie Magness
44. “If you want to accomplish more in life than the average person, you will know your worth and act accordingly.” — E.Kinnard Moss
45. “Know your worth and don’t settle for anything else. You were born to win!” — June Doyle
46. “When you know your worth, you will never let another person devalue you.” — Danita Stewart
47. “Be careful who you trust. Count on yourself, and know your worth.” — Aaron Cornett
48. “Know your worth, even if others don’t. You are Special. You are Unique. You are Awesome.” — Nidhi Singh Chauhan
49. “Know your worth, and stand your ground. Never settle for less than you deserve because you’re afraid that nothing better will come along.” — Moses Gazman Mukhansi
50. “Once you are able to value yourself, you will know your worth, and you will not waste your time with anything or anyone who cannot see that worth.” — Aura E. Martinez
51. “When you undervalue what you do, the world will undervalue who you are.”? Oprah Winfrey
Know Your Worth Quotes Short
52. “Self-trust is the first secret of success.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
53. “I don’t wear the opinions of others anymore, I learnt to dress myself.”? Nikki Rowe
54. “Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It's sanity.” — Katrina Mayer
55. “Nothing has value without self-worth.”? Rasheed Ogunlaru
56. “I got my own back.” — Maya Angelou
57. “You’ve sacrificed too much for others. Now do the same for yourself.”? Mitta Xinindlu
58. “Think highly of yourself because the world takes you at your own estimate.” — Kurt Hahn
59. “You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be.” — Lou Holtz
60. “A total acceptance of yourself brings about a total transcendence of yourself.” — Adyashanti
Always Know Your Worth Quotes
61. “It is very important that, no matter what happens, you keep your feeling of self-worth and value.” — Vartan Gregorian
62. “We are valued in this world at the rate we desire to be valued.” — Jean de la Bruyere
63. “Never think that you’re not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. People will take you very much at your own reckoning.” ? Anthony Trollope
64. “The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” — Michel de Montaigne
65. “The deeper you love yourself, the more the universe will affirm your worth.” — Alan Cohen
66. “True abundance isn’t based on our net worth, it’s based on our self-worth.” — Gabrielle Bernstein
67. “Has our self-worth become wrapped up in getting a promotion or making the next million?” — Bernadette Jiwa
68. “You will never gain anyone’s approval by begging for it. When you stand confident in your own worth, respect follows.” ? Mandy Hale
69. “Flowers grow back even after the harshest winters. You will, too.” — Jennae Cecelia
70. “It is very dangerous to have your self-worth riding on your results as an athlete.” — Jim Courier
71. “Wanting to be liked means being a supporting character in your own life, using the cues of the actors around you to determine your next line rather than your own script. It means that your self-worth will always be tied to what someone else thinks about you, forever out of your control.” — Jessica Valenti
72. “You may be basing a portion of your self-worth on your bank account without even realizing it. Try to pinpoint the activities and qualities that, free of charge, fulfill you.” — Jean Chatzky
73. “If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” — T. Harv Eker
74. “There are so many more important things to worry about than how you’re perceived by strangers.” — Dennis Lehane
75. “Asking for what you need is proof of self-worth.” — Amanda Goetz
76. “Inner beauty should be the most important part of improving one’s self.” — Priscilla Presley
77. “Living your life without knowing your worth is a sin.” — Nitin Namdeo
Know Your Worth Quotes Instagram
78. “Love yourself. Enough to take the actions required for your happiness. Enough to cut yourself loose from the drama-filled past. Enough to set a high standard for relationships. Enough to feed your mind and body in a healthy manner. Enough to forgive yourself. Enough to move on.” — Steve Maraboli
79. “You have to have a vision and know that it’s worth seeing it through. Other than that, just be true to your heart.” — Jason Reeves
80. “You’re not going to get every part, so you can’t base your sense of self-worth around whether or not you actually land the job.” — Autumn Resser
81. “Don’t forget to tell yourself positive things daily! You must love yourself internally to glow externally.” — Hannah Bronfman
82. “Comparison is an act of violence against the self.” — Iyanla Vanzant
83. “Keep taking time for yourself until you’re you again.” — Lalah Delia
84. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” — Mark Twain
85. “The things that make me different are the things that make me.” — Winnie the Pooh
86. “If you are happy, you can give happiness. If you don’t love yourself and if you are unhappy with yourself, you can’t give anything else but that.” — Gisele Bündchen
87. “You are enough, a thousand times enough.” — Atticus
88. “You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” — Louise L. Hay
89. “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” — William James
90. “Why should we worry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?” — Brigham Young
91. “We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.” — Malcolm X
92. “You must find the courage to leave the table if respect is no longer being served.” — Teen Edwards
93. “Before, I thought I was actually fighting for my own self-worth; that is why I so desperately wanted people to like me. I thought their liking me was a comment on me, but it was a comment on them.” — Hugh Prather
94. “Someone’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.” — Les Brown
95. “Never settle for anything less than your best.” — Brian Tracy
96. “Do not let your happiness depend on something you may lose.” — C.S. Lewis
97. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” — Buddha
98. “Dignity will only happen when you realize that having someone in your life doesn’t validate your worth.” ? Shannon L. Alder
99. “The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self.” — Albert Einstein
100. “Don’t try to prove anything about yourself to anyone. It isn’t necessary. Your worth shines through to others- know your worth.” — Alexandra Stoddard
Recognizing your worth is the key to unlocking a life of self-respect and empowerment. These types of inspirational quotes play a significant role in helping us understand the importance of valuing ourselves and the way they bring beauty to life and relationships with people. These motivational quotes serve as beacons of light in difficult times, guiding us toward a positive mindset and a happy life. In times of difficulty, these empowering quotes encourage us to keep pushing forward, believing in ourselves, and facing challenges with resilience.
As you reflect on these profound know-your-worth quotes, may they ignite a spark of self-discovery and a positive mindset within you. Let them remind you that you deserve love, respect, and happiness. Take back control of your life and embrace the power that lies within you. Believe in your worth, and the world will follow suit.

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