42 Signs He Wants to Marry You: How to Read His Mind

If you enjoy your man’s company but are unsure he wants to seal the relationship deal, worry not! Check out this compilation of signs he wants to marry you.

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on Jul 01, 2024 | 02:48 PM IST | 2.6M
Signs He Wants to Marry You
Signs He Wants to Marry You

Moving from dating to spending an entire life together forever is a big relationship step. But if you are finding it challenging to find out if your man is ready to take this step, we are here to help. Since we understand that you want to make sure you’re with the right guy before things get too serious, we will discuss a few crucial signs he wants to marry you. These signs are like little whispers from his heart, guiding you toward a future filled with love, happiness, and shared dreams. So if you're curious to know if your man is ready to say those magical words, "Will you marry me?" then grab your coffee and binge with us to decode the subtle hints, gestures, and actions that reveal his deepest desires and aspirations. It's time to embark on a journey of love and discovery as we unravel the signs that he's ready to make you his forever. 

42 Subtle Signs He Wants to Marry You

Signs He Wants to Marry You

We’ve rounded up 35 signs he’s serious about you and ready to take you down the aisle. Scroll down!

1. Treats You like his “The One”

Signs He Wants to Marry You

You may be wondering if he cares for you and curious if he's worth your time. But the most important thing to ask yourself is this: how does he treat you? Pay attention to how he speaks to you, how he looks at you, and how he interacts with you. If he's respectful, kind, and loving, he's worth your time. Consistency in healthy behavior is essential, and showing love, care, and commitment can indicate their readiness for marriage. 

2. The Little Things

Signs He Wants to Marry You

It's important to look for the little things that show he's committed to having a long-term relationship. Paying attention to the way he treats you, his communication style, and the way he shows affection can all be clues to his true intentions. If he makes an effort to open the door for you or buy you little gifts, this may be an indication that he's serious about you and wants to marry you someday. Even the way he speaks to you can give you insight into his deeper feelings.  


3. His Tone While Talking About the Future

Signs He Wants to Marry You

Your man loves to communicate about future plans regularly, and he might show that he is firmly committed to a long-term relationship. Involving you in his goals and objectives, talking about hobbies and experiences, and imagining what lies ahead together show his willingness for the next phase. This demonstrates that he has a clear idea of you playing a significant role in his life going forward. Talking about significant occasions and milestones with you, such as getting married or beginning a kid, also portends a promising future. 

4. Shows Commitment Signals

Signs He Wants to Marry You

When you're getting to know someone, it's important to watch for commitment signals. You can notice these signals in the way the person does or says certain things. For example, does he sound sincere while asking you out on a date? Are his apologies genuine? Does he fulfill the promises he makes to you? Is he readily willing to help you whenever you are in need? If yes, he may have intentions of marrying you.


5. Actively Works on Resolving Conflicts And Improving the Relationship 

Signs He Wants to Marry You

When your man is engaged in positive mediation and relationship improvement, it shows dedication to building a successful and meaningful connection. This entails clear communication, a readiness to deal with problems, acceptance of responsibility, active listening, finding compromise, constant improvement, obtaining expert assistance if necessary, learning from past errors, and prioritizing long-term viewpoints. If he is offering you these, he may want to marry you someday.

6. Always Brags About You

Signs He Wants to Marry You

If your guy is frequently speaking highly of you to other people and doesn't hesitate to mention your successes and accomplishments, it's a good sign that he's serious about you and wants to marry you. Not only is he proud of you but he also wants others to recognize that you two are together and you two are meant to be. He wants to show the world that he has found someone special and that he wants to make you a part of his life.


7. Taking Vacations Together

Signs He Wants to Marry You

Most men use their time off to unwind and escape the tension of their daily lives and work. He sees you as a person who can ease any of those problems if he's willing to bring you along. Moreover, planning for a vacation requires commitment and dedication to the relationship. It also shows he's willing to put in the effort to make the relationship last. He's willing to invest his time and energy into creating an amazing experience for both of you.

8. He Views the Idea of Marriage Favorably

Signs He Wants to Marry You

Anytime the subject of marriage arises during the conversation, your partner won't be reluctant to bring it up. He is not prepared for marriage if he avoids the conversation, changes the subject, or appears anxious. He might want to marry you if he discusses marriage favorably with his family members and acquaintances.

9. He Includes You in All Significant Life Decisions

Signs He Wants to Marry You

Your opinion matters to him, and he will seek it out. He will discuss sensitive topics with you in confidence. Your decisions on crucial family matters or financial issues are an indication of how much he values you. He might ask your opinion on how to handle a bothersome relative. He might involve you in important choices like purchasing a car or a home.


10. Adjusts His Habits to Fit Yours

Signs He Wants to Marry You

Couples frequently enforce their preferences on one another. If your partner truly cares about you, he will go above and beyond to implore you by changing his behavior or routine. For instance, he might start waking up earlier to better fit your schedule if he was previously a night owl.

11. Shares His Secrets with You

Signs He Wants to Marry You

When a man shares his secrets, it shows he trusts you and is comfortable opening up around you. Opening up and trusting you with his thoughts and feelings is a surefire way to tell that he fosters a deeper emotional connection and a foundation for a long-term commitment with you. This could include sharing past experiences, childhood memories, fears, dreams, or any other deeply personal information that he may not readily disclose to others. By entrusting you with his secrets, he is demonstrating a high level of trust and intimacy that signs he wants to wife you. If he's willing to share his innermost thoughts and feelings with you, it's a good indication that he's ready to take the next step toward marriage. 

12. Is Comfortable Being Vulnerable around You

Signs He Wants to Marry You

If your partner shares his emotions, anxieties, aspirations, and concerns with you, it implies there is healthy communication in your relationship. This level of emotional openness is crucial for building a strong and lasting bond. When your man demonstrates his willingness to be authentic and transparent, allowing you to see the true depth of his emotions, know that he is comfortable being vulnerable with you. This vulnerability creates a deeper emotional connection between the two of you and fosters a sense of emotional safety and understanding. He may see a future with you if he feels at ease speaking candidly with you about these matters.


13. Proposes to Live-in Together

Signs He Wants to Marry You

In a relationship, moving in together is a big step that calls for dedication, trust, and a common outlook on the path ahead. Actively bringing up or discussing the possibility of residing together reveals a desire for greater intimacy and closeness as well as an eagerness to face the difficulties and rewards of ordinary life together. Moreover, living together can be useful since it enables better responsibility sharing and money management. It offers a chance to get a glimpse of daily life and learn more about each other's tastes, habits, and peculiarities, which may be used as a basis for decision-making in later years.

14. Makes Efforts to Meet Your Family And Friends

Signs He Wants to Marry You

A man's readiness to become an integral part of your life and develop meaningful relationships with significant individuals is shown by his genuine interest in getting to know your family and friends. This entails actively searching out opportunities to meet relatives and friends, getting to know them, learning about their lives, and conversing with them. It also demonstrates his respect for the individuals who matter to you and his desire to build a strong relationship with them. 

Seeking family consent or approval before making crucial relationship decisions is another noteworthy action that shows respect for their viewpoint and guarantees that they are happy with the partnership's course. This suggests that he is invested in and prepared to take the relationship to a higher level.

15. Introduces You to His Family 

Signs He Wants to Marry You

He introduces you as a partner to his family, indicating a proposal to them and a desire for a long-term commitment. This meaningful gesture signifies a deeper level of connection and a desire to integrate them into his personal life. Actively introducing a partner to family members, including parents, siblings, and close relatives, signifies a deeper connection and a desire to share a reserved part of his life with those he deeply cares about.

Being invited to family events and gatherings shows that he values your presence and wants you to be a part of his family's special moments. He really wants their approval and acceptance of your relationship. This sincerity and seriousness about the relationship are the signs he will marry you someday. 

16. Takes Interest to Know More About You

Signs He Wants to Marry You

He is very interested in your preferences. He goes beyond simply being aware of your favorite dish, sweet, or ice cream. He discusses the things that are most important to you in life and wants to understand you on a deeper level, which shows that he’s looking to build a relationship with long-term potential. 


17. Puts You First

Signs He Wants to Marry You

He’s always available to talk and make plans, and he shows up on time and puts in the effort to keep you happy. When you need him, he’s there with a listening ear and support. He takes your feelings into account when making decisions and wants to know your thoughts on major life changes like entering a new job. This means he's serious about you and that you’ll be by his side for a long time. 

18. Is More Thoughtful And Considerate Than Usual

Signs He Wants to Marry You

If he’s more attentive and caring than usual, it could be a sign that he’s serious about you and wants to take things to the next level. He might be listening more, calling or texting more often, or being more supportive and encouraging than before. 

19. Mine is Yours

Signs He Wants to Marry You

He won’t be picky about “his” things, as he will consider them to be yours as well. From sharing a toothbrush to using his razor, he won’t mind if you use his belongings. He is showing that he’s happy for you to use his things, that he views them as ours now, not just his. This shift from mine to ours is indicative of a relationship that’s strong and serious. 

20. Has no Interest in Other Potential Lovers

Signs He Wants to Marry You

If he avoids other people and puts you above all else, it is an indication that he is serious about you and ready to commit to the long haul. He will avoid talking about other women, especially in a romantic way. He might even stop talking to others, whether it's through social media, face-to-face, or on the phone.

21. Has Enhanced Physical Intimacy with You

Signs He Wants to Marry You

He may find little ways to stay close to you, like lingering hugs, kissing your forehead, or holding your hand. He'll also frequently reach out to you, be ready to listen to your thoughts, and open up about his feelings. It proves that his allure to you has only grown stronger over time. 

22. Drops Hints 

Signs He Wants to Marry You

Gifts and marriage-related suggestions from a guy can be important indicators of a commitment to longevity and a passion for developing the relationship. These cues can be crucial because they reflect his admiration and affection for you, and they become even more significant when he begins to consider a relationship that will last. Treating you like part of his family and including you in family events shows that he wants to marry you soon and wants his family to embrace you.


23. Inquires about Matters of Weddings

Signs He Wants to Marry You

When a man starts inquiring about matters related to weddings, it can be a strong indicator that he is seriously considering a lifelong commitment with you. These inquiries show that he is interested in understanding your family's customs and rituals as well as gaining insight into your personal preferences and dreams for your ideal wedding. By asking about your family's customs and rituals, he is demonstrating a genuine interest in your background and the traditions that are important to you. This indicates that he respects and values your cultural heritage, and he wants to ensure that he can be supportive and respectful of these aspects of your life. 

Furthermore, when he starts delving into the details of your ideal wedding, such as the location, guest list, and music preferences, it signs you’re the one he wants to marry. By engaging in these conversations, he is indicating his willingness to align his own vision and desires with yours, creating a shared understanding and excitement about the prospect of marriage.

24. "If" becomes "When"

Signs He Wants to Marry You

If your man is serious about you and your relationship, he won't think of the future in terms of "if". Instead, he'll be talking about "when" you two will get married, or when you'll go on your next trip together. It's a subtle, but important difference - if he's serious about you, he's expecting to be with you for the long haul. 

25. His Social Circle Is Mostly of Married Couples

Signs He Wants to Marry You

If your boyfriend's social circle is mainly composed of married couples, it could be a sign that he is serious about taking your relationship to the next level. Seeing all his friends in committed relationships can create a sense of urgency in him to marry you and settle down. His friends can be a great source of advice and comfort, giving you an insight into his thoughts and feelings. 

Hearing stories from their marital life can help you identify with him, and understand what he's looking for in a relationship. His friends may also be a gauge for your relationship, as he is likely to look for similar lifestyles in his own life.

26. Has Thoughts of Growing Old Together

Signs He Wants to Marry You

Growing old together is a sign of a long-term future with your partner, indicating a commitment beyond the present moment. This suggests a shared life, not just for the short term, and a desire for a lasting and meaningful relationship. It also signifies a willingness to navigate life's ups and downs as a team, building a foundation of love, support, and companionship that can withstand the test of time. By referencing a shared future that extends into old age, your partner is expressing their commitment to nurturing and sustaining your relationship for the long haul. He may not come out and say it, but it reflects the subtle way of showing you that he is picturing a life with you. 


27. Asks Your Opinion About Kids

Signs He Wants to Marry You

If he asks your opinion about kids or brings up conversations about having kids, that’s a sign he sees an opportunity for a long-term relationship and possibly marriage. He may talk about his own experiences with children or even what kind of parent he sees himself as.

28. Suggests Opening Joint Account

Signs He Wants to Marry You

Sharing financial responsibilities means he is willing to make the relationship a priority and take it to the next level. His desire to open a joint account with you may indicate that he is serious about committing to you and wants to make a long-term investment in your relationship. He may also want to start making big purchases or investments together as a way to show his commitment. If he is taking the initiative to merge your finances, it is a sure sign that he is serious about you and your future together.

29. Is Your Emotional Support

Signs He Wants to Marry You

He wants to lend an ear when you need to talk or provide a hug when you need comfort. He takes on all your worries and concerns and validates your feelings. He’s serious about you. If he wants to marry you he will always be there to lend a sympathetic ear or a helping hand.

30. Has moved on from “I” to “We”

Signs He Wants to Marry You

When a man switches from "I" to "We" in conversation, it shows that he is ready for a serious relationship and maybe marriage. This inclusive phrase shows a desire to create a life together as a partnership by including you in future goals and objectives. This change in viewpoint from an individual-centered one to a shared one signs your boyfriend wants to marry you.

This change in vocabulary also represents a stronger emotional bond and engagement in the union, taking into account the requirements and goals of each partner. The consistent use of the pronoun "we" shows a readiness for long-term commitment and collaboration as well as a desire to work with you to create a future as an equal partner.

31. Is Cautious with Money

Signs He Wants to Marry You

If he was previously living a carefree life, he may start to become more conscious and cautious with his finances and start saving for the future once he wants to marry you. After dating for some time, This could be a sign that he is making plans that involve you both. You can take it as a sign that he is saving for a special moment.


32. You Have Access to His Passwords

Signs He Wants to Marry You

Allowing someone to have access to your passwords, especially when it comes to social media and financial accounts, is an incredibly personal gesture. If he's giving you the key to his world, it is a sign that he is serious about you and has faith that you won’t abuse the information. It also indicates that he trusts you and that he doesn’t feel the need to hide anything from you.

33. Asks for Your Ring Size

Signs He Wants to Marry You

This is a sure way to know he’s thinking about popping the question and wants to make sure the ring fits right when that special moment arrives. It’s a sign he wants to marry you and he’s serious enough to ask for your ring size, it’s a good indication that he’s thinking long-term and could be considering taking the relationship beyond dating.

34. Pampers You Immensely

Signs He Wants to Marry You

A sure sign that he's serious about you is when he goes out of his way to make you feel comfortable and special. You can count on him when you're unwell for company and care. Moreover, he takes you out to dinner and gives you little gifts. He's also likely to remember important dates, like your birthday or an anniversary, and will celebrate them with you. These all suggest that he values your relationship and wants to make it last.

35. Compliments You 

Signs He Wants to Marry You

Consistent compliments from a man indicate their genuine interest in building a future with you. These compliments focus on your inner talents and potential as a spouse rather than only on outward appearances. He values you when he expresses gratitude for your warmth, compassion, and sensitivity. His opinions on your long-term compatibility and willingness to start a family or live together are shown by compliments about your potential as a mother or wife. He shows his dedication to the relationship by frequently expressing his affection for you and making you feel unique. He also pays attention to your traits, successes, and contributions.

Indeed, these signs that show he wants to marry you can provide valuable insight into his feelings and commitment to a lifelong partnership. However, every relationship is unique, and the presence of these signs may vary. Therefore, open communication is crucial to understanding expectations, desires, and plans for the future. Trust your instincts and pay attention to the actions and words of your partner. Love, respect, communication, and shared goals are the foundations of a strong and fulfilling marriage. Embrace the journey, cherish the love you share, and remember that true commitment is a beautiful and transformative experience that can bring lifelong joy and fulfillment.

36. He Shows His Weaknesses to You

He Shows His Weaknesses to You

One of the biggest signs he wants to marry you is that he is not afraid to show his vulnerabilities in front of you. When someone shows their flaws and weaknesses, it means they trust you and see you as a long-term partner. 

37. He Shares His Career Plans with You

He Shares His Career Plans with You

If your man shares everything about his career or business plans with you, it means he trusts you and values your opinion. A married couple shares everything — from what they had for lunch to what happened at the office, all little things matter. So if you see him sharing all his career goals with you, take it as a positive sign and know that he is marriage material as well. 

38. He Tells You About His Dream Wedding

He Tells You About His Dream Wedding

Everyone gets excited hearing the word ‘wedding bells.’ Plus, many people have a beautiful vision when it comes to their wedding day. If your guy talks to you about his dream wedding quite often, telling you how he wants it to be, who he will invite, how he will propose, it could be one of the signs he wants to be your husband. 

39. He Tags You In Marriage Quotes/Jokes

He Tags You In Marriage Quotes/Jokes

Has your guy started tagging you in marriage/love quotes? Or has he started sharing marriage jokes with you? It could be a sign he is planning a dream wedding with you. 

40. He Shares Posts About You

He Shares Posts About You

If a man loves you, he’ll leave no stone unturned in making you feel special. He’ll share pictures with you or loving quotes tagging you on social media. When he does this, it means that he wants your relationship to be public knowledge and so this is one of the biggest hints that he wants to marry you. 

41. You’re the First Person He Calls for Everything

You’re the First Person He Calls for Everything

He had a bad day at work? He’ll call you! He just got a promotion? He’ll call you! When a man loves you, he’ll make sure to make you his priority. Be it good moments or facing tough times, if you’re the first person he talks to after anything and everything, it means you are very special to him and he wants to make you his wife.  

42. He Asks About Your Favorite Wedding Destination

He Asks About Your Favorite Wedding Destination

Getting married is definitely one of the major life decisions in everybody’s lives and having a perfect wedding is a dream of many. If a man wants to marry you, he’ll ask you everything about what you want in your wedding — from destination to cuisine, he’ll take interest in how you want your wedding to look like. It is one of the clearest signs he will marry you someday.

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How long does it take a man to realize he wants to marry you?
A man's choice to marry you could be influenced by several things. They might not always be certain of yours and his emotions, and he may wish to give the relationship more time before getting hitched. Therefore, the actual time frame required for a man to marry his companion can vary based on the conditions and the intensity of the relationship.

How does a man act before he proposes?
He might start behaving a little oddly when he's about to propose. A shift in his body language is among the most telling indicators that he will propose. He will make an extra effort to express his devotion to you. He's expecting you'll follow suit because he needs proof that the moment has come.

What knee does a man get on when he proposes?
This is the most thrilling part of a marriage proposal. As per customs and traditions, a man's left knee should be on the floor and his right knee should be raised. While his left hand should be holding the ring box, and his right hand should be used to open it.

Is it important for a man to discuss marriage directly?
It is important to have a direct conversation for marriage. If your man is giving you subtle cues that he wants to marry you, you can have a heartfelt discussion with him regarding the same.

What should be done if I am ready for marriage but I am not sure about him?
You can communicate with your man to ask him about his future plans about marriage to get clarity.

What qualities will make a man want to marry me?
Both men and women looking for marriage look for love, care, compassion, loyalty, and support in their partners. These qualities are attractive and make people attracted to each other.

How long should a girl wait for his man to propose if he shows signs that he wants to marry her?
Once he has made a decision, it won’t be too long before he proposes. If he doesn’t, then you may share your confusion and ask him why is he not being decisive and holding back.

Is it possible for a man to show the signs that he wants to marry and still not be ready for marriage?
Yes, it could be possible that a man loves you whole-heartedly but is not ready for marriage. However, if he talks about marriage and your future goals, it is mostly a clear sign he wants to make you his wife.

About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...


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