25 Poems About Family to Express Your Love Melodiously
Discover 25 poems about family to make them feel cherished. Express love and gratitude in your own way through the power of poetry which are perfect for any occasion!

Families are a precious gift that provides a nurturing environment for individuals to learn and grow. A family is a safe haven to which one can always turn, knowing their loved ones will be there for them. When it comes to celebrating the value of family, poems about family can be a great way to express gratitude for this precious blessing.
If you're struggling to find the right words to express gratitude, here are 25 heartfelt poems about family. Ranging from emotional to humorous, these poems are perfect for any occasion. You can choose a poem that resonates with you and your family and recite it at your next gathering or just share it on the WhatsApp group. Regardless of how you express your appreciation, these poems will surely make your family feel loved and valued.
Heart-touching Poems About Family's Love
1. Our Parents
Our parents are our creditors, we owe them everything,
the parents whom we take for granted, never knowing
how they work inside us like the mines of rich ore
that long ago were wars, our uncertainties, our fears.
We owe them everything because they gave us everything:
the flesh of their flesh, their living and their dying,
the words they said and those they didn't, the ones we misunderstood,
all the knowledge they bore and the ones they didn't know.
— Stephen Dunn.
2. The River of Love
My father was a river, dark, deep, narrow,
the banks so steep the light
barely penetrated the water.
He said to me once: I'll never be able to teach you
to swim. But he didn't need to. He was the river
and he held me afloat with his current.
— Gregory Orr.
3. A Family Meeting
The night before he died,
My dad took my hand in his,
And with his wrinkled, dying strength,
He took the air and said this:
"We've had a good life together,
And we've always been a team.
But I want you to take care of your mother,
After I've gone, and look after her dreams.
You know how much she's meant to me,
She's been my partner through and through,
And though I won't be here in body,
I'll be watching over you."
— Ben Jonson.
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4. The Family Reunion
And that, my friends, is how it all began.
A big house full of relatives and friends,
In a big, loud, and happy family,
Where everyone was welcome in the end.
There were aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents,
All gathered together from near and far,
Sharing stories, memories, and laughter,
In one great big family reunion bazaar.
— T.S. Eliot.
5. Ode to Family Photographs
There they are, the long-dead relatives,
peering at us from their sepia-toned frames.
How odd it is to see the same
shape of mouth, the same
tilt of the head, in generation after generation.
We take them out on rainy afternoons
and line them up on the table,
lost in their strange, melancholy beauty.
— Erica Jong.
6. The Names of My Family
My family is a constellation
of great names: Elbert, Eleanor, Ruth, Mary.
There's a George and a William, a Floy and a Sarah,
And even a Nellie, who we think was born in January.
These names are like little beacons
shining out through time,
reminding us of who we are
and where we come from.
— Kim Stafford.
7. Those Winter Sundays
Sundays too my father got up early
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labor in the weekday weather made
banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.
I'd wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.
When the rooms were warm, he'd call,
and slowly I would rise and dress,
fearing the chronic angers of that house,
Speaking indifferently to him,
who had driven out the cold
and polished my good shoes as well.
What did I know, what did I know.
— Robert Hayden.
Short Poems About Family
8. The Family
Weasley is our King,
Ginny's his queen,
Fred and George,
A pair rarely seen.
Percy, Charlie,
And Bill, too,
Ron and Hermione,
They'll stand by you.
Molly and Arthur,
The heart of it all,
The family that we love,
Will never fall.
— J.K. Rowling.
9. The Love of a Family
The love of a family
Is life's greatest blessing,
A shelter from the storm,
A warmth in the cold.
It is unconditional,
A never-ending bond,
A source of strength and hope,
A love that will never grow old.
— Anonymous.
11. In a Family
In a family,
We laugh,
We cry,
We love,
We share.
We may not have it all,
But together we have everything.
— Anonymous.
12. The Family
A family is a gift
That lasts forever,
A precious bond
That nothing can sever.
It's a love that's true
And never-ending,
A source of joy
And strength unending.
— Anonymous.
13. The Tie that Binds
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in family love,
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
— Eliza Cook.
14. Family
Family is a group
Who's there for you,
Through thick and thin,
They see you through.
They laugh with you,
And wipe your tears,
They share your dreams,
And calm your fears.
— Joanna Fuchs.
Famous Poems About Family
14. Sonnets
Sonnets are full of love, and this my time,
Has many sonnets: so here now shall be;
One sonnet more, a love sonnet, from me,
To her whose heart is my heart's quiet home;
To my first Love, my Mother, on whose knee
I learnt love-lore that is not troublesome;
Whose service is my special dignity,
And she my loadstar while I go and come.
And so because you love me, and because
I love you, Mother, I have woven a wreath
Of rhymes wherewith to crown your honored name:
In you not fourscore years can dim the flame
Of love, whose blessed glow transcends the laws
Of time and change and mortal life and death.
— Christina Rossetti
15. Families Can Be
Families can be big or small
The people can be short or tall
They can be full of girls and boys
They can be quiet or full of noise.
Families play a part of life
Even when there is some strife
But families can be full of love
They are truly from God above.
Appreciate your family each day
Don't wait until they are old and gray
Be sure to say I love you
As families are with you through and through.
— Catherine Pulsifer.
16. Family Tree
It seems strange to me
That a family tree is drawn from the top of the page.
Instead, draw mine with roots deeply planted in firm ground
Like forefathers, whose stories retold,
Nourish us.
Draw the trunk giving support and power,
Strongly branching out
So that young shoots can reach high
And buds,
Some yet unfurled,
May catch dreams in sunlight.
— Alison Jean Thomas.
17. I Have Much Less to Be Thankful for
This Thanksgiving I have much less to be thankful for.
Much less than I did just one year before.
When I lost Mom, I lost my mother and my best friend.
I had no idea how sick she was or that her life would end.
Four months later I lost my dad as well.
This Thanksgiving I'm living in Hell.
But I am thankful to still have my brother.
We have no parents, we only have each other.
Since March the 6th, I've had very little happiness.
Last year I had much to be thankful for but now I have much less.
— Mr. Raul Gonzalez
18. My Mother And I
My mother and I
Have fun together.
My mother and I
Help each other.
My mother and I
Go places together.
My mother and I
Love each other.
— Brihana Chan
19. Look at Your Loved Ones
When family are gathered 'round
There's so much love in the air.
If you ever wonder who has your back
Just look at your loved ones there.
— Kelly Roper
20. Family Comes Together
Family comes together
For always and forever
In sickness and in health
In poverty or in wealth
Family comes together
For always and forever
Without any reason
Anytime or any season
Family comes together
For always and forever
In death or in life
In happiness or in strife
Family comes together
For always and forever
In anger or in kindness
Whether all seeing or in blindness
Family comes together
For always and forever
Whether for work or for play
They somehow find a way
For family to come together
Because families are forever
— 'Glaedr' the poet
Poems About Family Bonds
These poems about family love and poems about family friends offer a glimpse into the deep connection of a strong and loving family. These heartfelt poems perfectly capture the essence of what it means to have a family, whether they’re related by blood or not, and how they make your life beautiful with their love and support.
21. Family Ties
Family ties are precious things
woven through the years,
of memories, togetherness,
of laughter, love and tears.
Family ties are treasured things
forged in childhood days,
by love of parents, deep and tru,
by tradition, by family ways.
Family ties are treasured things
and although we may roam,
the tender bond with those we love
still pulls our hearts towards home.
— by Virginia Moore
22. In Both the Families
In both the families that both belong to me
there is every shade of brown, and tan, and paler honey, creamy gold.
I face faces that I see in both the families that both belong to me,
and they can face my crooked grin.
Here is every shade of every color skin.
We fit in.
— Arnold Adoff
23. My Wonderful Brother
The wonderful time that we had,
Some old memories happy and sad,
I am glad I have you as my brother,
There is no one like you or another,
Bro you are the best and you know,
I don't have many gestures to show.
— Brother Poems
24. Mom And Dad
You teach me right and wrong…
And when I am sad you sang me that special song…
You tell me everything I need to know…
And when I needed you, you were always there with me….
So when I'm all blue and sad, I call on you, my mom and dad…..
— Janvi
25. Family Likeness
"You're just like them!" they say.
And me, I yell, "No way!
He's so moody,
She's so shrill,
His chin juts out,
Boy, can she shout!
His nose is big,
And mine's quite small
There's no resemblance at all."
But then on days of harmony
I find that I agree.
Our family is made of different parts,
But we're all the same
In our hearts.
— Alison Jean Thomas
In a world where love and connection are often overlooked, these 25 poems about family are a beautiful reminder of the importance of family and the love that binds us together. With their heartfelt words and raw emotion, these poems will resonate with anyone who cherishes their family and wants to express their gratitude. So, why not share these poems with your loved ones and see their faces light up with joy and appreciation? These poems are straight from the heart and have the power to bring families closer together.

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