31 Signs Your Friend Doesn't Value You: Recognize the Red Flags

Uncover the signs that your friend doesn't value you and takes you for granted. Learn how to spot these red flags and address the situation in a healthy way.

Dr. Samar Hafeez
Reviewed by DR. SAMAR HAFEEZ , Clinical Psychologist | Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on May 24, 2024 | 01:39 PM IST | 1.6M
signs your friend doesn't value you
signs your friend doesn't value you

Friendship, a beautiful connection that brings warmth, laughter, and a profound sense of belonging to our lives, is truly a priceless gift that deserves our utmost appreciation. True friends stand by us through thick and thin, offering support, understanding, and unwavering loyalty. 

However, there are connections where you may feel undervalued. In order to understand where you stand in a relationship, it is important to observe and acknowledge the signs your friend doesn't value you as much as you truly deserve. This realization can be deeply painful and leave you questioning your worth. Understanding these warning signs will help you handle any problems in the friendship before they cause undue stress. 

Embark on an emotional journey through this heartfelt article as we delve into the profound experience of recognizing the telltale signs that your dear friend may not hold you in the high regard you once believed.

signs your friend doesn't value you

1. They Consistently Cancel Plans at the Last Minute


signs your friend doesn't value you

If your friend constantly cancels plans at the last minute or is frequently unavailable when you try to make arrangements, it shows a lack of consideration for your time and a lack of commitment to your friendship. It can leave you feeling unimportant or you may have thoughts that your friends never want to hang out. It's important to have friends who respect your time and make an effort to follow through on plans.

2. Your Friend Rarely Makes an Effort to Spend Time with You


signs your friend doesn't value you

When your only friend is busy and rarely takes the initiative to reach out or make plans, it can make you feel like the relationship is one-sided. A healthy friendship involves mutual effort and engagement. If you find yourself always having to initiate contact or make plans, it is an obvious sign that your friend doesn't value the connection as much as you do.


3. They Only Reach out When They Need Something from You


signs your friend doesn't value you

If your friend only contacts you when they need something, such as a favor or assistance, it indicates that they see you more as a resource rather than a true friend. This can leave you feeling used and unappreciated. A real friendship involves a balance of support, care, and interest in each other's lives beyond just personal needs.

4. Your Friend Often Interrupts Or Talks Over You


signs your friend doesn't value you

When your friend constantly interrupts or talks over you, it demonstrates a lack of respect for your thoughts and opinions. It can make you feel disregarded and undervalued in conversations. Healthy friendships thrive on open and respectful communication, where each person's perspective is valued and heard.

5. They Constantly Criticize Or Belittle Your Choices, Interests, Or Aspirations


signs your friend doesn't value you

If your pal is constantly critical or belittling towards your choices, interests, or aspirations, it can be emotionally damaging. This signals that you're not best friends anymore, because a true companion supports and encourages your personal growth and individuality, rather than tearing you down. Constructive criticism should come from a place of feedback, not from a desire to make you feel small or inadequate.


6. Your Friend Making You Feel Unheard And Unimportant


signs your friend doesn't value you

When your friend fails to actively listen to you, it can leave you feeling like your words don't matter. Active listening involves being fully present, paying attention, and genuinely engaging with what you're saying. If your friend circle regularly doesn't give you their full attention or dismisses what you're sharing, it can make you feel undervalued and unimportant in the friendship.

7. They Expect You to Be Available at All Times


signs your friend doesn't value you

When your friend doesn't prioritize your friendship but expects you to always be available, it can create an unbalanced dynamic. They may take your availability for granted and expect you to be at their disposal, while not investing the same level of effort or consideration into the friendship. This can leave you feeling undervalued and unimportant in the relationship.

According to Dr. Samar Hafeez, Consultant Psychologist and a Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, “Constant lying, denials (even when there are proofs), failing to keep his/her words in other words failing to keep promises and/or  commitments, having little or absolutely no regard for your thoughts, feelings or achievements, hypocrisy (being fake, excessively praising and complimenting on face), not being emotionally or mentally available especially during times when you need the most, unhelpful during bad phases of your life, worsens your existing troubles, worries, sadness and anxieties, teaming up against you, intimidation and last but not the least gas lighting( distorting your reality by making you question your sanity and reality.”


8. Your Friend Consistently Prioritizes Their Needs Over Yours


signs your friend doesn't value you

In a balanced friendship, both parties should consider each other's needs and well-being. However, if your friend consistently prioritizes their own needs and wants without regard for yours, it shows a lack of consideration and empathy. This can lead to feelings of being taken for granted or unimportant in the friendship.

9. They Frequently Forget Significant Details About Your Life


signs your friend doesn't value you

Friends who don't check on you or frequently forget important details about your life or show little interest in your experiences may indicate a lack of genuine interest and investment in your companionship. Remembering details and actively engaging in conversations about each other's lives is a sign of care and attentiveness. If your friend consistently shows disinterest, it can leave you feeling unappreciated, as if your life experiences don't matter to them.

10. Your Achievements Or Milestones Go Unnoticed Or Uncelebrated


signs your friend doesn't value you

Celebrating each other's achievements and milestones is an essential part of a supportive bond. Friends who are not happy for you and consistently fail to acknowledge or celebrate your successes, can leave you feeling unnoticed and unappreciated. Real buddies take joy in each other's accomplishments and offer support and recognition, rather than making you feel like your achievements are insignificant.


11. They Make Insensitive Or Hurtful Comments Without Considering Your Feelings


signs your friend doesn't value you

Friends who care about their words and are mindful of how they may affect you create an atmosphere of understanding and respect in your relationship. However, if your buddy consistently makes insensitive or hurtful comments without considering the impact on your feelings, it can be deeply hurtful. This behavior can erode your trust and emotional health within the relationship.

12. Use Sarcasm Very Often


signs your friend doesn't value you

Using sarcasm or consistently putting you down is detrimental to your self-esteem and overall mental well-being. Supportive peer uplifts and encourages you rather than using derogatory remarks or sarcasm that can leave you feeling diminished. Healthy bonds involve respectful and kind communication that fosters a positive self-image.

13. They Have a Change of Behavior in the Presence of Others

signs your friend doesn't value you

When your friend exhibits contrasting behaviors in a group setting compared to when you're alone together, it implies that they might not feel as at ease or genuine around you in a group dynamic. They may put on a different persona or prioritize other people's opinions over their genuine interactions with you. This inconsistency can make you doubt whether you are in a toxic friendship.

14. Your Friend Doesn't Take Time to Get to Know the Important People in Your Life



signs your friend doesn't value you

When friends don't make time to acquaint themselves with the significant people in your life, it can be indicative of a lack of genuine investment in your overall well-being. Genuine friends make an effort to understand and connect with those who are significant to you. When your friend doesn't invest in these relationships, it can leave you feeling like they don't truly value your connections and experiences.

15. They Break Promises Or Fail to Follow Through on Commitments


signs your friend doesn't value you

Trust and reliability are the foundations of any strong friendship. If your friend frequently breaks promises or fails to follow through on commitments, it can damage the trust you have in them. Reliability is crucial for building a solid friendship, and when someone hurts your feelings and doesn't care, it can lead to disappointment and uncertainty about their dedication to the relationship.

16. They Lack Empathy And Support During Difficult Times


signs your friend doesn't value you

There are times in life when it is crucial to have pals who offer empathy and support. If your friend lacks empathy and fails to provide the support you need when you're going through difficulties, it can leave you feeling isolated and uncared for. Good buddies stand by you, offer a listening ear, and provide comfort during tough moments.

17. They Discourage You from Pursuing Your Goals And Passions


signs your friend doesn't value you

A supportive friend encourages and uplifts you, helping to build your self-confidence. However, if your buddy constantly undermines your self-confidence or discourages you from pursuing your goals and passions, it can be a sign someone is disappointed in you. True mates believe in your abilities and dreams, offering support and motivation to help you thrive.

18. Your Mate Avoids Taking Responsibility for Their Actions


signs your friend doesn't value you

Taking responsibility for one's actions is a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy relationships. When someone doesn't care about taking responsibility and instead blames others or makes excuses, it can lead to a lack of trust and accountability within the friendship. True friends own up to their mistakes, apologize sincerely, and work towards making amends.

19. They Offer Insincere Apologies Or Fail to Make Amends When They've Hurt You


signs your friend doesn't value you

Apologies are essential for healing and repairing relationships. When a friend hurts you and doesn't care or fails to make amends, it can leave emotional wounds. A genuine friend recognizes their mistakes, shows remorse, and takes action to repair the damage caused, valuing the friendship enough to work towards healing.

20. Your Achievements Or Successes Trigger Jealousy Instead of Happiness 



signs your friend doesn't value you

In a true friendship, your achievements and successes should be met with genuine happiness and support. However, if your buddy reacts with jealousy or envy instead of celebrating your accomplishments, it signs someone doesn't like you as a friend. Pals celebrate each other's victories and find joy in the happiness and achievements of one another.

21. They Purposely Exclude You from Activities Or Gatherings

If your friend purposely excludes you from activities or gatherings, it can make you feel like you're not an integral part of their social circle. Feeling left out can lead to isolation and diminish your sense of importance in the bond. In a caring companionship, inclusivity, and consideration for each other's feelings are vital.

22. Your Friend Disregards Your Boundaries Or Fails to Respect Your Need for Space


signs your friend doesn't value you

Maintaining good partnerships requires that each party respects the other's limits. If your friend consistently disregards your boundaries or fails to respect your need for space, it can lead to feelings of discomfort and intrusion. True friends understand and honor each other's boundaries, allowing for a healthy balance of togetherness and individuality.

23. They Frequently Compare You to Others


signs your friend doesn't value you

Comparison can be toxic and damaging to self-esteem. Friends who aren't happy for you frequently compare you to others, highlighting your flaws and making you feel inadequate. Such behavior can be emotionally harmful. Genuine buddies accept and celebrate each other for who they are, embracing their unique qualities and supporting personal growth.

24. Your Friend Rarely Expresses Gratitude for Your Kindness And Support


signs your friend doesn't value you

Gratitude is an essential aspect of any relationship. If your friend rarely expresses gratitude for your kindness, support, or gestures of companionship, it can leave you feeling unappreciated. In a genuine bond, both parties acknowledge and appreciate each other's efforts, fostering a positive and appreciative dynamic.

25. They Manipulate You into Feeling Guilty


signs your friend doesn't value you

Manipulation can erode trust and compromise your well-being. If your friend manipulates you into feeling guilty or obligated to meet their demands, it disregards your own needs and autonomy. Good friends respect each other's choices and communicate openly, without resorting to manipulative tactics.

Dr. Samar Hafeez says, “Take care of your emotional and mental well-being immediately. Seek advice from a wise and tested friend, a friend that has been there for you since forever(in both happiness, health and illness or distress). Also, withhold or stop sharing any sensitive information with a manipulative friend, it is always better to strive for Emotional Independence, it is better learnt with the help of a therapist or relationship coach. With independence comes clarity and vice versa. Learn more about yourself that will enhance self-awareness, explore your strengths and weaknesses. Be self compassionate, not everything is your fault. Look forward to moving on and meeting genuine and trustworthy friends in life. But be your own true friend until you meet someone that matches your expectations.“


26. Your Friend Engages in Gossip Or Spreads Rumors About You 


signs your friend doesn't value you

Gossiping or spreading rumors about you is a betrayal of trust and can cause significant emotional harm. It is a telltale sign you are not valued in a friendship. Real pals respect your privacy and trust, refraining from engaging in such behavior. Gossip and rumors can damage your reputation and strain relationships, making it important to surround yourself with friends who value your trust and uphold your confidentiality.

27. They Exhibit a Lack of Trust Or Are Overly Suspicious of Your Intentions


signs your friend doesn't value you

A lack of trust or constant suspicion from your friend can create an atmosphere of unease and may feel that you are in a one-sided friendship. Trust is the foundation of strong relationships, and when it is lacking, it can erode the bond and hinder healthy communication. Honest friendships are built on mutual trust and belief in each other's intentions.

28. They Confuse Your Vulnerability with Weakness

If a friend treats you delicately, it means they are being too cautious and protective of you because they think you are emotionally weak. This conduct might be irritating and patronizing, underestimating your fortitude and vulnerability. It's important to express your feelings and demand equitable treatment.

29. They Take Advantage of Your Generosity Without Reciprocating


signs your friend doesn't value you

A healthy friendship involves mutual give-and-take, with both parties reciprocating gestures of kindness and generosity. If your friend consistently takes advantage of your generosity without reciprocating, this sign that your friend doesn't value you. Real friends appreciate and reciprocate gestures of kindness, fostering a balanced and mutually supportive relationship.

30. They Don't Make an Effort to Understand Your Perspectives 


signs your friend doesn't value you

Understanding and respecting each other's perspectives and values is crucial for maintaining a strong acquaintance. If your buddy consistently fails to make an effort to understand your perspectives or values, it can lead to misunderstandings and a sense of disconnect. Caring peers engage in open and respectful dialogue, seeking to understand each other's viewpoints.

31. They Rarely Discuss Their Personal Life with You


signs your friend doesn't value you

When you feel your best friend doesn't share things with you anymore about their own lives, it may indicate a lack of openness and intimacy in the friendship. They could be maintaining a level of privacy regarding certain aspects of their lives or may not feel entirely at ease being vulnerable in your presence. This can create a sense of distance and hinder the depth of meaningful connection between you.



Recognizing the signs that your friend doesn't value you is crucial for self-discovery and growth. Your value should never be determined by how others treat you, as you possess inherent uniqueness that warrants love, respect, and authentic friendship. Embrace the opportunity to surround yourself with supportive, caring pals who value your well-being and understand your perspectives. Cultivate healthy relationships that nourish your soul and bring joy to your life. Remember that the power to create a fulfilling and loving circle of friends lies within you.


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What are effective ways to establish boundaries with a friend who lacks respect for me?
When establishing boundaries with a friend who lacks mutual respect for you, it's important to communicate your needs clearly and assertively. Be firm in expressing what is acceptable and what is not, and be prepared to enforce those boundaries if they are violated.

Is it possible to maintain a healthy friendship with someone who does not show me respect?
Maintaining a healthy friendship with someone who does not show you respect can be challenging. It may require open and honest communication to address the lack of respect and work towards improving the dynamics of the friendship. However, if the disrespect persists and affects your well-being, it may be necessary to reconsider the viability of the friendship.

What are some traits or behaviors that can be considered rude in a friendship?
Rude traits or behaviors in a friendship can include constant criticism, belittling comments, dismissive attitudes, a lack of consideration for your feelings, and consistently disregarding your boundaries. It's important to recognize and address these behaviors to maintain mental health and respectful friendship.

How can I identify toxic friends and their detrimental impact on my well-being?
Identifying toxic friends can be done by observing patterns of behavior such as manipulation, constant negativity, dishonesty, a lack of support, and friends who consistently drain your energy and self-esteem. If a friend consistently brings you down and negatively impacts your well-being, it may be a sign of toxicity.

Are friendships sometimes imbalanced or one-sided in terms of effort and care?
Yes, friendships can sometimes become imbalanced or one-sided. One person may invest more effort and care, while the other takes it for granted. It's crucial to assess the balance in a friendship and address any imbalances to ensure a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship.

If I suspect my friend doesn't value our friendship, what steps can I take?
If you suspect that your friend doesn't value your friendship, it's important to have an open and honest conversation with them. This communication can help gain clarity and determine if the friendship can be improved or if it's best to move on.

Is it possible to salvage a friendship if my friend doesn't appreciate or value me?
Salvaging a friendship where your friend doesn't appreciate or value you can be challenging. It requires both parties to be willing to acknowledge and address the issues. However, if your friend consistently shows a lack of appreciation and value for you, it may be necessary to consider if the friendship is worth maintaining for your well-being.

How can I effectively establish boundaries with a friend who lacks appreciation for me?
To establish boundaries with a friend who lacks appreciation for you, clearly communicate your expectations and needs. Be consistent in enforcing those boundaries, and be prepared to reassess the friendship if they continue to disregard your value and appreciation.

Should I address my friend directly about their lack of value for our friendship?
It can be beneficial to address your friend directly about their lack of value for the friendship. Express your concerns and feelings honestly, allowing for open communication. However, be prepared for different outcomes, as your friend may respond positively or negatively. Ultimately, it's important to prioritize your well-being and surround yourself with friends who genuinely appreciate and value you.

About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...

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