31 Super Entertaining Texting Games to Play with Friends
Say goodbye to boring messages. These hilarious, clever, and never-boring texting games to play with friends will have you rolling on the floor with laughter!

In today's era, almost every person is busy in their own lives – be it their jobs, studies, marriages, kids, or any other responsibility. Amidst all this, we tend to lose touch with our friends because of lack of time. Every once in a while sending text messages or calling friends is a great way to have in-person conversations, but wouldn’t it be even better if you had ways to keep in touch regularly? Enter awesome texting games to play with friends! Playing text games online is a great way to have fun, strengthen your friendships, and keep in touch with all your friends despite the distance and the daily grind!
There are diverse text message games that you can play with friends. And the best part about them is that you can play all of them just with your smartphone – either via texts, audio messages, or video texts. Below we have the funniest, wackiest, and most entertaining texting games to play with friends to intensify the craziness.
Best Texting Games to Play with Your Friends
1. Nothing But Questions
Generally, everyone is curious by nature. Even if you ask your friend a question, their immediate response is another question, instead of an answer. So, why not convert this intriguing human nature into a texting game with your tribe to have a gala session? The only rule to follow here is that nobody texts any answers. For example, if A texts “What are you doing?” B has to text back the answer with a question in return such as “what were you doing last evening?” and so on and so forth. The moment a friend answers, they lose!
2. Read My Lips
"Read My Lips" is a fun 2-person texting game to play via video message. All you have to do is record yourself while lip-syncing whatever you are saying, send that video to your friend over text, and let them guess the sentence. From songs and movie names to just about anything random or ridiculous – speak on mute and let the laughter roll out!
3. Confessions Game
"Confessions Game" is a super intriguing, scandalous, and fun texting game to play with friends. By taking turns, each person has to reveal something about themselves – either something they did in school, college, at home, or with their partners. However, please be considerate that nobody hurts anyone's feelings.
4. Bucket List
"Bucket List" is a good texting game for adults. A bucket list is basically your to-do list, wherein instead of listing your daily chores and work stuff, you mention things you wish to do, adventures you wish to try, and places you wish to visit. Not only is this an engaging texting game, but it will also help you plan the much-needed trip with your friends!
5. Truth Or Dare?
Who does not love a fascinating game night of "Truth or Dare?" What better way to play this texting game than with your group of friends! Plus, it also makes a great texting game for couples who are in a long-distance relationship. From fun to flirty and downright dirty, the questions will roar with nothing and nowhere to hide when friends come online and text non-stop while sharing pics of their favorite drinks. Moreover, you can save all the recorded videos of the completed dares that your friends text to tease them later on!
6. Do Or Die
"Do or Die" is like a version of Truth Or Dare with no truth questions. By alternating turns, each player gives the other person a witty or hilarious situation or task. The other person can either "Do" it (and send their video via text) or "Die", i.e. accept a punishment.
7. Jumbled Words
"Jumbled Words" is taken from the online version of the classic game of words — Wordle or Scrabble — that we all used to play in our childhood. It is a well-known texting game to play with friends wherein instead of regular texting you have to jumble up the words in your message. Once your friend guesses whatever you are trying to say, they have to respond to that text message in jumbled words. So, bring in the challenge and test your friends while chilling with them!
8. Fill in the Blanks
"Fill in the Blanks" is a fascinating game to play over texts to know how much your friends know about each other. By alternating turns, text a random sentence directed to any friend. For example, "I am most scared when..." Now that friend has to fill in the blanks by answering the correct detail about you. If they do, they win. But, if they can not, be ready with a laughable punishment!
9. Spy Game
"Spy Game” or “I Spy" is a fun guessing game that you can play over text messages or via video messages. What makes the game more intriguing is the fact that your friend will not know exactly what you pick from your room. So, for example, you say "I spy something red." Your friend now has to ask you questions – “Is it small?”, “Is it portable?”, “Can you listen to music with it?”, — so on and so forth. The questions need to be such that you can answer them with only yes or no. Gradually, they must guess that red thing. To make this game more enjoyable and competitive, you can limit the number of questions!
10. Name, Place, Animal, Thing
"Name, Place, Animal, Thing" is another vintage game that you can play with your friends and have a blast. The best way to play this game is via group chat. Connect all your friends and randomly pick a letter (let's say R). Now, by taking turns, everyone must text a name, place, animal, and thing starting with the letter R. The moment a person takes time to think, the game ends. Every distinct and correct answer gets 10 points, so keep making a note. Lastly, add up the scores and announce the highest scorer as the winner!
11. Complete the Sentence
"Complete the Sentence" is yet another fun game to play with your friends over texts. Firstly, turn on the "predictive text" setting on your smartphone. Now, any player can start the game by texting a random half-sentence. Then the other person has to complete it by using predictive texts. Trust us; the completed sentence will definitely make you laugh your heart out!
12. Character Play
"Character Play" is another entertaining game to play online with your friends. Pre-decide which movie character which friend is playing and pretend to be that character throughout the day, including their accents, dialogues, style, etc. Send voice messages to each other by mimicking their dialogues, share selfies replicating their expressions, and indulge in a super fun session!
13. Strictly Emojis
In today's era of technology, how often have we hidden our true emotions and feelings behind emojis? Contrastingly, how many times have we used emojis to express our fluttering hearts when words failed us? Similarly, pick a day when every friend has to speak using only emojis. For example, you need to send someone you are in a meeting, so instead of the entire text, find a relevant emoji and send it. Moreover, severely punish the person who breaks this rule!
14. What if
This is a situation-based texting game to play with your friends. From a 2 person texting game to a multiplayer game, you can play this game however you wish to. To start the game, you have to put a hypothetical situation in front of your friend and ask them, "What would you do?" For example, what if you and the person you dislike the most are stuck in a room for a week, what would you do?
Read More: 30 Best Games for Couples You Should Definitely Try Your Hands on
15. The Humming Game
"The Humming Game" is basically an online playing game to guess the song or lyrics. While one person will hum the lyrics or the tune over a voice message, the other has to guess the song over the text and send a voice note singing it within a time limit. What makes this game thrilling is that not everyone is a singer, and the voices you will get to hear behind uproarious giggles will only give this game another edge!
16. Most Likely to
"Most Likely To…" is yet another fascinating game that will keep your entire crew engaged combined with heavy doses of laughter. It is a simple game, wherein one player has to text a random statement or question such as “Who amongst us is most likely to become a social media influencer?”. Now, everyone has to name one friend who they think fits the bill the most. It is an ideal game to play in a chat group with your closest friends. The ensuing discussions are likely to be intriguing, at least!
17. Think Fast Or Rapid Fire
Another brilliant texting game to play with your friends is "Rapid Fire”, also called“Think Fast". The rules of the game are pretty easy. Let's say one friend says a random word like cloud. The other player quickly has to say something either connected to a cloud like sky, or a word from its last letter like dance. The texts have to be spontaneous and the moment a player takes too much time to think they are eliminated. Continue the game until there is a smarty-pants winner!
18. How Alike Are We?
Have you ever wondered how two people at times say or think the exact same thing at a given moment? And have you ever wanted to test if you and your best friend would pass this test? Well, "How Alike Are We?" is just the perfect game for this. Pick a category (for example, animals), give your friend a countdown, and start texting animals' names until you both blurt a similar name! If neither animal matches, switch the category and continue the flow.
19. Movie Lines
"Movie Lines" is the ultimate game for all the movie buffs out there. If you absolutely love reciting movie dialogues (alone or with your friends), then set up an online get-together, order takeaway, and that's it. Once everyone is connected via group chat, select a favorite movie, and say any random line. The other friends have to keep the flow by texting the dialogue in the same order as in the movie. The one who forgets the correct line loses!
20. Kiss, Marry, Hookup, Kill
"Kiss, Marry, Hookup, Kill" is an engrossing game cum gossip session, especially tailor-made for a friends' reunion. We understand how busy everyone is, so the best way to catch up with whatever is going on in everybody's real life, office, and relationships is by indulging in this quick texting game. The game is uncomplicated. By taking turns, give 4 name choices to another player, and they have to place those names as per the order of kiss, marry, hookup, or kill.
21. Fake Definitions Or Wrong Answers Only
"Fake Definitions or Wrong Answers Only" is truly a childish game to play with friends, wherein you have to give wrong definitions at every cost. For example, a player asks "What color is the sky?" You have to say anything but the exact sky colors, like neon green!
22. How Well Do You Know Me?
"How Well Do You Know Me?" is like a friend's version of compatibility games for couples. Switching turns, every player will ask the other one a personal question to which they are sure that their friend will know the answer. The other player now has two choices – either answer it correctly or face the wrath of disgusting punishments!
23. Abbreviation Master
People are bound to involve abbreviations or slang, like TTYL, BRB, TYT, GTG, ILY, etc. where there is text messaging. Why not convert this into an enjoyable texting game? "Abbreviation Master" is another solution to kill your boredom when you run out of things to talk about with your friends. So, instead of your regular conversations, you will use only abbreviations for the entire day, and let the other person work all their brain cells to understand those slang!
24. Unpopular Opinions
“Unpopular Opinions” really are a trend these days not only because people have become more opinionated but because the new generation has started shedding light on many critical issues. Why not indulge in healthy banter debating over the numerous overly hyped or cliched things with your friends?
25. Never Have I Ever
"Never Have I Ever" makes one of the best drinking games to play with friends despite the distance. It is a simple texting game. By taking turns, every person texts something that they have done. All those who agree with it, send a thumbs-up emoji and take a shot, while others do not. And the game continues until every person is dizzy enough not to think of the game but of the memories made.
26. Would You Rather?
"Would You Rather?" is a frivolous version of the situation-based texting game to play with friends. By alternating turns, each person asks or rather gives a choice to the other person to choose from. For example, would you rather drink no water for a week or drink water with visible dirt in it?
27. Text Strip Poker
"Text Strip Poker" is a level-up of the traditional game of poker. This is a texting game for adults wherein the player has to remove a piece of his clothing every time they lose and send the recorded video over text messages. There is no until in this game, but be considerate that everybody is comfortable enough. If somebody is not, it is better to give them a subtle yet silly punishment than spoil the game or the mood.
28. 20 Questions Game
"20 Questions Game" is a fun texting game to play with friends where you can ask a series of questions ranging from personal, romantic, flirty, silly, and deep to funny and dirty. The only rule is to be honest and a game player!
29. Trivia Time
"Trivia Time" is a quiz-based competitive game to play with your friends over texts. Firstly, download the trivia questions game app from iOS or the Andriod Play Store. Then your friends the game invite. Pick a category from movies, history, science, art, theatre, geography, politics, animals, birds, superstars, etc. Proceed to answer maximum questions and show off your intelligence! Contrastingly, you can ask your friends to pick their preferred category. Then you can text questions with multiple choice and give them a time limit. If they guess the correct answer, they win. Take chances until you have a clear winner!
30. Build a Story
"Build-A-Story" is a texting game that will activate your creativity and fuel your imagination. As the name suggests, one person will give the other one a gist of the situation. The other player will then proceed to make a short story on the spot. The challenge is to be as authentic, interesting, and unique within the given time limit.
31. How Will You Survive?
"How Will You Survive" is a fantasy situationship game that you can play with your friends over texts. The rules of this texting game are simple. Decide the order of turns for all of you and the time limit before starting the game. The first friend will give a situation to the second friend, like “how will you survive a zombie apocalypse?” The second friend immediately has to answer before the timer runs out. If not, they die. Continue the game until there is only one friend surviving!
Texting games indeed are a fun way of staying in touch with your friends. These games are a great way to relieve stress and have fun, especially when you are bored or waiting for something or someone. Plus, they make a fantastic way to make new friends, and you can play them anytime, anywhere. If you do not know what cool texting games to play with friends, then this article will certainly guide you through some of the best and most fun text games so that you can have a blast with your friends!

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