Having Doubts About a Guy? 14 Telltale Signs He’s Not Into You

Struggling to grab your crush’s attention or reignite the spark in your relationship? Chances are that he’s not into you. Here are 14 signs to look out for.

Anubhuti Mishra
Written by Anubhuti Mishra , Relationship Expert
Updated on Oct 21, 2024 | 04:50 PM IST | 5.9K
Having Doubts About a Guy
Having Doubts About a Guy

Just like what happens when he likes you, a guy will give away signs he’s not into you, too. This can be someone you are in a romantic relationship with or someone who knows you have a crush on them and is giving you mixed signals to keep you around. This could also be a decent guy who is not direct with you as he is afraid of hurting your feelings. 

It’s no news that relationships require work from both ends, and we can’t expect it to be a smooth sail. When we fall for someone, we often go out of our way to win over them and keep the charm alive. But as time passes, the spark dies out in some cases. While it is completely natural for relationships to feel monotonous at times, it isn’t a good sign if a person acts evidently passive yet does not step out of the relationship straightforwardly. This shows disinterest as well as a lack of respect for letting one’s partner go, which is a red flag!

If this is something you’re sensing from your partner, you need to accept it and move on from that relationship. At the end of the day, you need to trust your gut and quit fearing confrontation. To help you identify your situation better, here are 14 telltale signs he might not be into you (anymore).


30 Signs He's Not Into You

Signs He's Not Into You

1. He Doesn’t Compliment You

Guys like it when women doll up for them. They usually don’t shy away from showering the woman they find attractive with praise. Understandably, not everyone is expressive in the same way. But if he never seems to notice your efforts, he probably doesn’t find you appealing in a romantic way.   

2. He Doesn’t Pay Attention to You

Men are simple creatures. When they are into someone, that person often has their undivided attention. Observe his body language cues. If he doesn’t pay you enough attention or you feel that his mind is wandering around even when you are spending time together, it is a clear sign that he's not into you.

Having Doubts About a Guy

3. Avoids Making Plans

You may notice a pattern that he is not enthusiastic about spending time alone with you anymore. He has time for everyone but when it comes to you, he may strangely seem too busy. This is one of the most obvious signs he isn’t into you, and when this happens, the right thing to do is to accept things the way they are and quit being persistent. 


4. He Flirts with Others 

Flirting with others when you are in a committed relationship, should not be normalized. If he is devoted to you, he will think twice before making those frisky comments that will make you uncomfortable. He might think that he is being polite or friendly. But if he continues this pattern of behavior even after seeing how uncomfortable it’s making you, he is not the one! You should respect yourself enough to walk out of a dynamic like this.

Having Doubts About a Guy

5. He Is Actively Seeking Other Girls 

When we have strong feelings for someone, others become invisible to us. But if he is keeping his options open, you might not be the one for him. Depending on what stage of relationship/acquaintance you are in with this person, you should decide whether you want to keep pursuing him or let that man go. 

If you notice this behavior when you two are in a non-polygamous relationship walking out would be the right decision to honor and respect yourself.


6. He Makes No Effort

This is one of the clearest signs that he doesn’t feel the same way about you. When you start to feel that he is being distant and putting in no effort to make you feel special — not planning dates, making time from work, or dressing up to meet with you — it may be time to accept the reality and move on. 

7. Inconsistent Communication

Reduced communication is another strong sign. Dating experts say that communication is the key to a healthy relationship. When he’s not into you, he might avoid communicating about his feelings. The situation is a recipe for disaster and the relationship will not last. It will only end up driving you insane.

Having Doubts About a Guy

8. Closed Body Language 

You can tell a lot about how someone feels about you from their body language. If he is attracted to you, his body language might give it away as he will try to get closer to you. He will also take care of his appearance. The opposite might indicate that he doesn’t see you as a possible love interest. He will avoid eye contact, won’t hold your hand as often, or avoid walking beside you. 


9. He Avoids Talk of the Future 

If he gets uncomfortable when you bring up the future, chances are he is not as serious about you and only sees you as a prospect in a situationship. While it might get awkward to ask your crush about his future plans, if you’re already romantically involved with him, you need to be direct with him about what you want out of the relationship. And if it doesn’t resonate with you, break up before it gets too serious. 

10. He Never Gets Jealous 

Getting a little jealous is natural when you like someone. While being overly possessive is not healthy in any way, showing just a bit of jealousy might be a cute way of showing your partner that you are scared to lose them. When he stops showing this emotion, you can feel assured that he is getting distant. 

Having Doubts About a Guy

11. He Ignores Your Texts or Calls

He might stop responding on time when you text or call them. Perhaps, the person who used to bombard you with cutesy messages throughout the day rarely finds the time to check up on you lately. Let’s be honest. Nobody is busy 24/7. Hence, if this is a pattern you’ve been observing, it may be a telltale sign that he’s not into you anymore.


12. He Is Never There for You 

It goes without saying that being there for your partner is important to maintain a healthy relationship. Your partner should treat your problem as his own and try to lessen your burden as much as possible. Even if it’s not possible, he should provide emotional support. If he fails to do so, he is not a reliable partner to begin with and you should gladly get rid of him. 

Having Doubts About a Guy

13. He Is No Longer Expressive 

He might not express his love as frequently as he used to. He might even stop trying to woo you. If the bare minimum expression of love is too much work for him, he is definitely taking you for granted. You should not settle for such emotionally unavailable men. 

14. He Ignores You on Social Media

When he is in love, he would want to show you off to his friends and family. Couples use social media platforms to share glimpses of their happy relationships. But if your partner is secretive about you or your relationship on social media, he might want to appear single so they can pursue other women. 

What to Do When You Realize He Is Not Into You?

It’s never a good idea to keep chasing after something that’s not meant to be. You should come to terms with reality and focus on yourself. You need to accept that if he loves you, he won’t want you to suffer. 

When you observe signs he’s not into you, you may be left feeling confused and disheartened. After all, no one wants to go through the excruciating pain of a breakup. That’s why we often tend to ignore signs of a dead relationship, even when our heart knows the truth. But the good news is life doesn’t end when someone stops loving us. A long-term and meaningful relationship can not be built on confusion. 

Look out for warning signs and in the meantime, focus on personal growth. At the end of the day, you need to trust your gut and quit fearing confrontation. Besides, stepping away from a person who doesn’t value you and looking around can open your eyes to many potential romantic partners, who are willing to offer the love and affection you need. So, do yourself a favor and walk out when you need to!


Is he into me or just being nice?
It’s true that some guys are genuinely nice and we feel confused about their actual intent. But there are some signs that give it away. Someone who is only being nice won’t get flirty with you from time to time. If he’s into you, he will try his best to hold a conversation with you and make you feel special. He will also want to keep you around.

How can I tell if he’s serious about me?
He is excited about you meeting his friends and family. In short, he wants to show you off. He discusses his future plans with you and wants to get to know you better. He is not avoidant and genuinely cares about you.

Can communication problems cause a disconnect in a relationship?
Communication plays a big role in maintaining a healthy relationship. If we fail to communicate about our feelings, it will certainly lead to arguments and even resentment. The small issues will pile up over time and cause a fallout.

What are the emotional impacts of being in a one-sided relationship?
Being in a one-sided relationship where your partner doesn’t put in the same effort can affect you greatly. It might take a toll on our confidence and self-esteem. The bitter experience can also lead to us fearing commitment altogether.

How should I read mixed signals in a relationship?
When he is serious about you, he won’t give you mixed signals or make you feel confused. He won’t be inconsistent, nor will he be inconsiderate of your feelings. He will communicate and try his best to make the relationship last.

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About The Author
Anubhuti Mishra
Anubhuti Mishra
Relationship Expert

A marked inclination toward understanding human emotions and relationships led Anubhuti to become a certified Relationship Expert. With dual



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