43 Beautiful Love Poems for Wife to Melt Her Heart

Pamper your better half by sharing beautiful love poems for wife with her. These beautiful poems will fill her heart with joy, and make her day brighter.

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on May 13, 2024 | 06:35 PM IST | 5.4M
Heartwarming Love Poems for Wife to Make Her Happy
Heartwarming Love Poems for Wife to Make Her Happy

Poetry is an art that touches the right strings in the heart. Love poems can evoke positive emotions and communicate a message artistically. If you are looking for ways to express your love to your wife, then share these beautiful love poems for wife written by poets from around the world! Poetry is a powerful tool that can help us express our feelings beautifully. No gift is better than poetry for your loving wife, so show your romantic and adorable side to her with these romantic love poems.

These love poems for your wife will make your partner know how much you love her and bring you two closer together. In a relationship, it is essential to express your love and make your spouse feel pampered. Share these poems with her and make her day. Keep scrolling to find your favorites!

Poems for Wife from the Heart

1. Without You by Alon Calinao Dy

I love you,

I can’t think of a better way

To spend my life

To be with you every day.

I think about you every minute.

I hope you think about me.

There’s no other place,

I would rather be.

Just a glimpse of your face,

You make my life complete.

You make it simple and easy.

I love you, my baby.

Don’t ever leave me.

I don’t want to be alone.

I couldn’t survive without you.

I think I’d die out on my own


‘Cause I don’t know what else to do

Without you…


2. Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold

… Ah, love, let us be true

To one another! for the world, which seems

To lie before us like a land of dreams,

So various, so beautiful, so new,

Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,

Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;

And we are here as on a darkling plain

Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,

Where ignorant armies clash by night.


3. In Love With You by David Yearwood

I’m happy I’m the one, to be in love with you,

I want to scream my lungs, till I’m blue,

I want the world to know, I have you.

How happy I am, to be in Love with you,

How lucky I am, I feel loved by you,

My mind is in a spin, with thoughts of you,


when it comes to romance, you are on my mind

You’re my passion and desire, in all, I’m yours,

Every pulse of my body, burns like red hot fire.

Runs through my heart like a deep ravine,

the moment you smile, I get weak at the knees,

I’m swept off my feet, like a breeze from the sky.

My emotions are wild, and taking me over,

suddenly, life is better, cause, I’m in love with you!


Poems for Wife from the Heart

Poems for Wife from the Heart

4. Another Valentine by Wendy Cope

Today we are obliged to be romantic

And think of yet another Valentine.

We know the rules, and we are both pedantic:

Today’s the day we have to be romantic.

Our love is old and sure, not new and frantic.

You know I’m yours, and I know you are mine.

And saying that has made me feel romantic,


My dearest love, my darling valentine.


5. You Came Into My Life by Anonymous

You came into my life like a star

And filled my heart with joy

You took my pain as if it was yours

And gave me love that no one could.

You gave me a shoulder to cry on

You were my pillar when I was falling

You were my strength when I felt low

With your smile, you made my living on earth worthwhile.


6. The Taste of Love by Sean O’Brien

My wife

Beauty and grace

A smile on my face

A hand to hold

A companion to grow old

A mix of laughter & shouldered tears

We may age, but our love does not reflect the years

You gave me all in life I see as good

Made me dream of things I never thought I could

My pillar of strength deep in my soul

The one who made my life whole

Indescribable beauty inside and out

The love you reflect casts shade on my every doubt

The look in your eyes can make my heart skip

Ever since I meet you I’ve enjoyed this trip

So to you my love, I thank you so


& I pray the end of my love you never know.


7. In The Shadow Of Your Warm Love by Paul Holmes

In the shadow of your warm love

I feel so safe and secure,

And your soft, caring hands

Urge me on to bravely endure.

Your smiles soothe and ease the pain

Of another dark and lonely day;

The rainbow appears amid the rain,

My sorrow as quickly melts away.

A reassuring glow within your eyes

Tells me that you understand

The complicated ways of my sighs

Born of thoughts truly grand.

I continue to look upon your face

And gain a calm heart, my sweet solace.

Poems for Wife from the Heart

Short Love Poems for Wife


8. A Thread Connects by Anonymous

A thread connects you and me

A thread so magical, that no one else can see

It binds us together in the strongest ways

Protecting us from the toughest of days

That miraculous thread is our marriage

Of being together, it has made me pledge

To which I’ll abide no matter what

My dearest wife, I love you a lot


9. A Drinking Song by WB Yeats

Wine comes in at the mouth

And love comes in at the eye;

That’s all we shall know for truth


Before we grow old and die.

I lift the glass to my mouth,

I look at you, and I sigh.


10. Yours by Daniel Hoffman

I am yours as the summer air at evening is

Possessed by the scent of linden blossoms,

As the snowcap gleams with light

Lent it by the brimming moon.

Without you I’d be an unleafed tree

Blasted in a bleakness with no Spring.

Your love is the weather of my being.

What is an island without the sea?


11. Thrilling Love by Joanna Fuchs

Holding your hand

Warms my heart to its core.

It’s hard to imagine

How I could love you more.

Just looking at you

Gives me a thrill.

I love you now,

And I always will.


12. Idle Dreams by Joanna Fuchs

In idle dreams of long ago,

I imagined my true love;

A perfect match, a soulmate,

An angel from above.

Now you’re here, and now I know

Our love will stay and thrive and grow.


13. My Love by Megan Hagen

Love is a funny thing

We’ll never understand,

But hear this truth ring:

I’m in love with you.


14. Close Your Eyes by Elizabeth Smith

Close your eyes and think of me

Close your eyes and try to see

Our hearts together and what could be

Our love forever as destiny.


15. Imagine by Pete Shilling

Imagine the woods,

Without a tree,

Imagine the rivers,

Without the sea,

Imagine yourself,

Without me,

Imagine how lost,

I would be.


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Heartfelt Love Poems for Wife 

Heartfelt Love Poems for Wife 

16. Bright Star by John Keats

Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art–

Not in lone splendor hung aloft the night

And watching, with eternal lids apart,

Like nature’s patient, sleepless Eremite,

The moving waters at their priestlike task

Of pure ablution round earth’s human shores,

Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask

Of snow upon the mountains and the moors–

No–yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,

Pillow’d upon my fair love’s ripening breast,

To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,

Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,

Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,

And so live ever–or else swoon to death


17. We Are Made One With What We Touch And See by Oscar Wilde

And we two lovers shall not sit afar,

Critics of nature, but the joyous sea


Shall be our raiment, and the bearded star

Shoot arrows at our pleasure! We shall be

Part of the mighty universal whole,

And though all Aeons mix

And mingle with the Kosmic soul!

We shall be notes in the great symphony

Whose cadence circles through the rhythmic spheres,

And all the live world’s throbbing heart shall be

One without heart, the stealthy creeping years

Have lost their terrors now, we shall not die,

The universe itself shall be our immortality!


18. I Loved You First by Christina Rossetti

I loved you first: but afterwards your love

Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song

As drowned the friendly cooings of my dove.

Which owes the other most? My love was long,

And yours one moment seemed to wax more strong;

I loved and guessed at you, you construed me

And loved me for what might or might not be –

Nay, weights and measures do us both a wrong.

For verily love knows not ‘mine’ or ‘thine;’

With separate ‘I’ and ‘thou’ free love has done,

For one is both and both are one in love:

Rich love knows nought of ‘thine that is not mine;’

Both have the strength and both the length thereof,

Both of us, of the love which makes us one.


19. Lifeline by Marcus Ditsworth

Like a skydiver needs a parachute

Like a singer needs to sing

And God breathes life into all living things

Like the water in the ocean

That all swimming creatures need to survive

And a baby’s love for his mother

Because there is a sparkle in her eye

Like the sun shinning on your face

I swear there are angels on high

This is how I see my love for you

So now let me tell you why

You are my lifeline

So I can soar into new things

Just like an eagle that is gliding on his wings.


20. My Soul by Mayank Raj Verma

You gave light to my soul

You helped me to be whole

I have felt love for you before

And it will be more and more,

You are mine, my dear

You are the angel from above

Who taught me how to love.

Please, forever keep me near.

Heartfelt Love Poems for Wife 

21. As I Walked Out One Evening by W.H. Auden

As I walked out one evening,

Walking down Bristol Street,

The crowds upon the pavement

Were fields of harvest wheat.


And down by the brimming river

I heard a lover sing

Under an arch of the railway:

‘Love has no ending.

‘I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you

Till China and Africa meet,

And the river jumps over the mountain

And the salmon sing in the street,

‘I’ll love you till the ocean

Is folded and hung up to dry

And the seven stars go squawking

Like geese about the sky.


True Love Poems for Wife


22. I Love You For What You Are by Carl Sandberg

I love you for what you are,

But I love you yet more for what you are going to be.

I love you not so much for your realities as for your ideals.

I pray for your desires that they may be great,

Rather than for your satisfactions, which may be so hazardously little.

A satisfied flower is one whose petals are about to fall.

The most beautiful rose is one hardly more than a bud

Wherein the pangs and ecstasies of desire are working for a larger and finer growth.


Not always shall you be what you are now.

You are going forward toward something great.

I am on the way with you and therefore I love you.


23. To The One I Love by Anonymous

To the one I love, the one I adore,

My only goal in life, the one I live for –

Though we might fight more than we get along,

I hope our relationship will never go wrong.

I love to be with you, I love you around;

I’m so glad I’m the one you found.

Though you may not see what you mean to me,

My love for you will always be.

I know you love me and I know you care;

That’s why I treasure the love we share.

I want you to know I’m here for you,

Whatever it is I’ll help you through.

To the one I love, the one I adore,

My love grows every day more and more.


24. I Wanna Be Yours by John Cooper Clarke

I wanna be your electric meter

I will not run out

I wanna be the electric heater

You’ll get cold without

I wanna be your setting lotion

Hold your hair in deep devotion

Deep as the deep Atlantic ocean

That’s how deep is my devotion.


Beautiful Love Poems for Wife


Beautiful Love Poems for Wife

25. It May Not Always Be So by E. E. Cummings

It may not always be so; and I say

that if your lips, which I have loved, should touch

another’s, and your dear strong fingers clutch

his heart, as mine in time not far away;

if on another’s face your sweet hair lay

in such a silence as I know, or such

great writing words as, uttering overmuch,

stand helplessly before the spirit at bay;

if this should be, I say if this should be-

you of my heart, send me a little word;

that I may go unto him, and take his hands,

saying, Accept all happiness from me.

Then shall I turn my face, and hear one bird

sing terribly afar in the lost lands.


26. Love Song by Mary Carolyn Davies

here is a strong wall about me to protect me:

It is built of the words you have said to me.

There are swords about me to keep me safe:

They are the kisses of your lips.

Before me goes a shield to guard me from harm:

It is the shadow of your arms between me and danger.

All the wishes of my mind know your name,

And the white desires of my heart

They are acquainted with you.

The cry of my body for completeness,

That is a cry to you.

My blood beats out your name to me,

unceasing, pitiless

Your name, your name.


27. Love by James Russell Lowell

True Love is but a humble, low-born thing,

And hath its food served up in earthen ware;

It is a thing to walk with, hand in hand,

Through the every-dayness of this work-day world,

Baring its tender feet to every roughness,

Yet letting not one heart-beat go astray

From Beauty’s law of plainness and content;

A simple, fire-side thing, whose quiet smile

Can warm earth’s poorest hovel to a home


28. New Love by Matthew Baldwin

From the first lingering glance

Shared by a pair of prying hearts

To the last dizzying dance

Performed by two sets of intricate intimate parts

I knew you.

From the first quivering intimation

Induced by the stammering staggering sighs

To the single bed with a double population

Shared by the two with magical miraculous mirroring eyes

I knew you.


29. I Was Born To Love You by Anonymous

You are not just my lover but my destined lover


You were created for me why I was created for you

I am so happy that we found and accepted each other

I love you with my whole heart.

We perfectly fitted into each other’s life

You know what I am feeling while I know what you are feeling

You cares for my feelings while I also cares for your feelings

It is of no doubt that we are the best for each other.

Our love may have a begining but will have no ending

We are going to be the best lovers of our time

Nothing can ever seperate nor tear us apart

My heart belongs to you because I was born to love you.


Sweet Love Poems for Wife

Poems for Wife from the Heart

30. Married Love by Guan Daosheng

You and I

Have so much love,

That it

Burns like a fire,

In which we bake a lump of clay

Molded into a figure of you

And a figure of me.

Then we take both of them,

And break them into pieces,

And mix the pieces with water,

And mold again a figure of you,

And a figure of me.

I am in your clay.

In life we share a single quilt.

In death we will share a single coffin.


31. I’m Crazily In Love With You by Anonymous

Your love swept me off my sweet

It gives me strength when I want to fall

I have turned to a lover boy because of you

I am not going anywhere because I have given you my heart.

You are an indispensable part of me

I feel and see you in everything I do

You filled my world with so much love that I can’t imagine

I’m crazily in love with you and I’m proud of it.


32. I Can Be Anything You Want or Need by S. L. Gray

I can be the silence

when the world around you

gets to be too loud.

I can be the rain

pattering on your rooftop

when you need that lullaby.

I can be anything

you want and need

to make this life settle in

and be at ease.


33. If I Thought by Dana Schwartz

If I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath,

I’d tell you I’ll love you forever, even beyond death.

If I thought for just one moment that your face would be the last I’d see,

I’d take a million pictures and save them just for me.

If I thought for just one moment that your voice would be the last I’d hear,

I’d listen attentively and promise not to shed a tear.

If I thought for just one moment that your touch would be the last I’d feel,

I’d embrace you and know that this has all been real.

If I thought for just one moment that my heart would beat its last beat,

I’d thank the Lord for allowing us to meet.


Affectionate Love Poems for Wife

Affectionate Love Poems for Wife

34. Your Smile on My Mind by Luke O.Meyers

I wake up every day with your smile on my mind.

It’s a beautiful sight to behold, so soft and so kind.

My dreams are filled with the thought of me and you.

I awake and smile, for my dreams have come true.

I have you to guide me through my troubles and fears.

I’ll always be here for you through your struggles and tears.

I love you more than my words could ever show.

You mean everything to me; I just want you to know.

I’ll be here for you no matter the dilemma.

You will always be first on my agenda.


35. A Toast to Forever by Josh Mertens

When every day I see you,

Till then I cannot wait.

To know what we will go through

Is in the hands of fate.

The first time that I saw you,

I knew I must steal your heart.

I hope that it’s mine forever

And that we never do part.

You are the one I love the most,

And to this here fact, I propose a toast;

May we grow old and still have fun,

Because I love you and my heart you’ve won.


Good Night Love Poems for Wife


36. Baby When You Hold Me by Shelagh Bullman

Baby, when you hold me, my emotions makes it clear

Just how much you mean to me while we are laying here.

I listen to your heartbeat in rhythm with my own,

With every pound that warming sound keeps me safe with love you’ve shown.

Baby, when you touch me with hands so soft but strong,

You wrap me in your warm embrace, just where I belong.

You hold me close and comfort me all throughout the night

Until you open up your eyes to first signs of daylight.

Baby when you kiss me before you start your day,

The happiness you bring my heart, no words can ever say.

You make my life so beautiful, wonderful, and new.

You’re my hopes and dreams. You’re my everything; I’m so in love with you.


37. San Antonio by Naomi Nye

Tonight I lingered over your name,

the delicate assembly of vowels

a voice inside my head.

You were sleeping when I arrived


38. By My Side by Arone Stone

Though the sun sets and finalizes another day,

It leaves us with an array of color and hope,

Hope that a new day will come,

Hope that life with you will continue to be as beautiful

As it is now.


It fills my heart with gladness knowing that

Though the sun is being replaced with night,

When I lay my head to rest,

You will be by my side,

Comforting me tonight.


Cute Love Poems for Wife

Poems for Wife from the Heart

39. Make Me Feel by Mariah Chandan

Take this smile and make it stretch so wide.

Take these arms and hold me oh so tight.

Take these feelings and make them real.

At the end, show me how to feel.


40. Don’t Go Far Off by Pablo Neruda

Don’t leave me, even for an hour, because

then the little drops of anguish will all run together

the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift

into me, choking my lost heart.


41. Cities by H. D.

The city is peopled

with spirits, not ghosts, O my love:

Though they crowded between

and usurped the kiss of my mouth

their breath was your gift,

their beauty, your life.


42. Would It Be Okay by Ryan Stiltz

Would it be ok if I took some of your time?

Would it be ok if I wrote you a rhyme?

To tell you there’s nothing I’d rather do

Than spend my whole life loving only you…


43. My Angel by Anonymous

My angel, my life, my entire world, please be with me always, my one and only girl.

I love you so deeply, that I know is so true, for there is no one else, my heart beats just for you.

No matter what happens, you’re always the one, that I want to come home to, I’m the Earth to your sun.


Your wife is your companion who stands with you through thick and thin and does everything to keep you happy. Share these beautiful love poems for wife with her to grab her attention and make her feel like a queen. Words are powerful enough to let the heart know what it wants. In fact, for a woman, romantic words can be more precious than diamonds. Whether it's her birthday, your anniversary, or a regular day, express your love and gratitude with these love poems. 


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About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...

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