270+ Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend And Know Him Better

Listing questions to ask your boyfriend is an act of smartness if you wish to know your beloved from head to toe. Lend your ears and let him spill the beans!

Anubhuti Mishra
Written by Anubhuti Mishra , Relationship Expert
Updated on Jul 30, 2024 | 03:55 PM IST | 394.9K
questions to ask your boyfriend
questions to ask your boyfriend

To know the man of your dreams inside out is indeed a task unless and until you don’t secretly prepare a list of questions to ask your boyfriend. It is a way to maintain good and effective two-way communication that can strengthen your bond and build long-term trust and honesty. By lending your ears to him, you not only get to understand your soulmate’s mindset, perspectives, and thoughts but also his way of living. 

Asking random questions to your beloved, be it romantic, juicy, deep, cute, or serious, will give you a chance to peep into his heart and mind. It is all about recognizing him as an individual in general. Especially when you are in your dating phase or committed to a long-term relationship, listing down a few good questions to ask your boyfriend can help you evaluate your compatibility as a couple. 

Whether it is a normal conversation, cozy chat, or a chill pillow talk, his responses to your list of deep or tricky questions can endlessly surprise you for the good. In fact, asking questions or clearing mind blocks and doubts is a healthy practice to nurture your companionship for a prolonged period of time. 

Scroll down and bookmark some of the best lighthearted, funny, deep, as well as intimate questions to ask your boyfriend and gain new insights.


Best Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Know Him from Inside Out


Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

1. Can you see yourself getting married to me?

2. What is your biggest regret?

3. What is your love language?

4. What does your perfect day look like?

5. Who is your role model?

6. Which five words would you use to describe your childhood?

7. What do you think is more important: an emotional connection or a physical intimacy?

8. What does self-care look like for you?

9. If you could relive one day in your life, which day would you choose?

10.  What have I influenced you to do differently?

11. What are your biggest dreams?

Deep Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Gain Insights

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

12. Do you consider yourself happy?

13. What do you look for in a friend?

14.  Are you proud of your accomplishments that you have achieved so far?

15. What makes you happy?

16. How do your friends make you feel?

17.  Do you consider yourself successful?

18. When do you feel most fulfilled?

19. How did your parents impact your view on love and relationships?


20. What was your childhood like?

21. Where do you see yourself in five years?

22. How would you define success?

23. What gets you out of bed in the morning?

24. What do you think happens after death?

25. Do you think you have changed a lot since we started dating?

26. Would you change anything about your upbringing?

27. What's your biggest fear? Do you think you could face it?

28. Do you believe in a higher power?

29. Who are you closest to in your family?

30. How important is religion do you?

31. What is the story behind your middle name?

32. Did you ever have to break up with a friend? How did it go?

33. Do you think a relationship can come back from cheating?

34. What do you think are the most important qualities of a healthy relationship?

35. What's the biggest misconception people have about you?

36. What's the biggest risk you have ever taken? 

37. What makes me beautiful to you?


38. Who is someone in your life you know you can always count on?

39. How do you deal with personal challenges?

40. What is the hardest decision you've ever had to make?

41. Have you ever had your heart broken?

42. What is your favorite quality about yourself?

43. What do you love about your mom?


Fun Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend When Chilling Together

questions to ask your boyfriend

44. Would you ever go skydiving?

45. What was your favorite toy as a child?

46. What does your ideal Sunday morning look like?

47. What is your favorite holiday?

48. How do you feel about tattoos?

49. Did you ever sleep with stuffed animals?

50. What is your go-to karaoke song?

51. When you were a kid, what career did you want to have?

52. When was the last time you laughed the hardest? 

53. What are you most passionate about in life?

54. What's one movie you can watch over and over again?

55. If you could craft the perfect five-course meal, what would each course be?

56. What is your favorite holiday food? 

57. If you tried a completely new style, what would it be?

58. What actor would play you in that movie?

59. What's your favorite movie theater snack?

60. If you could start a non-profit organization, what cause would you support?


61. What is one holiday tradition you think we should start together?

62. Where should our next vacation be?

63. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

64. If there was a movie made about your life, what would the title be?

65. What is your favorite time of year?

66. What do you like to do after work?

67. Would you rather time travel or read people's minds?

68. What was the best Halloween costume you ever had?

69. How do you like to spend a rainy day?

70. If you could pick a theme song for yourself, what would it be?

71. If you could live in any fictional town or city, which would you pick?

72. Who's your dream Super Bowl Halftime Show performer?

Read More: 21 Questions Game: 101 Best Questions for an Exciting Game Night


Spicy Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend About Intimacy

questions to ask your boyfriend

73. Do you like to move fast or take it slow?

74. What is a fantasy of yours we have never talked about?

75. What was I doing the last time you felt turned on by me?

76. Are you satisfied in the bedroom?

77. What is your favorite type of kiss?

78. What non-physical act turns you on the most?

79. How many times do you think couples should get intimate in a week?


80. Do you like PDA? 

81. Do you wish I was more affectionate?

82. Do you like when I wear lingerie?

83. What is something we have never tried together that you want to do?

84. Do you like getting spicy texts?

85. Do you like wearing lingerie?

86. Do you wish we used more toys together to spice up our intimacy game?

Romantic Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend That’ll Give Him Butterflies

questions to ask your boyfriend

87. When did you know you were in love with me?

88. How do you like to express love?

89. Do I make you feel valued?

90. Do I show up in your wildest dreams?

91. Do you think couples should talk about engagement rings before they get engaged?

92. How would you define falling in love?

93. Do I make you feel heard?

94. Do you think we have healthy emotional intimacy?

95. What is your favorite date we have ever been on?

96. Would you like to receive flowers?

97. What is your favorite thing about our relationship?

98. If you could plan a date for us anywhere in the world, where would we go and what would we do?

99. What's something I can do to make our relationship better?

100. Have you ever thought about what you want your wedding to look like?

101. How do you want me to express love to you?

102. Is there anything you have ever wanted to teach me?

103. What does your ideal date night look like?

104. What do you think about public proposals?

105. Do you like surprises?

106. Do you see yourself proposing to someone else or being proposed to?

107. Do you like being surprised by random gifts?

Juicy Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend Who Loves Gossips

questions to ask your boyfriend

108.  What is your guilty pleasure?

109. If there was a book with one page written about every day in your life, would you read the whole thing?

110. Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself?

111. Do you ever feel like you lived a past life?

112. What was the last thing you searched on Google?

113. What's your most embarrassing moment?

114. What do you think your best attribute as a boyfriend is?

115. If you could change your name, would you?

116. What is your most memorable experience from college?

117. What is the craziest dare you have ever accepted during Truth or Dare?

118. Do you believe in ghosts?

119. Do you talk to yourself?

120. Is there anything you wish you could change about me?

121. What's your most memorable experience from high school?

122. Do you sing in the shower?


123.Can you list ten authors who aren't men?

124. What is the craziest thing you have ever gotten the "ick" from?

125. Do you think men and women can ever just be friends?

126. If you could go back in time and live in any historical era, which would you pick?

127. What is a hidden talent you have that you never get to show off?

128. What is one fact no one else knows about you? 

129.Which celebrity would leave you starstruck in real life?

130. Who is your favorite person in your life?  

131.If you could host a dinner party with any famous person, who would it be and what would you talk about?

132. What are your relationship deal breakers?

Read More: 100+ Interesting Questions Girls Are Afraid to Ask Guys

Deep Love Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend 

questions to ask your boyfriend

133. How do you feel when we hold hands or share a kiss in public?

134. Do you believe that every person has a soul mate?

135. How do you express love and affection?

136. What song reminds you of me and why?

137. What makes you feel loved the most?

138. How do you feel when we spend time apart?

139. What is your favorite memory of us together?

140. Do you think it's possible to fall in love at first sight?

141. What qualities in me do you love the most?


Random Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Spice up the Conversation

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

142. That is the craziest conversation you've ever overheard in public?

143. Who is the most surprising musical artist you love?

144. Do you believe in astrology? 

145. What was your favorite subject in school?

146. If you didn't have to work for an entire year, what would you do with your time?

147. What is your favorite scent?

148. If you could go back and relive any day of your life, which one would you pick?

149. Do you watch the news?

150. Would you rather be right or happy?

151. Do you believe in aliens?

152. What do you think is the weirdest habit you have?

153. What song could you listen to on repeat forever?

154. If you could go on any reality TV competition show, which would you pick?

155. What's the last movie that made you cry?

156. If you could adopt any skill without practicing, which would you pick?

157. Do you believe there are sea creatures we haven't discovered yet?

158. What is your comfort TV show? 

159. Do you make your bed every morning?

160. Would you ever run for President?

161. Do you prefer rainy days at home or sunny days at the beach?


162. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?

163. What's the last book you read for fun?

164. What do you think is the best outfit in your closet?

165. What's one meal you wish you could make perfectly?

166. Do you ever snoop on people's phones in public?

167. Have you ever used a pick-up line? Was it successful?

168. What food or drink could you never live without?

169. Would you go to space if you had the opportunity?

170. What is your favorite amusement park activity?

171. What is your biggest pet peeve?

172. What candy do you think is overrated?

173. What is your biggest hot take?

174. What is your gas station snack combo?

175. If you could pick up and move to an entirely new city, where would you go?

176. If you started a podcast, what topic would it be on?

177. What was your favorite school lunch as a kid?


Serious Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Evaluate Compatibility

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

178.  you envision yourself having kids?

179. Why did your last relationship end?

180. Do you get jealous?

181. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

182. How do I make you feel when we hang out with your friends?

183. Do you see yourself getting married one day?

184. What are three things you want to achieve this year?

185. Do you think I'm living up to my potential?

186. Do you still keep in touch with your exes?

187. What kind of parent do you want to be?

188. How do you define a committed relationship?

189. How do you handle anger?

190. What is your favorite part about being an adult?

191. How do I make you feel when we hang out with my friends?

192. Do I do anything that bothers you?

193. What qualities do you think are most important in a spouse?

194.When was the last time you voted?

195. What do you do when you feel stressed?

196. What was your longest relationship?

197. What does your average workday look like?

198. Would you sacrifice your career goals for love?

199. Are you friends with your coworkers?


Flirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Elicit Romance

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

200. What's your favorite physical attribute of mine?

201. What's your favorite way to be greeted by me?

202. Do you like when I wear perfume/cologne?

203. What do I do that makes you laugh?

204. If I were sad, how would you make me feel better?

205. How many times did you want to ask me out before you did?

206. Do you remember what I wore on our first date?


207. What color should I wear more?

208. Will you dance with me right now?

209. What color do you associate me with?

210. What's your favorite inside joke we have?

211. What's your favorite physical attribute of yours?

212. What did you like most about me when we first met?

213. What do you like most about me now? 

214. Do you think about me during the day?

215. There are eight billion people in the world. Why are you with me?

216. What's your favorite cuddle position?

217. What gives you butterflies?

218. What was our first kiss like for you?


Interesting Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Examine Your Bond

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

219. What’s one day from your past that you would live all over again?

220. If you could meet one person from the past, who would it be?

221. What makes you feel awe-inspired?

222. What one thing on your bucket list do you hope to most achieve?

223. When do you feel the most creative?

224. How do you want people to remember you?

225. If you had to give an hour-long presentation on a topic, which topic would you choose?

226. What small decision had a huge impact on your life?


Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Bond Beyond the Surface Level

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

227. What's one thing we haven't done yet that you're excited to do with me?

228. What are some things I do that make you smile?

229. What's the best gift you've ever received?

230. Do you like it when I cook for you?

231. How do you like to be treated when you're sick?

232. What's the craziest thing you've done to impress someone?

233. What's your favorite love song?

234. What's something you're passionate about that you never get to discuss?

235. What's been the best year of your life so far?

236. Can you think of two people in your life who have a relationship you look up to?

237. Have you imagined what our future house would look like?

238. What's your favorite memory we've made together?

239. Do you think we spend enough quality time together?

240. Do you prefer cooking for me?

241. Do you like talking on the phone?

242. Have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe?

243. Did you ever have a crush on a fictional character?

244. What's your favorite time of day to go on a date?

245. What's a hobby you think we should try together?

246. Do you prefer spontaneous or planned date nights?

247. Do you like getting breakfast in bed?

248. What was your first kiss like?

249. Do you prefer fancy or casual date nights?



Good Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend for Insightful Prompts

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

250. Would you rather see into your future or visit your past?

251. What is your biggest fear in life?

252. What was the hardest thing you ever endured?

253. What law would you change in the world?

254. Who do you feel doesn’t support or understand you?

255. How do you reach out for support when you’re struggling?


Hard Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend And Test His Love

Hard Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

256. Have you ever cheated on someone?

257. How much do you trust me?

258. What fears do you have about our future?

259. Do you struggle with any addictive tendencies?

260. Do you need to apologize to anyone?

261. Have you ever doubted our relationship?

Reflective Questions to Ask a New Boyfriend on a Date

Hard Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

262. How do you think I fit into your family?

263. Who would you like to forgive at some point?

264. What are you happiest about or most proud of right now?

265. What is a mistake you’ve made in a past relationship that you don’t want to repeat?

266. Were you close with your siblings/cousins growing up?

267. How well do you cope with difficult emotions?


Important Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Truly Know Each Other

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

268. How do you identify politically? 

269. What part/s of our relationship do you find challenging?

270. Would you ever go to couples therapy?

271. Has anyone ever made you feel belittled at work? 

272. Do you feel like there are gender or societal pressures in our relationship?

273. What's a relationship mistake you made in the past that you don't want to repeat?

274. Do you expect dinner to be ready for you when you come home from work? What happens when both of us are working?

275. Do you think it's ever okay to lie? In what circumstances?

276. Do you think we fight fair?

277. What's something we could change about our relationship to make it stronger?

278. Do you trust me?

279. How do you think couples can keep the spark alive in a long-term relationship?

280. How do you think responsibilities should be divided in a marriage?

281. Would you speak up if I do something that offends or upsets you?

282. Do you feel safe in our relationship?

283. Do you think couples should have shared financial power in a relationship, or should it fall to one person?

284. Do you think people ever truly change?

285. What do you value most about our relationship?

286. Do you think it's possible to stay in the honeymoon phase forever?

287. Would you rather be a stay-at-home parent or a working parent?

288. Does your family have any cultural values or traditions I should know about?

289. Do you think the mental load of our shared responsibilities is equally divided?


Past-related Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

290. That things (if any) about your parents’ relationship do you want to have in ours?

291. Are there friendships from your younger years that you wish you still had?

292. What things about your parents’ relationship do you absolutely not want to have in ours?

293. Who were your heroes growing up?

294. What was your first serious relationship like?

295. Is there anything about your personality now that you think is significantly different from when you were a kid? What about when you and I first met?

296. Which cartoon character did you have a crush on as a kid?

297. What did you want to be when you grew up?

298. What is the saddest memory from your childhood?

This collection of cute, interesting, reflective, and lighthearted questions to ask your boyfriend are deep conversation starters that will help you predict your future with him. No matter the type of question you pose, be prepared to handle his answers. His responses can at times blow your mind or please your heart. Whether it is about his personal life, professional desires, fears, dream job, or needs, allow him some time to think and provide you with truthful insights. 

Your boyfriend might have dazzled you at first glance, but you need to be patient enough to let him impress you through his words and intelligence. So, if you wish to take your relationship to the next level, then, along with a set of thoughtful questions, be open to having honest and healthy communication over text, call, or in person. You will be surprised to see a few other versions of your man. 


What questions can I ask my boyfriend to discuss future plans and goals?
You can ask interesting and serious questions about his aims to discuss future plans and goals.

What kind of questions can I ask about his family and upbringing?
You can ask him about his childhood, his bond with his parents and siblings, and anything that bothered him when as a child.

What questions can one ask to know about his past relationships?
You can ask your boyfriend questions about previous heartbreaks, regrets, past commitments, and his love stories thus far.

What shall I ask my boyfriend when bored?
You can ask your boyfriend for some fun, interesting, flirty, or random questions when bored.

About The Author
Anubhuti Mishra
Anubhuti Mishra
Relationship Expert

A marked inclination toward understanding human emotions and relationships led Anubhuti to become a ...


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