15 Clear Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings And Likes You
Love is a beautiful feeling. If you think the lady of your dreams is in love with you, but is hiding her feelings — look out for these signs she is hiding her feelings.

When we love someone, all we need is their affection and love. Having feelings for a girl, and not knowing whether she likes you or not can be frustrating for anyone. Maybe she has started sharing her deepest fears with you, gives you her time, and shows you affection in different ways - but how to be sure that she likes you? Many times, it becomes difficult to understand or make out what the other person wants or is thinking. Well, there are signs she is hiding her feelings for you that you should look out for. However, before we move on to the signs, let's understand more about why a girl hides her feelings.
Reasons Why a Girl Hides Her Feelings
Often girls are stereotyped for being mysterious; well, it’s not fair to assume something like that. Girls may hide their feelings because of various reasons listed below:
1. She Might Be Fearing Rejection
It’s the first and most common reason for girls or even boys to hide their feelings. They fear rejection and that’s quite usually a reason to be bothered about. Rejection can hurt anyone, and this is why many girls choose to hide their feelings.
2. She Might Not Be Comfortable in Sharing It Yet
Confessing is not easy for everyone, and this also might be the reason for a girl hiding her feelings from you. Or maybe she doesn't want to rush things and take everything slowly.
3. Maybe She Is Depressed Or Dealing with Some Grief
It’s a very common human tendency to withdraw oneself and stay aloof when they are depressed. This is also one of the reasons behind hiding one’s feelings or why you may see signs she’s hiding her feelings for you.
4. Maybe She Isn’t Feeling Loved
You might have heard several times that when a girl is in love with you, she can move mountains and go to unexplored horizons. But when she feels the distance between you two then she might choose to stay quiet and maintain distance. Once a girl realizes she isn't loved or respected, she may choose to hide her feelings forever.
5. Maybe She Is Hurt by Your Actions
If you've hurt a girl who likes you, chances are you'll not hear from her. When she chooses to remain silent, it might be because you have hurt her badly.
6. She Lacks Confidence
Low self-esteem is a real issue and one of the most common challenges faced by girls. If your girl is facing self-esteem issues then she may turn to self-criticism and even consider herself unworthy of you. When such a thought crosses her mind she may withdraw herself from you and start to hide things. You might have found many signs that she secretly wants you but if she considers you to be worthy of better things then she will turn silent and hide things from you.
7. She Doesn't Want to Lose You as a Friend
No one wants to be friend-zoned. So, she may hide her feelings for you if she is not sure about your feelings for her. Maybe she thinks that if she confesses everything to you, and both of you are not on the same page, then it might ruin your friendship too.
8. She Doesn’t Know How to Express Her Feelings
Often we fail to say what we want to. Many of us suffer from issues in expressing ourselves. It could be because of some trauma that threw us into this unwanted problem or, it may be due to a lack of awareness. Girls also hide their feelings when they aren’t sure or don’t know the best way to express them. Maybe they aren’t confident enough to express it. In such a case you might not do anything even if you know the signs she is hiding her feelings.
9. Maybe She Is Burdened with Social Or Family Pressure
We are conditioned to abide by the social norms and standards but while doing so we miss to live our lives authentically. If she has a dominating parent or is a docile person and is hiding her feelings then there are high chances that she is under a lot of family or social pressure.
Subtle Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings for You
You may gauge a person’s mind from how he or she behaves. When someone tries to hide something, you may miss noticing it for the first, second, or third time but not the next time. When a girl hides her feelings, it follows a similar course. You may feel it or if you aren’t sure about it then look out for the signs she is hiding her feelings.
1. She Is Always There for You
One of the best parts of being around a strong woman is that she has her priorities and is always up for something or the other. However, even in the bewildering business, if you have access to her, if she responds or attends to you every time then this isn’t just friendship my boy! She feels for you and considers you a priority as well, often beyond others.
2. Her Friends Know You
Friends are special for everyone, and if you notice that a girl has introduced you to her friends, it could be a sign she is developing feelings for you. Also, take note of how her friends treat you when you two are together - they may tease you, or tell you that she fancies you. These are subtle signs he talks about you to her friends and likes you a lot.
Read More: 30 Clear Signs He Wants a Relationship with You
3. She Looks Straight Into Your Eyes While Talking
If you have star-gazed you know how special this feeling is — it is a mesmerizing feeling. If you catch her gazing into your eyes frequently, it could be a subtle hint that she wants to form a deeper connection with you, but doesn't want to show it yet.
4. She Remembers Every Detail About You
In the daily hustle and bustle of life, it becomes difficult for people to make time for others and make an effort to know them. There’s so much on our platter that we don’t find time for others. It’s not just your situation but everyone’s. However, when a girl likes you, she'll make extra efforts to spend quality time with you and listen to you attentively. This means she'll remember your birthday, important dates, your likes, dislikes, and everything. If you've noticed that a girl remembers even the intricate details about you, it's a clear sign she likes you.
5. She Is Always There for You
“Till death do us part” may sound too melodramatic but when someone is truly in love with you they tend to be this serious. When a woman likes you, she'll make sure she's with you through thick and thin. This means she'll be a call away whenever you need her - you can talk to her anytime whenever in need. If she's always there for you in your highs and lows, it means she is in love with you and is hiding her feelings.
6. She Finds Humor Even in Your Silly Jokes
Good humor is a great way to build friendships and make people open up to conversations. A good sense of humor is an important quality that women look for in men too. But you might not always be funny, sometimes your jokes might be dry or stale or too sarcastic. However, if she likes you then she will laugh even at your silly and meaningless jokes.
7. She Ensures Your Wellbeing
A woman in love always makes sure that her man is happy and content. To ensure his well-being, she’ll make genuine efforts to ensure everything in your surrounding is fine. She may also go the extra mile to ensure your happiness and well-being. If you notice any of these approaches by her then please know that she is genuinely concerned about your wellbeing and it is definitely one of the signs she is hiding her feelings for you.
8. She Stalks You on Social Media
When a girl isn’t comfortable enough to communicate in person, she turns to social media for gather information about you. When a girl likes you, she'll follow you on social media and like your posts. She'll also try to get information about your social circle, likes, and dislikes through social media. If a girl keeps a tab on you on social media, it could be a sign she has feelings for you and is hiding it.
9. She Asks Questions About Your Friends
When a girl likes you, she gets curious about you and tries to form deeper conversations by asking more about you and your friends. She can ask you questions like, "Who are your best friends," or "What do you expect in a relationship," etc.
10. She Dresses up Nicely for You
Taking time to decide and dress nicely reflects self-love and also gives importance to the occasion. If she always dresses beautifully when she is going out with you, it could mean she likes you a lot.
Mostly, if the friendship is platonic, a girl would not want to impress her male friend by taking time to decide what to wear. But, when the feelings are beyond friendship, a girl would want to deck up nicely whenever going with you. This means she wants you to notice her and give her the attention she wants.
11. She Texts You Randomly
Random texts are a sign that you belong to her inner circle, and she wants to stay in touch with you. One of the clear signs she is hiding her feelings is that she is hiding her feelings is that she sends you random texts. Apart from good morning or good night text messages, she might randomly ask you about your day, or how things are at work. Basically, she wants to keep in touch with you and spend more time with you. So stop wondering about ‘Does she have a crush on me’ or not. She definitely feels for you but you may need to give her more time and space to own up.
12. She Tries to Grab Your Attention
We have discussed that she may stalk you on social media, dress nicely whenever she is going for an outing with you, and the like. That’s a sign that she is trying to get your attention but isn’t open or expressive about it. She may also leave you sweet text messages, plan a vacation, or dress up nicely just to get your attention. If you notice these signs, know that the girl may be in love with you
13. She Is Possessive About You
Being possessive is a huge sign of liking someone. Often introverts may hesitate and even deny that they have feelings however it doesn’t change the fact. If you see her being possessive about you and you like her too then congratulations!!! She likes you too but she is trying to portray a different picture.
14. She Takes Care of You
A girl often shows her love by caring for her guy. She may cook meals for you when you are sick, support you when you are feeling low, or simply listen to you after a hectic day. When a woman is in love with you, she'll go out of her way to take care of your needs and support you.
15. She Shares Everything with You
If a girl shares her deepest fears, thoughts, and insecurities with you, it’s one of the signs she is hiding her feelings for you. When a girl likes you, she’ll tell everything to you - from small things like how her day went to huge things like life issues, you’ll get to hear everything from her. Maybe she’s not an open book, but with you, she’s different. If that’s the case, this may be a sign she likes you more than a friend.
Being in love is one of the most delightful experiences and more so now because of increasing adversities in the world and the lack of love, compassion, and time for our fellow beings. If there’s someone who values you and feels for you, there isn’t anything better than this. So, make conscious efforts to ensure they don’t feel afraid of revealing it to you. What we have suggested here are some of the tried and tested ideas to make it work but these aren’t the only ones. Feel free to think about the best effective ideas for your girl – why she hides her feelings for you and what you may do for her so that she doesn’t hesitate to tell you! We have possibly elaborated on every probable scenario and sign she is hiding her feelings for you. You might not resonate with all of these reasons but if you identify with any of these then don’t hesitate to confront her.

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