110 Beautiful Sister Quotes to Celebrate the Special Bond

Celebrate the beauty and warmth of sisterly love with the best sister quotes that will touch your sister’s heart and fill her eyes with tears of joy.

Niloufar Esmaeilpour
Reviewed by NILOUFAR ESMAEILPOUR , Clinical Psychologist | Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on May 30, 2024 | 05:46 PM IST | 598.8K
sister quotes
sister quotes

The bond shared between sisters is always special and no words can describe the beauty of that relationship! No matter how much they bicker, tease each other, or even fight with a pillow — the truth is that they share a deep love and always have each other’s back. A sister is your confidante — one who wants the best for you and cares for you a lot. To celebrate this eternal bond, here is a list of sister quotes to share with your sis and convey your feelings. 

“The bond between sisters is often regarded as special due to a myriad of factors deeply rooted in shared experiences, emotional connection, and lifelong support. Sisters typically grow up together, sharing formative experiences and milestones, which creates a unique understanding and closeness,” says Niloufar Esmaeilpour, a Registered Clinical Counselor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counselors (R.C.C.).

“From childhood to adulthood, sisters often provide each other with a sense of companionship, empathy, and validation. This bond is often characterized by a deep level of trust, as sisters confide in each other, share secrets, and offer a safe space for vulnerability without fear of judgment,” continues Esmaeilpour.

Whether you want to make your sister’s day with emotional sister quotes or make her go LOL with funny ones — we have everything here you need to celebrate the beauty of your bond with your sis! Share these quotes with her and express your appreciation and admiration!


Sweet Sister Quotes to Celebrate Love through the Power of Words

1. “Look inside any sister relationship and you’ll find a wealth of interesting stories.”— Colleen Sell

2. “Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.” — Amy Li

3. “When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?” — Pam Brown

4. “Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world.” — Marilyn Monroe

5. “Sisters are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring—quite often the hard way.”— Pamela Dugdale

6. “She is my sounding board, my confidante, my keeper of secrets – and my best friend.” — Kathleen O’Keefe

7. "Being sisters means you always have back up." — Unknown

8. “Is solace anywhere more comforting than that in the arms of a sister? — Alice Walker

9. “Acquaintances were always on their best behavior, but sisters loved each other enough to say anything.” — Lauren Weisberger


10. “A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” — Marion Garretty

11. “Depending on the day, the mood, the weather, or the time of day, a sister can be a companion, an adversary, an enemy or a soulmate.”— Bonnie Louise Kuchler

12. “We’ll always fight, but we'll always make up as well. That's what sisters do: we argue, we point out each other’s frailties, mistakes, and bad judgment, we flash the insecurities we've had since childhood, and then we come back together. Until the next time.” — Lisa See

13. “Sister. She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.” — Barbara Alpert


14. “The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.”— Cali Rae Turner

15. “A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves — a special kind of double.” — Toni Morrison

16. “A big sister is your first friend and your second mother.” — Anonymous

17. “We acquire friends and we make enemies, but our sisters come with the territory.”— Evelyn Loeb

18. “You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you.” — George R.R. Martin

19. “She’s always there for me when I need her; She’s my best friend; she’s just my everything.”  — Ashley Olsen

20. “We have our own, unspoken language—a look that makes one of us fall on the floor laughing or the slight inflection in our voice that conveys everything. It is the ability to prod laughter and love no matter how much your heart might hurt. Someone who sees you exactly as you are and thinks that is enough. Someone who will walk next to you always.” — Barbara Bush

21. “There is no place for secrets in sisterhood.”— Erin Forbes

22. "Sisters are for sharing laughter and wiping tears." — Unknown


Funny Sister Quotes That Will Hurt Her Cheekbones with Laughter

Funny Sister Quotes That Will Hurt Her Cheekbones with Laughter

23. “If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.”— Linda Sunshine

24. “My first beauty moment was when I was probably four years old. My sister and I snuck into my mom’s room and got into her makeup. We put on blush and lipstick and eyeshadow. I will always remember that day.” — Stella Maxwell

25. “If your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out and cannot catch your eye, she’s wearing your best sweater.”— Pam Brown

26. “When my sister, Joan, arrived I asked if I could swap her for a rabbit. When I think what a marvelous friend she’s been, I’m so glad my parents didn’t take me at my word.” — Maeve Binchy

27. “What are sisters for if not to point out the things the rest of the world is too polite to mention.” ― Claire Cook

28. “The only person I lie to is my little sister, when I steal her clothes.” — Kendall Jenner

29. “A sister smiles when one tells one’s stories – for she knows where the decoration has been added.” — Chris Montaigne


30. "More than Santa Claus, your sister knows when you've been bad and good." — Linda Sunshine

31. "Sisters never quite forgive each other for what happened when they were five."— Pam Brown

32. “Sisters examine each other so they can have a map for how they should behave.“— Michael D. Kahn

33. “My sister…is the person who keeps me in line, whether I like it or not. I trust her and also have a good, healthy fear of her.”— Katy Perry

34. “My first beauty moment was when I was probably four years old. My sister and I snuck into my mom’s room and got into her makeup. We put on blush and lipstick and eyeshadow. I will always remember that day.” — Stella Maxwell

35. “I suppose there are sisters that don’t compete. I have never met one.” — Lisa Grunwald

36. “When my sister, Joan, arrived I asked if I could swap her for a rabbit. When I think what a marvelous friend she’s been, I’m so glad my parents didn’t take me at my word.” — Maeve Binchy

37. "You can kid the world, but not your sister."— Charlotte Gray

38. “Never let an angry sister brush your hair.”— Anonymous

39. “What are sisters for if not to point out the things the rest of the world is too polite to mention.”― Claire Cook

40. “A sister will always notice her sister’s first gray hairs with glee.”— Allison M. Lee

41. “A sister smiles when one tells one’s stories – for she knows where the decoration has been added.” — Chris Montaigne

42. “Sisters are reliably good for two things: hating and loving.”— Jessica Knoll

43. “Nobody fights you like your own sister; nobody else knows the most vulnerable parts of you and will aim for them without mercy.”— Jojo Moyes

44. "Sisters are like cookies and milk... Whether things are sweet or crummy, they're better together." — Anonymous

Inspirational Sister Quotes of All Time

Inspirational Sister Quotes of All Time

45. “Your sister is a jewel, a priceless, one—of—a—kind gem who makes living precious for many people, including you.”— Dave Pipitone

46. "Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other." — Carol Saline

47. “I learned many life lessons from watching my big sister make mistakes!” — Kate Summers

48. “Parents are just parents, brothers are just brothers, best friends are just best friends, even husbands are just husbands, but sisters—well, sisters are the ones to whom sisters always turn in times of joy or trouble, celebration or crisis.”— Lorraine Bodger


49. “Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.”— Carol Saline

50. “My sister was the one person who told me not to change, that my skin was beautiful. She really helped me feel good about myself.” — Khoudia Diop

51. “Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.” — Margaret Mead

52. “Often, in old age, the sisters become each other’s chosen and most happy companions. In addition to their shared memories of childhood and their relationship to each other’s children, they . . . carry the echoes of their mother’s voice.”— Margaret Mead

53. “There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me.” — Mary Wortley Montagu

54. “One’s sister is part of one’s essential self, an eternal presence of ones’ heart, soul and memory.”— Susan Cabil

55. “As I grew up, one of my strongest allies has been my sister.” — Patti Smith

56. “Help one another, is part of the religion of sisterhood.” — Louisa May Alcott

Sister Quotes for Big Sister

Sister Quotes for Big Sister

57. “An older sister is a friend and defender—a listener, conspirator, a counselor and a sharer of delights. And sorrows too.”— Pam Brown

58. “If you don’t annoy your big sister for no good reason from time to time, she thinks you don’t love her anymore.” — Pearl Cleage

59. A big sister is someone who’s been where you’ve been; someone you can call when things aren’t going right; is more than just family; a sister is a forever friend.” — Anonymous

60. “Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life.” ― Charles M. Schulz

61. “Having a elder sister is just like a diamond in darkest room.”— Pratiksha Prajapati

62. “Behind every little sister there’s a big sister standing behind her holding a bat saying ‘You wanna say that again.'” — Anonymous

63. “Life has its ups and downs, times of sadness and times of joy. You, little sister, have been through it all with me, thanks for being there.”— Catherine Pulsifer

64. “Big sisters are the people that teach us about life. They teach us what it means to be kind and caring, to be fair, and to know we will not always be right. They teach us about teamwork, conflict resolution, and most importantly they teach us what it is to love and be loved.” — Anonymous


65. “If I was to give you three words to describe my big sister: encourager, supporter, and amazing!”— Ann Butler

66. “Little sisters can be a pain, but the big sister heroine worship can’t be beat.”— Allison M. Lee

Sister Quotes for Your Younger Sister

Sister Quotes for Your Younger Sister

67. “That's the best thing about little sisters: They spend so much time wishing they were elder sisters that in the end they're far wiser than the elder ones could ever be.”— Gemma Burgess

68. “I’ve always admired my little sister because she’s able to play with no fear. She’s a cutthroat player when it comes to taking risks.”— Ashley Prange

69. “A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.” — Marion Garretty

70. “Even though you are my little sister, your hugs during the difficult times in my life, have been like a hug from God.”— Kate Summers

71. “A little sister can drive you crazy when you are young, but the older I get the more I realize what a blessing she is in my life.” — Anonymous

72. “A little sister time is good for the soul.” — Anonymous

73. “Little sister, don’t you do what your big sister done.” — Elvis Presley

Loving & Cute Sister Quotes

Loving & Cute Sister Quotes

74. God sent me an angel when he gave me you as a sister.”— Catherine Pulsifer

75. “Sisters are best friends, they are advisors, they are teachers, and best of all they are people with whom you can talk with about anything – someone you have a special bond with!“ — Catherine Pulsifer

76. “A loyal sister is worth a thousand friends.” — Anonymous

77. “A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” — Isadora James

78. “How do people make it through life without a sister?”— Sara Corpening Whiteford

79. “We have our own, unspoken language—a look that makes one of us fall on the floor laughing or the slight inflection in our voice that conveys everything. It is the ability to prod laughter and love no matter how much your heart might hurt. Someone who sees you exactly as you are and thinks that is enough. Someone who will walk next to you always.”— Barbara Bush, on twin sister Jenna Bush Hager

60. “When our hair is white, we’ll still have our sister love.”— Lisa See

61. “A sister always finds a way of adding joy to your every day.” — Anonymous

62. "Being sisters means you always have back up." — Unknown


63. “Growing up there were times when I was pretty mad at you, but now that we are grown up I can’t imagine what I would do without you. Thanks, Sis!”— Robert Rivers

64. “What are sisters for if not to point out the things the rest of the world is too polite to mention.” ― Claire Cook

65. “Sister you were the one I always told on, now you’re the friend I always lean on. I count my blessings everyday for you.”  — Catherine Pulsifer

66. “My sister and I are so close that we finish each other’s sentences and often wonder who’s memories belong to whom.”— Shannon Celebi

67. “In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips.”— Anonymous

68. “Sisterhood is a funny thing. It’s easy to recognize, but hard to define.” — Pearl Cleage

Meaningful Sister Quotes

Meaningful Sister Quotes

89. “You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you.”— George R.R. Martin

90. “A sister is a special type of angel on earth who brings out your best qualities.” — Anonymous

91. "Sister, you are like my angel, with a love that always glows. You are one of the greatest gifts my heart will ever know." — Anonymous

92. “My sisters are my treasures, the women that keep me grounded.”—Daniela Pesconi — Arthur

93. “Sisters become more beautiful as each day passes by.”  — Michelle Malm

94. “Sister. You are not only a strong woman, you are the strongest tie to the best years of my life.”— Melanie J. Pellowski

95. “A sister travels with you always. She is only a whisper or a thought or a prayer away..She moves through our lives with us.“ — Roxie Kelley

96. “A sister is God’s way of proving he doesn’t want us to walk alone.” — Anonymous

97. "The best advice my mother ever gave me: 'Be nice to your sister. Your friends will come and go, but you will always have your sister. And I promise that someday she will be your best friend." — Anonymous

98. “Appreciation I send to you my sister, for always being there, for your support and encouragement. On you I can always count.”— Catherine Pulsifer

99. “Once women find sisterhood, there’s nothing stronger.” — Zoe Kravitz

Heartfelt “I Love My Sister” Quotes

Heartfelt “I Love My Sister” Quotes

100. “I know my sister like I know my own mind/You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind…I love my sister more than anything in this life/I will choose her happiness over mine every time.”— Hamilton


101. “Being a sibling means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what.” — Anonymous

102. “Four sisters, parted for an hour/None lost, one only gone before/Made by love’s immortal power/Nearest and dearest evermore.” — Louisa May Alcott

103. “Sisters touch your heart in ways no other could. Sisters share… their hopes, their fears, their love, everything they have. Real friendship springs from their special bonds.”— Carrie Bagwell

104. “But the love of sisters needs no words. It does not depend on memories, or mementos, or proof. It runs as deep as a heartbeat. It is as ever-present as a pulse.”— Lisa Wingate

Sister Quotes from Popular Books And Movies

Sister Quotes from Popular Books And Movies

105. “No matter how many years passed or how much responsibility each assumed, they still managed to bicker like bitchy teenagers on a regular basis. In some way, though, each found it comforting; it reminded them how close they really were: Acquaintances were always on their best behavior, but sisters loved each other enough to say anything.” ―Lauren Weisberger, Chasing Harry Winston

106. “For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, To fetch one if one goes astray, To lift one if one totters down, To strengthen whilst one stands.” — Christina Rossetti

107. “At this point, none of us are sure why we fight. We’re sisters. We need no good reason to fight, even though we have plenty of them.” ― Ken Wheaton, Sweet as Cane, Salty as Tears

108. May and I are sisters. We'll always fight, but we'll always make up as well. That's what sisters do: we argue, we point out each other's frailties, mistakes, and bad judgment, we flash the insecurities we've had since childhood, and then we come back together. Until the next time. ” ― Lisa See, Shanghai Girls

109. “Sisters may walk on different paths, but they're never farther than a heartstring.” ― Julia Ash, Find Them

110. “But what Mom never told me is that along the way, you find sisters, and they find you. Girls are cool that way.” ― Adriana Trigiani, Viola in Reel Life


Sisters have a special place in our hearts — the bond shared between them is so unique and magical that it can’t ever be described in words. However, to show your sister that you love her a lot, you can share some beautiful sister quotes and let her know that she is definitely one of the most beautiful people in your life. Sister’s love surely deserves a huge appreciation — so don’t be shy and smother her with love with our list of amazing sayings and quotes on sisters.

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Why should I share quotes with my sister?
Sharing beautiful quotes about sisters can help you convey your emotions and let her know what she means to you. This can help strengthen the bond you two share and bring you closer together.

How to share sister quotes?
You can share these quotes via text messages, post them on social media and tag your sister, or write them down on a card and gift it to your sister to make her feel special.

How should I express love for my sister?
You can thank her for everything she does for you, stick up to her whenever needed, support her, and make her feel adored by sending her a gift or sharing a thoughtful quote.

About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...


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